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editor: fred miller January 18, 2022 Wire #22/January 2022


After practicing how to do retirement in Tucson-getting fluffed and buffed, playing golf with the guys, seeing sculptures-it's time to kick it and...oh no the lege is in session, what a comedown!

It's howdy doody time! It's howdy doody time! (look it up young uns at The gang's all here so let's start the show! Oh yeah, it's all about the 55th/second session lege for the next several months. Read the skinny below and keep up with the rational as well as the moronish workings of our representatives; easier voting? Ha! more dough for rich kids schools? Yep! less tax on rich peeps? Youbetcha! The only mask should be on the lone ranger? Shoor! (Crap,another look up. One of the problems of getting older is obscure references to when I was younger (

There are many serious issues that are already timelined; the threat of schools not being able to spend already allocated funds is real and imminent (March) if the lege doesn't do something about it.

And a few legislators are plotting a workaround to last year's passed flat tax for rich people now that a judge has ruled it illegal. (And to thwart a citizens initiative qualified for the next ballot to challenge it–Nothing like thumbing a nose at the hard work of many people gathering thousands of signatures to qualify for an initiative.). The lege has for years loaded up the budget with unrelated 'policies' that are not money issues. A judge has ruled that it is a no-no and they better fix it, if they want to spend dough.

It is more important than ever to get involved so the bellyaching, carping, whining, and outright dullards don't hold sway over your life. Do not let the putzs, palookas, and pinheads triumph!

Cafe Roka was one of the subjects of writer Roger Naylor's columns in the AZ Republic. Check it out here:

If you can't go in person this Sandhill Crane Cam will give you the vicarious thrill of almost being there. The Bisbee Saturday Market is doing just fine. They are now taking guvamint coupons; the result of tenacious effort.Take a stroll, talk to peeps, chow down, and get outa your house. I'm no longer involved with the market, my agreement with Tracy and Doug was to help them get it started and then phase out at the end of the year. I am officially phased out (some would say loong ago) And by the way, they deserve a ton of credit for their hard work in creating an excellent market for Bisbee. It's only going to get better. fred

Regular Council Meeting Tuesday January 18, 2022 7pm

Due to Covid 19 this meeting will be conducted electronically by Zoom and Facebook. The public can join, listen and view the meeting as follows: City’s Facebook page ( A Facebook account is not necessary.

Zoom by calling in at 1-346-248-7799 or by the following link the meeting/webinar ID is 858 0381 0459.

The public can submit comments that will be read at the dais by a staff member to All comments shall be submitted by no later than Tuesday at noon. Citizens can also be recognized to speak during the meeting only if they sign up ahead of time at the email address above. Please indicate if you are signing up to speak under Call to the Public or a specific item number.

Of interest:

1. How your dough is spent

4. This is to give final approval land swap to be done before electric charging stations can be installed.

5. An audit of how the treasurer handles our dough found no problems. A tribute to the low key treasurer, Ms. Keri Bagley, that she has competently handled the city's difficult finances and accounting over the past several years.

6. The complicated legal case that citizen Jeff Harris brought against the city is being closed by this hearing, which is being held as directed by the court. Mr. Harris was also awarded $42. He was protesting several things but this is a failure of the city to hold a public hearing on his protest of the city awarding a contract to run the waste water treatment plant. I think that is correct but maybe not....ya gotta read the legal stuff in the background and tell me.

7. City land sale for $30k at 8 Douglas rd.. Mike Albin, the developer of the soon to be "american bar' at the ole legion on subway, wants to buy some property.

8.That same Harris above is the subject of protests, through a petition to council, of his neighbors that he is a horder and has created unsanitary conditions including chicken and duck crap at his residence at 16 Yuma Trail. They want the yard cleaned up.

9. Although a few people were up in arms about the contract with Jacobs to run the waste water treatment plant, (witness the above Harris legal protest), they have done a good job. This is the third amendment to that 2018 contract and stipulates a cost adjustment over 18 months as noted in the original.

10. Approval of the contract for architect Albert Hopper to design the new city hall. It will be interesting to see if the two councilmember objectors to his hiring will object to this contract.

11. Calling San Jose residents...It is your big chance to serve the city. Louis Pawlik has resigned his council seat; no reason given. Apply at city website. The short term to be until elections of this year. This item will set the schedule for his replacement.


INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence


MAYOR’S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS:Proclamation for Charlene “Snoody” Borowiec, City Ambassador




1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds

2. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on January 4, 2022.

  2. Approval of the Appointment of Nina Williams to the Public Safety Personnel Retirement Board.

  3. Approval of the Reappointment of Juanetta Hill to the Bisbee Arts Commission.

  4. Approval of the Reappointment of Karen Schumacher to the Bisbee Arts Commission.

  5. Approval of the Reappointment of Sharon Stetter to the Bisbee Arts Commission.

  6. Approval of the Reappointment of Jennifer Graeme to the Civil Service Commission.

  7. Approval of the Reappointment of Ben Lepley to the Design Review Board.

  8. Approval of the Reappointment of Linda Hallsted to the Evergreen Cemetery Committee.

  9. Approval of the Reappointment of Cinda Combs to the Library Advisory Board with a Waiver for Length of Service.

  10. Approval of the Reappointment of Kay Lynn Cummins to the Parks & Recreation Committee with a Waiver for Length of Service.

  11. Approval of the Reappointment of Sara Curtis to the Parks & Recreation Committee.

  12. Approval of the Reappointment of Craig Emanuel to the Police & Fire Advisory Committee as a Ward I Representative.


3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-20; Authorizing the Transfer of Real Property from the City of Bisbee to Ken and Mary Alice Budge.

Joe Estes, City Attorney

4. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-22-01; Authorizing the Exchange and Transfer of Real Property with Bisbee Vogue, Inc. Located near 201 Tombstone Canyon Street, Bisbee, Arizona 85603.

Joseph Estes, City Attorney


5. Presentation of the City of Bisbee’s Annual Audit Report for the Year ended June 30, 2021 by Steven Palmer, CPA, Hinton Burdick.

Keri Bagley, Finance Director

6. Hearing and possible action on Jeff Harris Bid Protest.

Ken Budge, Mayor

7. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Public Auction for the Transfer of Certain City Property Located at 8 Douglas Road, APN 103-72-051A, and the Establishment of a Minimum Bid Price.

Doug Taylor, City Planner

8. Discussion and possible direction on the petition received from Sue Ray-Blakley on the resident living at 16 Yuma Trail requesting that the property be cleaned and monitored.

Ken Budge, Mayor

9. Discussion and Possible Approval of Amendment No. 3 to the Jacobs Agreement for Operations Maintenance and Management Services for the City of Bisbee San Jose Wastewater Treatment Plant.

Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director

10. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Contract for Architectural Services with Albert N. Hopper for City Hall.

Stephen Pauken, City Manager

11. Discussion and Possible Approval of the resignation of Councilmember Louis Pawlik and discussion and recommendations for scheduling to fill this vacancy.

Ken Budge, Mayor

12. City Manager's Report:

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.):

· Councilmember Giacomino would like to comment on Charlene “Snoody” Borowiec and her passing.


(with no mask, distancing, or vaccination regs)

Although a couple hundred miles away, the people that are the Arizona legislature make rules that you have to live by; in your home, your car, in public, in buildings, and everywhere you go. Every aspect of your life is governed by the actions of those representatives and senators. Il Duce is a lameduck gov so look for lotsa boasting and I'm-gonna-dos without any real content or impact. There are some people in power that by their actions are responsible for the spread of the trumpvirus, death, and illness, and he is one of them. There are 12 newcomers this session including Lupe Diaz, a Benson pastor, picked to represent LD14. It is bound to be a contentious session with several of the repugnicans still spouting election stealing. Karen Fann, the senate prez, was recently named as the Chair of ALEC, the generator of crappy onerous bills that are then adopted by lazy legislators in many states including Arizona. She initiated the election recount in Maricopa County that has cost that county and state taxpayers much loot. She will not seek election next term. So if you think about some of these dimwits, malcontents, liars, authority loving- freedom hating, anti vax, mouth breathers making rules that you have to live by, ya better get your ass in gear and get busy. GET YOUR BEST INFO HERE: This is where to go to get weekly info; ttps:// This is their overview of the coming legislative session.

This is where to go to sign up for speaking (remotely) on any bill:

Attend CEBV's RTS Happy Hour every Sunday during the Legislative Session

What: CEBV Virtual Happy Hour

When: Every Sunday at 4 pm

Where: Pre-Register HERE

If you live in Bisbee you are in Legislative District 14 (LD14). (This will change next year to LD-19 as a result of redistricting) There are a total of 32 Senators and 70 Representatives.

These three people represent you. All are repugnicans.

This is the wikipedia entry on him:

Representative Gail Griffin 602 926-5895

This is the wikipedia entry on her:

Representative Lupe Diaz 602 926-4852



This is a quick and easy to use primer on bills, reps and senators, and other pertinent info. Quick good read:


This coming week of bills in committee gives us a powerful argument why we must pay attention to our state legislature and legislators.

Rep Michelle Udall's HB2112 (House Education Committee, Tues) would ban discussion of "controversial subjects" in school unless teachers give "equal weight" to both sides (slavery, anyone?)

Sen Kelly Townsend's SB1015 (Senate Health & Human Services Committee, Weds) would violate Federal laws protecting the reproductive confidentiality of minors

Rep Quang Nguyen's HB2043 (House Judiciary Committee, Weds) would fine any employer $500,000 for denying religious exemption to anyone who refuses to be vaccinated against Covid-19 (what happened to free enterprise?)

Sen Wendy Rogers' SB1123 (Senate Judiciary Committee, Thurs) would allow concealed guns on college campuses (sorry, Virginia Tech)


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