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Bisbee Bits/latest races/tech/penis envy/October #27


The firehose of info continues... ncluding firewise info below. Since Old Bisbee is the most likely area for a fire (historically verifiable) and the ease that it could spread, if you live in Old Bisbee, it would be beneficial to check out this info and get on board. Thanks to Al Anderson and Ann Carl for initiating this process. 

The Bisbee Radio Project is seeking Board members. Go to the new website at and put in an application. (Actually all you have to do to  be considered for the ballot is your name and a brief bio and send it to due by November 1.

I am seriously considering running for the board, but have not yet made a decision. Hopefully a financial committee meeting this week will give a true picture of the state of the BRP.  I would hope other folks would step forward with the skill, history, commitment, and involvement to seriously consider the Board. There are a range of issues that need to be addressed including some top-to-bottom housekeeping stuff like a more definitive application for the board, updating by-laws, looking at the mission statement, up-to-date financial reporting, and meeting preparation. And there are different issues including, the many specific decisions how to operate the Royale as well as the prime questions of who will operate the Royale, increasing revenue, marketing, better communication, streamlining operations, board overview/daily operations, and several others. The new board could benefit if there were active committees looking at various aspects and making recommendations. The overarching goal of the board members, in my view, is improving the radio station and Royale to better serve the community while building a financial sustainable operation. I believe it can be done.

There is a big need for volunteers for events and film nights. If you have a few spare hours it is a rewarding gig to be part of building your community. Contact Kay Lynn Cummins at or 432-9008.




Wednesday Oct. 24 6-7:30 Pan Terra Gallery. Kelly Fryer, primary candidate for Gov is the speaker. Women to Women is an informal conversation with a  speaker of note and lotsa discussion. And Whatta deal! you get 20% off of the merch at Pan Terra.  RSVP (Répondez s'il vous plaît )  or less formally...let em know you are attending. t 432-3320 or



Don't wanna miss this...Greg and Tracy are pros at scaring the bejeezus out of peeps. The Haunt, located at 213 Black Knob View, is free and will be open 6:30-9pm on Oct 27th and the 31st. All are welcome but we recommend ages 8 & up. Full Sized candy bars for the first 100 guests. Happy Halloween.



(thanks to Kurt for this blurb)

A well attended meeting was held last week to talk about the dangers of fire in OB.  Fire officials spoke well about the risk of fire and how Firewise works across Arizona.  Bisbee is one of the highest risk communities in Arizona that does not have a designation in the program. Old Bisbee Firewise will have a local volunteer board and the main job is to submit annual surveys of the work people do on the property to reduce fire risk.  In a culture of increased insurance rates, Bisbee has to look out for its own.  There were many discussions of grants and cost-sharing for crews to do the hard work of clearing dead brush.  The main benefits of being a Firewise community is political clout in asking BLM and other entities around Bisbee to help with the urban-wildland interface.  Residents can contribute less than 10 hours per year and it will qualify as a Firewise community.  Bisbee PD, BLM and State Forestry have a lot of experience and can bring grants to specific issues.  Several informative videos were shown, reminding people that the science of fire danger to the built environment is from blowing embers, not direct walls of flame.  That means that a fire on one side of the canyon can shower embers onto little bits of duff at the base of another house across the canyon and start the fire there.  Buffel Grass fire burning 18 feet high was shown in one video, which shows the risk to the areas on Claussen Road and High Road where the invasive grass is taking over native vegetation. Go to: Up on the top right section of that page Click on: <FirewiseUSA> Make sure it takes you to the <Public Education> page, if not, click on that tab which is located on the red banner. Scroll down the page to the “Free training section and Wildfire and Insurance: Be Financially Prepared webinar”.  Click on: <Watch the full webinar>. You will be asked to create an NFPA account, user name and password.  Don’t worry about this because it is well worth it because there is tons of very useful information available on this site.  You then will be taken to the Xchange website where you need to confirm your account information.  Once you do that, you will get to the Xchange home page, click on the <FirewiseUSA> tab which is located at the top right section of that page (just like before when you were on the NFPA site.   Scroll down the page and you will see the same add for the “Free training section” and “Wildfire and Insurance: Be Financially Prepared webinar” (just as you saw it before).  This time when you Click on: <Watch the full webinar>,, it will start streaming. Email for more information.



VOLUNTEER! You can help...from your couch, from your phone, through some shoe leather, with your writing hand...Do it...



Sign up for our virtual phone bank, and we’ll put you in touch with neighbors who haven’t yet returned their early ballots. It’s a great way to build community engagement and increase turnout for #NoProp305. Make calls from home in the evenings (#TeamIntrovert), meet friends at a park or coffee shop to dial together (#TeamExtrovert), or host a ballot party and wrap up with an hour of phone banking (#TeamGettingItDone)!


MY BIASED SELECTIONS Am reprinting this due to popular demand (one person). Have added a few suggestions on the supreme court and school board. US Senate  Kyrsten Sinema

US Representative District 2  Ann Kirkpatrick

Governor  David Garcia

Secretary of State   Katie Hobbs

Attorney General  January Contreras

State Treasurer  Mark Manoil

Superintendent of Public Instruction  Kathy Hoffman

Corporation Commissioner  Sandra Kennedy, Kianna Sears

State Mine Inspector  Bill Pierce

State Senator  Jaime Alvarez

State Representatives district 14  Bob Karp & Shelley-Leon

Justice of the Peace – Prec. 1   Janus Poppe Superior Court Judge-– Div. 1   Laura Cardinal Superior Court Judge – Div. 2   Joel Larson Superior Court Judge – Div. 3   David Thorn

Supreme Court- Clint Bolick  NO Supreme Court- John Pelander   NO or leave blank Bisbee School Board   Rhodes YES

Bisbee School Board   Ott YES

Proposition 125   YESProposition 126    NO Proposition 127  YES Proposition 305   NO Proposition 306   NO



If you are interested in how races across the country are shaping up, likely the most detailed analysis of national and state campaigns/polls/inside stuff is here:



The NRCC has cancelled their ad buys for C-2 District Marquez-Peterson. This is usually a sign they have given up on a candidate  and need to use the money in a closer race elsewhere. Marquez is a political newby trying to walk a line between supporting Trump and appealing to indies and conservative Dems. A lackluster campaigner, she was almost invisible in the primary. Below is a detailed analysis why the C-2 district is leaning strongly to Kirkpatrick. (although not necessarily Cochise County).


SENATE AND HOUSE RACES...DIFFERENT SCENARIOS The latest in a national analysis of mid term elections


JEWS VERBOTEN–CHRISTIANS ONLY South Carolina wants to bar Jewish (and any other non-christian) people from foster parenting.


IRS Agents Since 2011, the IRS has seen its enforcement staff fall by a third, down to 33,200 people working to investigate tax cheats. The IRS estimates that business owners don’t pay $125 billion in taxes that they owe every year, however the reduced staffing has led to the audit rate falling 42 percent since the start of the budget cuts. This means that last year, prosecution of tax fraud was down to 795 cases where that was the primary offense, which is down a quarter from the level of prosecutions in 2010.






ELECTION/TRUMP/RUSSIANS In a new book exploring the effects of Russian interference in the 2016 election, Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania, “offers a forensic analysis of the available evidence and concludes that Russia very likely delivered Trump’s victory, the New Yorker's Jane Mayer reported. In her book, titled “Cyberwar: How Russian Hackers and Trolls Helped Elect a President — What We Don’t, Can’t, and Do Know,” Jamieson does not say that Russian operatives tampered with voting equipment but claims instead that they influenced voters' behavior, according to the New Yorker.

“In two hundred and twenty-four pages of extremely dry prose, with four appendixes of charts and graphs and fifty-four pages of footnotes, Jamieson makes a strong case that, in 2016, ‘Russian masterminds’ pulled off a technological and political coup,” Mayer wrote. “Moreover, she concludes, the American media ‘inadvertently helped them achieve their goals.’ ”

Jamieson also makes the case that Trump's rhetoric during the campaign and Russia's interests converged. “Jamieson argues that the impact of the Russian cyberwar was likely enhanced by its consistency with messaging from Trump’s campaign, and by its strategic alignment with the campaign’s geographic and demographic objectives,” Mayer wrote. “Had the Kremlin tried to push voters in a new direction, its effort might have failed. But, Jamieson concluded, the Russian saboteurs nimbly amplified Trump’s divisive rhetoric on immigrants, minorities, and Muslims, among other signature topics, and targeted constituencies that he needed to reach.”



DON"T USE FACEBOOK TO LOG IN OTHER APPSBig trouble since 50 million Facebook users info was hacked. If you use facebook to sign into other sites; don't. Here's why: REMOVE YOUR PHONE NUMBER FROM FACEBOOK, STOP ADS Following a report by Gizmodo that Facebook allows advertisers to target phone numbers, Facebook has confirmed the practice with TechCrunch, stating that it uses phone numbers provided for security purposes to target users with ads.

For example, a grocery store that collects phone numbers for rewards could, in theory, target that database of phone numbers on Facebook. Facebook would cross-reference the grocery store's list with its own database of phone numbers and serve ads to users associated with those numbers.



An interesting development that could help economic growth in Bisbee.









Check here:


REMEMBER IT! The Names of People You Meet, All of Your Passwords, Where You Left Your Keys, and Everything Else You Tend to Forget.

The book...

"Throughout his research into memory theory, Nelson Dellis found existing memory improvement guides to be wanting—overcomplicated, dry, and stodgy. So he decided to write a book that is approachable and fun, centered on what people actually need to remember. In Remember It!, Dellis teaches how to make the most of our memory, using techniques offering bite-size chapters, addressing things we wish we could remember but often forget: names, grocery lists, phone numbers, where you left your keys—you name it!"



Doubling production to sell overseas. while importing millions of gallons of oil.

The Permian basin — which is in west Texas and New Mexico — is the juggernaut of oil and gas production worldwide. But this leading to some serious environmental concerns, ranging from pollution to greenhouse gas emissions. One effect the boom is having is on the water supply. At the end of August, 80 public water systems in west Texas were encouraging or mandating reduced water use due to drought. But oil and gas companies — when fracking and drilling — are using unprecedented volumes of water. In 2011, 6.8 billion gallons of water were used in the Permian Basin in oil and gas extraction. In 2017, that rose to 58 billion gallons. In 2023, it’s projected that 130 billion gallons of water will be used. That could have consequences for both the public and the industry, and the absence of data or a state agency policing groundwater use doesn’t help.



Embarrassed by that average appendage? Look longingly at that guy in the shower? Seek to see women/men roll their eyes in shock and horror?

Forget those exercises and pills, for a mere $9,000 you too can have that long dong and thick stick.



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