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BISBEE WIRE #18/fell out of love/council agenda

editor: fred miller November 1, 2021 Bisbee Wire #18/October 21


I've recently had an experience that maybe you, man or woman, may have also had. I became attracted to a vivacious alluring woman; scintillating, snappy dresser, funny, forthright, and a bit enigmatic. Twang! went the strings. As the months went by I gave her more attention, she responded with emails of interest. She became more popular and so after awhile I began to feel neglected and shunted aside, although the emails kept coming but became impersonal and a little gold diggerish. And then, after she moved, I noticed she began to change. Her allure faded; the vivaciousness became snippy, funny became sniping, forthright was turned into secretive. And she was more enigmatic than ever. I was downhearted cause she seemed so, so well, promising to make my life better. And then I noticed the company she kept was kind of sketchy; stealthy, wealthy guys that were all business. My lil love affair came to a crashing halt when she used her power to deny some important help to friends of mine. Very uncool! And now, while she is not an enemy, she isn't much of a friend.The woman of my thwarted affection, was a recent visitor to Bisbee; Kristen Sinema.

She is not an enemy, I repeat, although some people now think that. I understand when one is jilted by a politician, animosity is greater because there is a target of betrayal. IFagawdsake fred! you say, She is a democrat, that's why!

Yet the larger point is missed. Although she has blocked important parts of Biden's legislation, it is very important to keep in mind that 50 repugnicans have blocked every part of that legislation with no-like none-negotiation let alone support. All of them, the most bankrupt political party in history, not her, are blocking the desperately needed help to get traction on the inequality that is fragmenting the country. If there were 10 repugnicans that supported the Infrastructure and Build Back Better legislation, what KSinema does or does not do would not matter. But there aren't 10 or even 1, so she does matter. For the umpteenth time in the past many many years a politician has let us down, hard.

Speaking of that legislation, the democrats have made a mess of the messaging so that it is well nigh impossible to figure out what is in either bill. There is plenty of blame to go around among democrats, but the unrealism of some 'progressive' legislators is disheartening. It is the worse kind of political coitus interruptus, interruptus, interruptus... They need to stop listening to the party 'intellectuals' in DC and start listening to the hinterlands...that's the many millions of us.

Back here in Cochise we have David Stevens, the county recorder responsible for maintaining voter registration, going to a conference in Texas with some of the funders of, and prime movers for, election-deniers. A conference billed as talking strategy and tactics about how to deny voters access. Our recorder, who has not said a public word about all of the efforts to 'tighten' voting restrictions. Javalina in the henhouse as it were.

The sharp tang of Autumn awakened my senses this morning. Then I went back to sleep. But not charlieparker. Here's a morning smooch for you.


Council Meeting Tuesday November 2, 7:00 915 S. TOVREAVILLE ROAD

Of Interest: #1 How your dough is being spent #4 Another step to acquiring Hillcrest #5 The second oldest high school at 100 Clawson is owned by the county. They want to do ....something, with the building. The City is interested in something happening that helps develop the city. A 45,000 sq ft building with parking near the biz district-juicy. However in order to attract the widest possible interest it has to be rezoned from the existing R-1 to CM-2. That is what this agenda item is. The regulations being changed are below. There was a voting procedure technicality at the planning and zoning meeting where this change was first considered. It resulted in voiding a tie vote when the committee deadlocked in changing the zoning reg. So that is why it is now before the council rather than going back to p&z. This is an economic development issue. In order to attract developers, the widest possible use has to be available. Otherwise there will be little interest in just housing, unless it is very expensive condos which few city residents would want, because there is not sufficient return on investment (ROI) to attract the money to develop affordable housing. Therefore a mixed use designation allowing the most possible uses is desirable. And that is what this zoning change does. It would allow for affordable housing (for working people, not homeless), and any mix of other uses. Whew! Ya got that? (This is restrictive and the current zoning) R-l(Residential) Any one family dwelling, excluding mobile homes and manufactures homes, and including private garages, accessory living quarters, recreational rooms or private stables accessory to the main use, churches, recreational and educational facilities (This allows for many more mixed use possibilities including housing) CM-2 (Commercial Mixed Use) C-2 Any use permitted in C, Division 1 zone and residential, nurseries , physical fitness centers, community and fraternal clubs, libraries and governmental offices, cocktail lounges and taverns. Residential uses allowed. (C-1 allows for any residential, office, retail, automobile services station, restaurant, day-care center, churches, recreational and educational facilities , small-scale retail and personal services use that services the day-to-day needs of the residents of the surrounding area). #6 Moving forward on the potential multiuse path around the pit. A study was done; there is a mobility master plan; there needs to be coordination. AGENDA INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR'S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS : • Proclamation " Walking Mary" Adams Day November 3, 2021 • Recognition for Jimmy Richardson and Paul Hoover • Bisbee Vogue Presentation CALL TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED, CONSIDERED AND/OR DECIDED UPON AT THIS MEETING: GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds 2. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Appointment of Tony Bedolla to the Transit Advisory Committee as the Local Business Representative.

  2. Approval of the Appointment of Reta Smith to the Transit Advisory Committee as the Senior Center Representative.

OLD BUSINESS 3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-15 to Rezone APN 102-16-074, 102-16-126 and 102-16-079C; 1008 W Hwy 92, Owned by Mr. Todd Conklin, from C-1 to C-4. Doug Taylor, City Planner 4. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-16; Authorizing and Ratifying the acquisition of certain real property located at 1 Hillcrest Drive. Joe Estes, City Attorney NEW BUSINESS 5. Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of the Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-21-17 to Rezone APN 103-62-025, 103-62-027 and 103-62-025B; 100 Clawson Avenue owned by Cochise County, From R-1 to CM-2. Doug Taylor, City Planner 6. Discussion and Possible Approval to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding between the City of Bisbee and Ecotopia D/B/A Bisbee Bikeways for the Coordination of the Implementation of the Bisbee Area Mobility Master Plan and Lavender Pit Feasibility Study. Stephen J. Pauken, City Manager Doug Taylor, City Planner 7. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase five (5) Portable Defibrillator’s for the City of Bisbee to be placed in different departments from AED One-Stop Shop using American Rescue Plan Act Funds. Jim Richardson, Acting Fire Chief 8. Discussion and Possible Approval to use American Rescue Plan Act Funds to purchase a second LP-15 Cardiac Monitor for the Fire Department. Stephen J. Pauken, City Manager 9. Discussion and Possible Approval to have Jacobs, our Waste Water Plant contractor, manage a qualified contractor to provide Headworks Improvements. Matthew Gurney, Interim Public Works Director 10. Discussion and Possible Approval to have Jacobs, our Waste Water Plant Contractor, manage a qualified contractor to provide a complete replacement of the water reclamation plant’s influent pump station panel and its components. Matthew Gurney, Interim Public Works Director 11. Discussion and Possible Recommendations on the performance evaluation of Joseph Estes, City Attorney Gust Rosenfeld, P.L.LC Ken Budge, Mayor 12. City Manager's Report: · Other Current events (No Discussion) COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS


The process of drawing new state and federal legislative districts every decade follows release of the census population numbers that happens every ten years.

There are two districts involving Bisbee and Cochise County. Legislative District 19 and Congressional District 5.

The arcane but important process often laden with gerrymandering (manipulating the boundaries of a district to favor one party or another) is nearing completion in Arizona. Although Arizona has evaded much of the geographic contortions, there is some.

The five-member Arizona Independent Redistricting Commission has approved draft maps.The public will have 30 days to study and comment on the drafts and then the commissioners will get to work creating finalized maps in yet more public meetings, using all the input and experience they've gained up until then.

They're scheduled to vote Dec. 22 on final maps that — barring legal challenges — the state will use for next year's elections and for every election until a future redistricting panel meets in 2031.

The commission will launch a second round of "listening" meetings about the just-approved maps, that will take place virtually and at still-unnamed locations around the state.

The commission must follow six criteria in making their decisions: Each district must have a roughly equal population; no district can have two or more separate parts — they have to be connected; districts must be compact and not spindly; they must comply with the federal Voting Rights Act; they should keep "communities of interest" together when possible; they should be competitive — that is, not so loaded with members of one party that the other party's candidates can't win.

Arizona residents interested in how their legislative and congressional districts are changing can find the latest maps, published public comments, and meeting videos on the Independent Redistricting Commission's site, along with a page for submitting their own comments.

Click here to view the latest draft maps and previous iterations of the drafts.

AZ Draft 4.1 Legislative District: 19


Cochise County (all)

Greenlee County (including Clifton)

Graham County (Thatcher & Safford

Pima county (roughly East half of Tucson, from Campbell East through Cochise county and south to Santa Cruz. Excludes S. Tucson)

AZ Draft 1.1 Congressional District: 6


All Cochise County stops at county boundary with Graham Co.

Pima county (roughly East half of Tucson from Campbell East to Cochise county and south to Santa Cruz Co. Includes S. Tucson , Sahuarita, Green Valley)

A bit of south Pinal County


A new zine has popped up in town; Rabble. With stars in the name, middle finger on the cover, and a cheeky attitude, it is a a chip-off-the-ole-underground-paper-block. The heart of issue 3 is the theory behind 'Environmental Design' and how that affects Brewery Gulch. Keep an eye out, they don't print many cause it is self funded but try these places: Mimosa Market. Mile High Market, Raving Raven Apothecary, The Quarry, Meridian Books, Kafka Coffee, Poco. And check it out here: .I look forward to more. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& CITY OF BISBEE EMPLOYMENT OPENINGS (all at Public Works Director Groundskeeper Firefighter/EMT Police Officer Communications/Dispatcher Animal Control Officer (part time) Administrative Assistant ( part time, Queen Mine) &&&&&&&&&&&&&& 6th Annual BISBEE MARIACHI'S IN THE BALL PARK Mariachi music will fill the air and colorful whirling Folklorico skirts will be entertaining us all at the historic Warren Ballpark in Bisbee, AZ on November 6th. tix at the door and through this link: Bisbee Coalition For The Homeless benefit &&&&&&&&&&&&&&

SHRED IT! NOV 13 PURGE YOUR INNER HOARDER! November 13, 9-noon, ACE hardware. Donations based on your conscience. Give your house that laxative it needs! You know you have been putting it off! This is that opportunity, provided by the Bisbee Community Chorus, to get rid of all kinds of out of date papers; tax returns from 20 years ago, mortgage statements on the house you grew up in, unused blank checks from when you lived in Podunk, bank statements from three banks ago, Aunt Tilly's dog pedigree papers, Shirley-who died five years ago and gave you her chemistry notes to keep, yellowed clippings from your fridge, 10 year old prescriptions that Uncle Tom forgot to fill them, Ebernezer's list of who is naughty and nice, the box of blurry photos of people you don't know from the trip you took 25 years ago, all those purchase receipts you saved for 20 years and were going to track your spending but didn't; in short old paper...And bottles of kiddie aspirin you have been saving and now your kid is 35, unused medicines cause you got better quicker and you didn't need 60 pills of invermectin, iodine that has gone from red to that weird color of pink, the tangle of cables from electronic equipment you no longer have, the microsoft windows 3 operating system floppy discs, ear buds from the transistor radio you still keep, cameras made by companies no longer in existance; yeah all that other crap too! &&&&&&&&&&&&&& SPACE HEATER REPLACEMENT The space heater swap by Step-Up Bisbee/Naco, the Bisbee Fire Department, and Old Bisbee Firewise will begin earlier in the home-heating season, thanks in part to a generous grant from AARP Arizona. Residents of Bisbee and Naco can exchange up to two dangerous units per household for brand-new, safer model of a space heater, if they cannot afford to purchase them. New units have a sensor shuts off the heater. Test your heater by carefully knocking it over on a heat-resistant surface. If the unit does not shut off on its own, it may be exchanged. Unplug it and do not use it, if possible. Swaps will be first-come, first-served, and can be scheduled by calling Lieutenant Robert Cline at the Bisbee Fire Department at 520-432-4110 or -6022. An addition to this year's program is that each recipient of a space heater will also receive a fire extinguisher and a combination smoke/carbon monoxide detector (which will be installed by a firefighter), helping make homes even safer. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& THIRSTY LIZARD SOLD 5838 Double Adobe Rd. New owners in November. It was advertised at $549,000. &&&&&&&&&&&&&&

BISBEE SCIENCE FRIDAY/got some time on your hands? The lab is open 10-4 every Friday. Admission is free, and participants can utilize VR equipment, robotics supplies, legos, and more! Targeted activities include robotics and science labs. Schedule topics are here: They're looking for volunteers to help run Science Friday activities! Email us at for more information. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Megan Connolley, the force behind Bisbee Bikeways (see agenda), has been awarded a $1,000 Sparklight grant for making a difference in her community. The dogged mother of one has put in scads of hours trying to get a path around the pit. &&&&&&&&&&&&&& Question of the Day...Has Old Bisbee passed from a NIMBY (not in my backyard) to a BANANA (build absolutely nothing anywhere near anyone) district?

HUMOR (using the term loosely)

Literary marketing gone all wrong ..................Headlines from the Onion... 'God has a Plan for Me. Says man who admitted he went to a trump rally not vaccinated. .................. Blasting state officials for putting her into such an “impossible position,” local nurse Sophia Wood confirmed Wednesday that she was carefully weighing whether she was better off getting the vaccine or losing her job and dying. ...............posted on facbook by tom wheeler A junior high school in South Louisiana was recently faced with a unique problem. A number of 12-year-old girls were beginning to use lipstick, and would put it on in the bathroom. That was fine, but after they put on their lipstick, they would press their lips to the mirrors leaving dozens of little lip prints. Every night, old Mr. Boudreaux, the maintenance man, would remove the lipstick . . . and then the next day the girls would mess up the mirrors again. Finally the principal decided that something had to be done. She called all the girls to the bathroom and met them there along with Mr. Boudreaux. She explained that all these lip prints were causing a major problem for the maintenance man who had to clean the mirrors every night. To demonstrate how difficult it had been to clean up the mirrors, she asked Mr. Boudreaux to show the girls how much effort was required to clean up the lipstick. He took out a long-handled squeegee, dipped it in the toilet, and then cleaned the mirrors with it. Since then, there have been no lip prints on the mirror.

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