editor: fred miller June 2 , 2020 Bisbee Wire #10 May 2020
Contagion and Conflagration: We live in troubled times, I feel like a spectator as the actual life scenes of this reality are rendered small and movielike on the various screens of our lives. The accumulated anger of people trying to get by, just ordinary living a life, and stymied at every turn. We don't smell the acrid smoke, hear the disorienting sounds, and see the contrived confusion of modern population control policing trying to contain the righteous indignation of those in the streets. It does become removed emotionally. And although I have experienced many many prior protests I'm somewhat cowed by the infusion of military issued weapons now included in standard police arsenals. Can weapons of war preserve peace? Not likely for long.
Can this decrepit, resilient system, shored up by mostly geriatric white male politicians, that protects wealth by endangering health, uses force to order workers to work when sick, and ignores science in favor of quackery, last long? And will the people of this country, in all our diversity, sustain the rule of an authoritarian crackpot? Stay tuned.
This is a short excerpt from a very long article in a 1962 New Yorker "The Fire Next Time"
"...It was a summer of dreadful speculations and discoveries, of which these were not the worst. Crime became real, for example—for the first time—not as a possibility but as the possibility. One would never defeat one’s circumstances by working and saving one’s pennies; one would never, by working, acquire that many pennies, and, besides, the social treatment accorded even the most successful Negroes proved that one needed, in order to be free, something more than a bank account. One needed a handle, a lever, a means of inspiring fear. It was absolutely clear that the police would whip you and take you in as long as they could get away with it, and that everyone else—housewives, taxi-drivers, elevator boys, dishwashers, bartenders, lawyers, judges, doctors, and grocers—would never, by the operation of any generous human feeling, cease to use you as an outlet for his frustrations and hostilities. Neither civilized reason nor Christian love would cause any of those people to treat you as they presumably wanted to be treated; only the fear of your power to retaliate would cause them to do that, or to seem to do it, which was (and is) good enough. There appears to be a vast amount of confusion on this point, but I do not know many Negroes who are eager to be “accepted” by white people, still less to be loved by them; they, the blacks, simply don’t wish to be beaten over the head by the whites every instant of our brief passage on this planet. White people in this country will have quite enough to do in learning how to accept and love themselves and each other, and when they have achieved this—which will not be tomorrow and may very well be never—the Negro problem will no longer exist, for it will no longer be needed."
Regular Council Meeting Tuesday, June 2, 2020 7PM
Live streamed on the city’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/COB118Arizona/)
The public can submit comments that will be read at the dais by a staff member to publiccomment@bisbeeaz.gov
Background here: http://www.bisbeeaz.gov/agendacenter
Of interest:
Item ...ambulance subscriptions up again, only voluntary this time.
Item 6...the budget is basically a done deal, but this is your chance to say something about the city's priorities
Item 8...PSPRS lays out a schedule for repayment, hah!
Item 13...Charter amendments. I was on the committee that proposed these changes to the Charter. Seven months of meetings to try and form this living document that is at the core of how our city operates. I hope they don't tinker with it and just refer it in toto to the ballot.
Item 15...the pool
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
Approval of the Consent Agenda
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on May 19, 2020 at 7:00 pm.
3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-20-09; Amending Article 16.2 Queen Mine Regulations and Fees and providing for repeal and severability.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
4. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice to adopt Ordinance O-20-10; Amending Article 4.5.1 Rates, and Establishing Article 4.5.2, Ambulance Subscriptions and providing for repeal and severability.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
5. Discussion and Possible Direction/Action on a petition received from Monika Patience regarding items blocking the Easement and Right of Way between 201 and 205 OK Street.
David M. Smith, Mayor
6. Public Hearing on Truth and Taxation and Public Hearing and Discussion on FY 2020-21 Proposed Budget for the City of Bisbee.
Keri Bagley, Finance Director
7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-20-17; Adopting the Final Budget FY 20-21 for the City of Bisbee; Adopting the Alternative Expenditure Limitation for FY 20-21.
Keri Bagley, Finance Director
8. Discussion and Possible Approval of PSPRS Pension Funding Policy.
Keri Bagley, Finance Director
9. Discussion and Possible Approval to enter into the Cares Act Airport Agreement.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
10. Discussion and Possible Approval to Repair the Sulzer Submersible Sewer Pump for the Mule Gulch Lift Station.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
11. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bisbee and the Bisbee Senior Association for the Senior Center.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
12. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-20-11, Accepting the transfer of Real Property held by Mining Claim in the Saginaw Neighborhood.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
13. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-20-18; Authorizing an Election on Certain Proposed City Charter Amendments to be held on November 3, 2020.
David M. Smith, Mayor/ Charter Review Liaison
14. Possible Approval of a motion to go into Executive Session for the purpose the performance evaluation of Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk.
15. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding Opening of the Bisbee Pool
David M. Smith, Mayor
16. City Manager's Report:
Other Current events (No Discussion)
Council Comments
Bill Klein is starting a beginning Tai Chi class in Vista Park in Warren. The ancient form is a good way to lubricate your movements, but it ain't aerobics in case you didn't know. Monday 9:30 am and Wednesday 5 pm at the flagpole. first class free, then $4 suggested donation. Call for more info; 520 373-2143
"We have decided that there are too many unknowns with a great deal of uncertainty which causes a high risk for participants in events of this nature. We, like so many others, are announcing that the Bisbee 1000 The Great Stairclimb will be postponed until October 16th, 2021."
The traditional wine tasting has been cancelled but the organization` is holding a month-long 'event' to raise money for their activities of repair, cleanup, and and fixup for people in need. This eventbrite site is a portal for donations.
Delays and lane restrictions on Hwy 92 Bisbee>SV in June Motorists on State Route 92 between Baumkirchner Road near Sierra Vista and the Bisbee roundabout will encounter intermittent delays and alternating lane restrictions for pavement work during the month of June. Crews will complete several phases of work including:
Completion of chip seal work at the approach to the Bisbee roundabout
An oil flush along the entire segment of highway
Placement of striping at the Naco Road intersection and the approach to the roundabout (temporary striping followed later by permanent striping)
All work will be completed weekdays during daytime hours.
I'll have a rundown at a later date of who is running for what. In the meantime please register to vote and then actually vote. The primary is August 4, but early voting begins soon.)
Last day to register – July 6 (go to : cochise.az.gov/recorder/forms) Early voting begins – July 8 Deadline to request early ballot – July 24 Deadline to mail your early ballot–July 29 Anne Carl is running as a write in candidate for Superior Court District 5. She needs 453 write in votes to get on the November general ballot. In her words. " I want to give voters a good option. If elected, I’ll be a good judge. I’ll keep an open mind. I’ll be fair. I’ll work hard." That's what we want in a judge. She's practiced law in Cochise County for some time in various public and private positions. She and her husband Al have been active in FireWise. More info at: https://www.facebook.com/CarlforCochise/ by the by...She is the only Democrat running, Her opponents are Republicans, Jason Lindstrom, Roger Contreras and Independent Sandy Russel. What, you say, does the Superior Court do? Go here for more info: https://www.azcourts.gov/AZ-Courts/Superior-Court >>>>>>>>>>>><<<<<<<<< BISBEE ROADTRIP Tucson to Bisbee roadtrip, see it here: https://www.travelawaits.com/2547112/arizona-road-trip-tucson-to-bisbee/
THE RISKS OF TURNING A BLIND EYE The lessons learned from a bleak time in history. Very relevant. (thanks to BK) https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2018/sep/05/survived-warsaw-ghetto-wartime-lessons-extremism-europe ......................... SUPERSPREAD EVENTS
"...it suggests that restricting gatherings where superspreading is likely to occur will have a major impact on transmission, and that other restrictions—on outdoor activity, for example—might be eased."
HOW NOT TO SUPERSPREAD And if you are going to have a gathering this is how to do it.
https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/22/well/live/coronavirus-pandemic-memorial-day-picnics-bbqs.html?fbclid=IwAR0g0HekAOVq_ab0YI6iwbxxxhKr50tZlpr5Ls-SeBMLMpNqAQEymjWQDjY ......................... CAN TRUMP BE SATIRIZED? YEP! Check out Sarah Cooper mouthing Trump's own words. Jeez the leader of the free world is a truly a dingbat https://twitter.com/sarahcpr
......................... THE DEATH CLOCK
Based on delayed actions by Trump, this is a visible attempt to put responsibility on the president for the deaths he has cause by inaction.
https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/06/trump-death-clock-coronavirus-us?utm_term=RWRpdG9yaWFsX0d1YXJkaWFuVG9kYXlVUy0yMDA1MDY%3D&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUS_email&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUS ......................... THE LIAR TWEETS TONIGHT Singalong... https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=236673061013278
......................... OCCUPY DEMOCRATS
This is an email newsletter called the Bisbee Wire. It's put together and edited by Fred Miller, owner of Copper City Inn and beverage manager/bartender at Cafe Roka. It’s free. It is often lengthy and not all fancied up. Basically the newsletter is about disseminating information, mostly economic, business, and technology. It is an open newsletter and I am solely responsible for the content. Feedback is welcome, but the Bisbee Wire isn't a forum. Any questions or comments please send to the bisbeewire@gmail.com. Please do not send announcements or ads to "send out to your email list' they won't be published. If a business is opening or closing or expanding, please notify me, I'd like to know. If you hear a rumor about a business-and would like it verified, please send to me and I'll try to do so.
If you know someone that may be interested in the Wire please forward it to them. If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe go to bisbeewire.com and sign up. I don't sell/give away/exchange my list.