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editor: fred miller June 15, 2021 Wire #11/June 2021


The charade continues in Phoenix...The firm, hired by Repugnican senators and paid for with your tax dollars, cyber ninjerks, continues to make it up as they go along. Meantime the doormat legislators continue to go along with the stupidity. Security is lax, 'unauthorized' people have access to ballots, secret + state money flows in, and knuckle dragging repugnicans from 12 other states come look at "how to do it' in their state. All because doublechin don, one of the biggest losers in US history, continues to spout lies. He and his followers worship at the alter of incompetence.

You may notice that on the council agenda is an application for a Vista Park market. Tracy & Doug Taylor, and myself want to bring a market back to Vista Park in Warren. We thought that there is a big loss not having a market in the park and since few have stepped forward since January, we thought we could bring a well-run, quality market for vendors and patrons alike. Here's hoping our application is successful. We would be starting in September.

There also is a proposed motorcycle parking area along subway street in front of the former American Legion on Subway on the agenda. One of those seemingly innocuous parking ideas that is really not a good idea. It would impede delivery and construction trucks that use Subway to Main St. And bikers have been known to flaunt parking restrictions in order to all park together. Six single proposed spots would likely be used as spots for more than six bikes. There's gotta be a better place.



And when they aren't hiding from 'recount'. ...Reugnicans legislators continue to mumble nonsense about the benefits of a flat tax. The trickle down theory, first coined by humorist Will Rogers, has been tested on the national and state level; Reagan, Bush, and Trump all trumpeted it in the form of 'supply side' and it really worked...for the rich. The burgeoning income divergence between working and middle class people and wealthy people can directly be tied to versions of trickle down. The Flat tax is just another way of talking about tax cuts for upper middle, rich, and filthy wealthy while little or no tax relief for the rest of us.

A flat tax would cut Bisbee's urban revenue share by $202,000, a reduction of about 2.5%. It would cost other cities way more, millions, in reduced revenue. Who makes up that loss? Why you dear taxpayer! Repugnicans have created this budget with absolutely no input from democrats. (Maybe it was crafted by ALEC!) They had four months to bring forth a budget and they produced a fantasy shorting cities, education, services and more so the wealthy can get more dough. Blecch! (Read my op-ed in the Capitol Times here: or at the end of this long newsletter.

Kansas is the most well known example of the colossal failure of flat taxes They are still bailing out of this economic disaster from 2012/13 when, as a result of the top tax rate on wages, salaries, and investment income cut by almost 29 percent, education funding was cut 30%, services were cut drastically and their bond rating declined precipitously. The original tax rates were restored in 2017/2018 and Kansas continues to struggle compared to neighboring states.

So despite our senator and two representatives paying little attention to constituents, email or call them anyway; it will help you psychologically and it is possible those things can add up. Also copy Sen. Fann on everything if possible or send to her directly.

Senate prez Karen Fann 926-5874

(602) 926-5154

(602) 926-5895

(602) 926-4852



Due to Covid 19 this meeting will be conducted electronically by Zoom and Facebook. The public can join, listen and view the meeting as follows:

  • City’s Facebook page ( A Facebook account is not necessary.

  • Zoom by calling in at 1-346-248-7799 or by the following link the meeting/webinar ID is 867 1584 6024.

  • The public can submit comments that will be made part of the record and/or read by a staff member to . Citizens can also be recognized to personally to speak during the meeting only if they sign up ahead of time using the email address above. All comments or requests to speak shall be submitted no later than by noon of the day of the Internet meeting, recognizing the 3-minute time limit. Please indicate a specific Council Agenda item number or request 'Call to the Public' on matters that are not listed on this agenda. The City Council cannot discuss or take legal action on any matter raised unless it is properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual members of the City Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the City Council, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be placed on a future agenda. All City Council meetings are recorded.

Of Interest:

#2D Closing Main street from the Post Office to Subway on Saturday July 17 from 6-10 pm for a BHS senior's dance.

#2E An outdoor extension, patio, sought by Electric Brewing. to increase their seating capacity.

# 5 Cazador farms returns with an amended application for a farmers market in Vista Park. Following the May council meeting at which the permit discussion was tabled Cazador was asked by the council to provide more information.

#6 An detailed application to start a Bisbee Saturday market in September for a period of one year was submitted by Tracy and Doug Taylor and myself. We included a business plan, examples of required vendor permits, and other detailed information. Ms Taylor and her husband will be responsible for operations, and I will be help with marketing and business promotion. Both Tracy and Doug have extensive experience as vendors and Mr. Taylor helped start the Eugene, OR Saturaday Market many years ago.

#8 Biden's American Rescue Plan Act is granting money to cities, counties, and states to help weather the economic effects of the pandemic. The city will be getting about $1,745,000 over a two year period. the FY 2022 budget incorporates that sum. This item is to accept the terms of that Act. It is not a loan and does not have to be paid back. Additionally it is coming from the Feds so it doesn't go through the sticky hands of Ducey, who has yet to distribute all the dough from the 2020 to offset pandemic costs to cities. (Bisbee got about $600,000. There is still several million that was used to supplement the State's budget and has not yet been distributed.)

#9 A temporary ban on all permissalbe consumer fireworks within the city until July 6 or until Stage ! fire restrictions is change.

#10 Although there are not plans to open the building till next year there is a a request to Public Works for motorcycle parking adjacent to the former American Legion Bldg on Subway. It was forwarded to P&Z and passed it by 5-1. It is unclear who made the request to PW. The drawing shows six singe bike parking spaces along the front of the building extending alongside the concrete walkway to the stop sign at Main.


INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence






1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds

  1. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on June 1, 2021.

  3. Approval of the Appointment of Heather Loken to the Police and Fire Advisory Committee

  4. Approval of the Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the use of Brewery Gulch for the 4th of July Mucking and Drilling Contests on Sunday, July 4, 2021 from 12:00am to 3:00pm.

  5. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the Senior Class 2021 Dance for the use of Main Street between Subway and Post Office to Celebrate Graduating Class of 2021 from the Bisbee High School to be held on Saturday July 17, 2021 from 6:00pm to 10:00pm; with waiver of fees.

  6. Approval of a Permanent Extension of Premises/Patio Permit application submitted by Electric Brewing, located at 1326 W Highway AZ-92 #8, Fredrickson Joseph Charles, Applicant


3. Discussion and Possible Approval of the recommendation from the Bisbee Arts Commission to fund a grant application for Laurie McKenna in the amount of $500.00 from the Bisbee Arts Commission Fund.

Leslie Johns, Council Liaison

4. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Contract with Fireworks Productions of Arizona for the 4th of July Fireworks.

George Castillo, Fire Chief

5. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for Cazador Farmers Market for the use of Lower Vista every Saturday from June 19, 2021through May 21, 2022 from 8:00am to 5:00pm; this includes set-up and breakdown.

Ken Budge, Mayor

6. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the Bisbee Saturday Market for the use of Lower Vista every Saturday from September 1, 2021 through September 11, 2022 from 8:00am to 2:00pm; this includes set-up and breakdown.

Ken Budge, Mayor

7. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-21-07; a Resolution of the Mayor and Council, City of Bisbee, County of Cochise, State of Arizona, fixing, levying and assessing the amount to be raised by the City of Bisbee from property taxation and fixing and determining the property tax rate for the 2021-2022 fiscal year and providing for severability.

Keri Bagley, Finance Director

8. Discussion and Possible Acceptance of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) award terms and conditions.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

9. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-21-08: Temporary Ban on the Use of Permissible Consumer Fireworks.

Joelle Landers, Personnel Director/Staff Liaison

10. Discussion and Possible Approval to establish motorcycle parking adjacent to the old America Legion Building on Subway Street.

Jesus Haro, Public Works Director

Joe Ward, Building Inspector/ Staff Liaison

11. Discussion and Possible Approval of a contract for Publishing Services/Official Newspaper of Record with the Bisbee Observer.

Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk

12. Discussion and Possible Approval to Enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with the City of Sierra Vista to purchase dumpsters and roll-out totes.

Jesus Haro, Public Works Director

13. Discussion and Possible Approval for the Purchase of 11 Dell MDT Computers for the Bisbee Police Department using awarded Arizona Attorney General’s Office grant in the amount of $20,000.

Albert Echave, Police Chief

14. Possible Approval of a motion to go into Executive Session for the following matters:

1. An executive session pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(a)(3)(4) for discussion or consultation on the Gouguet matter.

15. City Manager's Report:

  • Main Street Drainage Update

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.):

  • Councilmember Pawlik would like to comment on the discussion and Planning and Zoning issue concerning RV Parking.

<><><><><><><><><> THE CHURN

Gardens at Mile High is no longer. 901 Tombstone is now Mile High Ranch. With seven rooms and an event space, the recently bought facility is undergoing a brand change-rooms are named after historic mines-as well as adding amenities such as a campfire program, and valet laundry services. It is pet friendly. Prices in the $85-$100 range.



GADSDEN HOTEL IN DOUGLAS SOLD! The Gadsden Hotel, located in downtown Douglas, was bought by Erick Harrell, founder of Harrell Destinations. No info on plans. Go here for more detail::



Articles of Incorporation

Name: Kay Wye Gelee

P.O. Box 972 Bisbee

Agent: Karen Schumacher

47 Main St.

Manager: Yonatan Evans


Name: Schabacker Food Trailer LLC

209 A St.


Agent: Theodore Schabacker



312 Vista Apt 1


Agent: Sandra Young



Throughout the country there is a discussion going on about inflation. Individuals, companies, suppliers; all have seen price increases in products they produce, sell, or distribute. The debate is whether or not this is the lingering effects of the pandemic-disrupted supply chains or a rise in the price of goods without an accompanying rise in wages and salaries to buy the goods. (Well it is more complicated than that but...). As workers got sick or quarantined or physically distanced, this disrupted every aspect of the supply chain from raw material, shipping, trucking, warehouse,retail, and consumers. (The incompetent response from the Trump administration has cost this country billions of dollars in health care costs, lost wages, and lost profits.) As vaccinations have begun slowing and, in some cases, stopping the spread of the virus, there has been a huge pent up demand released that the goods producers-raw materials, and manufacturers- cannot keep up with. Even when manufactured goods are available in other countries, shipping containers are in short supply and gobbled up by the giants; amazon, wal-mart, and others resulting in small suppliers unable to get shipment of products. A shortage of semiconductor chips has shuttered major auto manufacturers and reduced production at many other companies. (And a new surge in trump virus infections in Malaysia and Taiwan has led to reduced production.) Trump tariffs on Canadian wood has led to shortages and price hikes of more than 300% over the past year. There is a shortage of an estimated 60,000 long haul truckers to get the goods distributed. The labor market is in some turmoil. There are labor shortages in many industries as companies try to attract returning or new workers. Workers whose lives have been most disrupted of all during the pandemic, seem to be in no hurry to return to dead end jobs with low pay. Raising wages might be the key, ya think? These conditions affect us a individuals. For instance I wanted to build a raised garden bed using redwood. One 2 x 12 x 8 board cost $40. So I'm looking at other materials. Or at Roka I find that some wines and spirits are temporarily unavailable, particularly those that require shipping such as wine from New Zealand, or french based Grey Goose vodka. In the kitchen there was a considerable hike in the cost of short rib and several other products had price hikes due to increased production and shipping costs. So is it permanent inflation with prices continuing to rise and not come down? Or hiccups in the supply lines that will continue into next year, but ultimately will smooth out with a concomitant lowering of prices of goods? And in Bisbee...? HOUSES SOLD The housing market is robust. With double digit sales in most months the past two years, there is no sign of cooling down. As always, it would be good to know who is selling, who is buying, where they coming from, plans for the bought house, how they heard about Bisbee, and age of buyers. But there is no central depository and realtors have not collaborated to make that happen. That kind of info would be helpful for city officials, city and private marketing, and generally to get a sense who is moving in and out of the community. May traditionally is a good month for sellling/buying houses in Bisbee. This May, however, set a record for prices and the number of houses sold in the past six years since I have been keeping records; 17/$3,380,650. There were 12 houses sold in April, although April in both 2018 and 2019 saw more houses sold. How long this will continue is always just a guess. Who is selling? why they are selling? where are they going? APRIL LISTINGS $34,900 111 Nighthawk Ave. $67,000 279 E. Border Rd $83,000/$80,000 211 A. St. $80,000 501 C Laundry Hill $89,999 19 Cochise Row $129,000/$139,000 124 Graham D. $139,000 312 Douglas St. $143,000 1447 / Calle de Jardin $18,000 132 A Opera Dr. $239,000 404 30th Terrace $249,000 109 OK St. $350,000 15 Temby St. MAY LISTINGS $50,000 205 N. Cleveland $124,000 83-C OK St. $129,000 116 Graham $130,000/$140,000 301 Park ave. $144,900 122 Mountain View $175,000/$185,000 421 Black Knob View $179,000/$189,000 405 Powell Av. $187,000/$209,000 104 Navajo Dr. $220,000 151 OK st. $239,000 15 Art Ave. $249,000 146 Quarry Canyon Rd. $265,000 121A Clawson Av. $360,000/$399,000 119 Star Ave $412,650 600 E. Vista $535,000 34 Brewery Av (along Hwy 80) $259,000 1825 Dark Moon Ln. $349,000 2833 W Hidden Meadow Ln ........... BUILDING PERMITS There were 42 permits totaling $441,034 April residential building permits ($204,000 of that was one new construction in Warren) This is average for April. The permits were generally for relatively small amounts; plumbing, roofing, windows, electrical. There were about $80,00 in commercial permits. SALES TAX (note; The sales tax report is for actual spending two months prior. April is for February spending. ) The local economy continues to improve, taxable sales have just about reached 2019 levels. with hotel, retail, internet and groceries all registering gains over the preceding month even in a short day month. Retail boomed with a 25% gain over the past two months. That could be attributed to the increase in prices almost across the board, but particularly in construction/remodel products. Groceries were up $10k over the past two months Bar sales held steady after a hefty increase in March, which was seemingly an outlier. <><><><><><><><>

(My op-ed in the Arizona Capitol Times)


There is a way to think about the current State budget that makes more sense to me than economic theories. And that is to look at this in drug terms.

A junkie is someone addicted to a substance. For many rich people, money is their dope; they have a junkie’s insatiable desire for it. That’s a fact; look at the spiral of fiscal inequality the past several years. Like most junkies, rich people use many methods and scams to try and get their fix.

Junkies need and want a reliable supply of product and Kingpins are the major suppliers of dope that moves through many middlemen and individual pushers to the junkies. Hence, deals are made at different levels depending on the junkies need.

One big scam now in motion Arizona is to pressure the Kingpin – Gov. Doug Ducey, and county level pushers – Republican legislators, to enact a flat tax that will give them their dope; lots more dope.

Junkies don’t care who they hurt to get their fix; pushers, and kingpins don’t care who they hurt to dip their beak. In our state, millions of people will suffer some degree of harm if a flat tax is passed; public safety declines, increased fire danger, and many more services provided by cities that are the infrastructure of people’s lives. Too Bad say the junkies; I gotta’ get my fix.

Kingpins always have an eye to expand their territory. In this case the power that comes from providing dope to wealthy people could lead to more lucrative positions in bigger areas; a national territory for instance. For the pushers, the crumbs – thousands of dollars – from the big dope deal could mean a step up in the organization; maybe expanded territory, a bigger stash, and more junkies.

As the flat tax is being discussed, remember Kansas when the junkies demanded more dope, the pushers delivered it, and the consequence was depleted services throughout their state.

The way to deal with the big boy and pushers in any community, or state, that is fed up with a drug problem; bust the kingpin, destroy the network of pushers and kick ‘em out of town.


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