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Bisbee Wire/2017/July/#24/Council Special Session/snortable chocolate

Hello, They Come, they Go. City Managers I mean. Goodbye Richard Marsh, Hello ???. The council led by the Mayor has, in an expeditious manner, moved to hire an interim CM. On Monday the council will talk in public session with four candidates for the gig. Read their resumes in the background info to get a feel for what they have done. An interim will give some breathing room to consider how to proceed when we next select someone.

A good  turnout is needed for the meeting with the newly created House of Representatives Ad Hoc Committee on PSPRS Reform.  Council Chambers on Thursday July 13th at 5:00 p.m. It is important to Bisbee's future to participate in efforts to reform the public safety pension system. We are on a trajectory to bankruptcy if costs are not contained and needed reforms enacted. Bisbee will pay $1,544919 this year to pensions, about 23% of the total budget. That only leaves about $4.5 million to fund employees and every other service the city provides.  Reform doesn't mean cutting pension benefits for retired workers. It does mean exploring efforts to lower the costs to smaller cities such as ours and Prescott. It will involve looking at other states and how the pension fund is structured, whether the debt can be spread over 30 years rather than 20, if public safety pensions could be absorbed into the ASRS  and many more ideas. Sooooo even if you don't have specific ideas about what to do, please show up at the meeting to impress upon these legislators that something really needs to be done and soon! One of the few good things that came out of the Memorial Weekend debacle was contacts between the Sonora tourism and ourselves. This week the Viz Center director Jen Luria hosted three tour operators and a  Sonora tourism rep from Hermosillo that are interested in setting up package tours including Cananea and Bisbee. After visiting Canenea, they got a detailed tour of our town and met with several of us interested in promoting cross border initiatives.

Speaking of Mem-wknd...All invoices have not yet come in so a scheduled airing at the council meeting on Tuesday has been postponed until the council meeting on the 18th at which time there should be a full accounting of how much it cost. The good folks at Old Bisbee Brewing will not be charging the city for the used and unused kegs that were 'sold' to the city. Hooray for them.




Of interest....The city is seeking an interim city manager. The decision could be made at this meeting. The resumes of the four candidates are in the background info. One of the candidates, Melanie Greene, lives in Bisbee.

Former city manger Richard Marsh had an opportunity to request a public hearing or submit a written request to the resolution dismissing him without cause. He did not do so. AGENDA


1.      Discussion and Possible Approval of a Final Resolution to Remove the City Manager.

David M. Smith, Mayor

2.      Interviews of the Four Candidates for the Interim City Manager Position.

David M. Smith, Mayor

3.      Discussion and Possible Approval of a Motion to go into Executive Session Pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03. (1) for Consideration of the employment and appointment of an Interim City Manager. 

Per ARS § 38-431.03(a)(1), the City Council may vote to go into executive session for discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, promotion, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee of any public body.

David M. Smith, Mayor

4.      Discussion and Possible selection of a preferred applicant for the Position of Interim City Manager

David M. Smith, Mayor



Thursday July 13 5:00 city hall

The newly created House of Representatives Ad Hoc Committee on PSPRS Reform will be holding a meeting in Council Chambers on July 13th at 5:00 p.m. Representatives Campbell and Stringer will be present and I will be giving a short presentation on Bisbee's position in this important matter. This is open to the public and you are encouraged to attend and learn the facts.

MEETING ON DRUG USE/SALES Wednesday July 19 4:00 The Quarry There has been a growing concern regarding the increased drug use and sales in Bisbee and particularly in the Brewery Gulch area. I (Mayor Smith)  will be having a public meeting regarding this issue with Chief Echave and Deputy Chief Long in attendance. The meeting will be at 4:00 p.m. on July 19th at the Quarry.


<><><><><><><><><><><><>< SNORT CHOCOLATE? From the earliest days of humankind there has been a never ending quest to alter consciousness. The latest in thousands of questionable efforts to get high is snortable chocolate. For those longing for the days of white line fever but can't take it anymore or trying to stay current on every possible hipster trend, you can now get Coco Loko. It's from the same company that brought you Lean, a recreational drug made from prescription-strength cough syrup. I suspect though that rather than a high Coco Loko might be a cure for constipation. Hmmm, assisted living, a new market.

<><><><><><><><><><><><>< HOBBY LOBBY COMPANY NABBED FOR SHOPLIFTING: GOD WORKS IN MYSTERIOUS WAYS Prayers didn't help the ultra righteous religious company that was fined for importing looted antiquities. What was that commandment? Thou shalt not steal....


MOTORCYCLE SALES: FLAT TIRES AND BULGING BELLIES More than half of motorcycle riders are now over 50. Sales have plummeted in the past couple of years. What to do? Get those young un's on cheap bikes.


TRAVEL PACKING Tips from an expert for carry on; two weeks of clothes in a carry on. (That would work for me only if I were going to a nudist resort.) .......................................... TRAVEL GOODIES This site is for stuff to make your packing easier and organized.


LYFT----BETTER THAN UBER We've been occasionally using LYFT  when traveling in bigger cities and don't want the hassle of a car, if you do also, you can round up your fare and donate it to ACLU, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) or the USO.


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