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BISBEE WIRE #45/Bisbee +/The lege doing it to us/living for the dead/iphone how tos/funny words


CC Elections Director Lisa Marra has submitted her resignation. She has been, in the best possible use of the words, an exemplary public servant.

Her resignation was directly related to CC supes, Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd, who have badgered, impugned, and otherwise harassed Ms. Marra that forced her resignation. From accusing her of ineptitude to bringing a lawsuit against her personally, these incompetent politicians, along with recorder David Stevens, have spent tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of taxpayer dollars in a futile and sometimes unlawful attempt to impugn her and hijack the election results.

They have abrogated the most important job of an elected supervisor; to protect and spend taxpayer money wisely. These two supervisors through their belligerence, ignorance, and mendacity have created a volatile situation in our county. Hopefully the state attorney general will bring charges against both of them for refusing to do their legal, obligated duties.I sincerely hope they will get their just desserts.

Fundamental change comes from people at the local, county and state level demanding something must be changed. Good politicians keep their finger in the wind to understand what their constituents are talking about and acting on. Middling, mediocre, and terrible politicians, pay little mind to constituents because they were not interested in the first place, or have grown so accustomed to the perks of power and fealty to the wealthy that they no longer care.

There are many avenues for your personal expression if you want things changed, from letters and calls, to feet in the street. But only one of those avenues is the most harmful. Doing Nothing.




The election director for Cochise County has submitted her resignation. See below. According to Votebeat, a non profit news organization committed to reporting the about elections and voting, as well as an article by Shar Poirer in the Herald Review, she has 15 more days before she leaves. And her resignation was a 'constructive discharge' in that the county can correct the problems she cited or allow the resignation to proceed. It seems impossible unfortunately, to fire Crosby and Judd, the two supes responsible for creating such a debilitating workplace.

"Marra departs as the supervisors prepare to decide if they should reorganize who is responsible for elections in the county, according to a draft work session agenda obtained by Votebeat. In Arizona, election duties are typically split between recorders, who manage early voting and voter registration, and election directors, who manage most other aspects of election administration.

Republican Supervisor Peggy Judd submitted a request for a Feb. 7 meeting that will discuss, among other election-related topics, “better practices involving possible re-organization of responsible parties.”



This Week in Bisbee Jan 24 - 30, 2022 WEEKEND UPDATE

A handy guide for Music, Art + Culture

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A reprint of a previous article, but hey, it's free....



A nice lil piece on the fly contest of 1913



Arizona Gives....Non-profits can register to be eligible to receive donations through Arizona Gives Day. Cost is $50 for early reg/1-31, and $75 till 2/23. Go here for info:



In celebration of the Copper Queen Library's 140 years of service to the Bisbee Community, the Friends of the Copper Queen Library are selling a limited-edition commemorative copper library card for $10.00. Patrons can modify their library accounts and use the new card as their actual library card, or they can purchase one as a keepsake for themselves, or a gift for somebody else. Cards can be purchased at the both the Copper Queen Library in Old Bisbee and the CQ Library Annex in San Jose.Proceeds of the card sales goes to fulfilling the Friends mission to provide free programming for people of all ages at the Copper Queen Library, as well as to support collections, resources, programs and other library-related services.


CENTER FOR LIFELONG LEARNING Get your thinking cap on and check out their offerings. From Tech to Talking, classes geared for short term taking.



A more accurate descriptions of neighborhoods was sent to me by Steve Y. Mary H. also mentioned a few changes. And Mike A. mentioned that Lowell also includes the Mason Addition, which is the only remaining residential neighborhood in Lowell. Appreciate the corrections Bakerville - technically, Warren runs from Hazzard to Cole so Bakerville is from the circle to Cole (otherwise they wouldn’t have been able to have a liquor store where it used to be in what is now the CQCH parking lot) Briggs - actually, according to the map, lies south of the Police station Galena - Since Hwy 92 runs roughly north to south (actually more like NNE to SSW), Galena would be on the west side of Hwy 92, across from Briggs Lowell - My inclination would be to describe the Pit as Lowell’s western boundary with the mine’s maintenance yard as the southern boundary. Lowell includes the Mason Addition. Old Bisbee - from the pit to the tunnel Saginaw (from the roundabout East along 80 to Sherriff's station) San Jose (North & South of Hwy 92 West of Naco Hwy) Tintown, (by homeless shelter & Double P Roadhouse) Warren - Bordered by the Hospital (or Cole Ave.) on the North, Hazzard/Adsit on the south, the Terraces on the west and Yuma Trail/Minder Ave on the east. >> PUTTING TOM CROSBY OUT TO PASTURE...HELP THE RECALL Since the Committee to Recall Tom Crosby (CRTC) is nonpartisan. However Cochise County Dems are supporting the recall. They are soliciting funds to place a billboard along Highway 92 in Sierra Vista—in the heart of Tom Crosby’s District 1. The price to rent one billboard for one month is $1200, so we ask for your help in spreading the word and helping us reach our goal. The details concerning the design and exact placement of the billboard are still developing, but the sign will state clearly: “RECALL TOM CROSBY.” People can donate to the billboard campaign through ActBlue: (Only registered voters who live in Tom Crosby’s Supervisor’s District 1 can sign the petition, but others can help in many other ways. Donating to this billboard effort is surely one of them.) <<

THE DOPE ON DOPE from the Arizona Mirror Recreational Marijuana sales, or as the industry is striving to rename, Cannabis sales, are booming. However medical Marijuana sales continue to decline. A few stats....Overall, recreational sales have been on the rebound from a low of $68.5 million in January 2022, the lowest month of the year. September and October mark the third and fourth time in 2022 that adult-use marijuana sales were greater than $80 million. Medical sales have dropped for the eighth straight month to a low of $31million in October. And this follows the trend in other states that have legalized weed; medical use goes down, recreational use increases. According to the most recent numbers, the Arizona cannabis market has already sold more than $1.2 billion through October 2022, putting it on pace to easily eclipse the $1.4 billion sold in 2021. Since recreational sales began in January 2021, the Arizona cannabis market has totaled more than $2.6 billion in sales. Tax revenues collected this year through October total $13.6 million from medical sales and $22.5 million for recreational. Taxes collected on recreational dope are distributed as follows; 33% dedicated to community college and provisional community college districts; 31% to public safety — police, fire departments, fire districts, first responders — 25% to the Arizona Highway User Revenue Fund, and 10% to the justice reinvestment fund.

>> AMAZON SMILES NO MORE As part of cost cutting throughout the corporation including layoffs, curtailing research and other programs, Amazon is axing the Smile program for designated donations to non-profits. It will cease February 20, 2023. Until this date, customer purchases made via AmazonSmile will continue to accrue funds for your charity as normal. << PURPLE DOES NOT YET BELONG TO ARIZONA Although there has been some talk among Democrats in Bisbee and throughout the states about how well they did this past election, it has not been based on data. Arizona is not Blue nor Purple yet…. What a study shows in the most populous county, Maricopa, that traditional republicans did quite well down-ballot, that is apart from 4 of the big 5 state races; Senator, Gov, AG, Secstate. The race for Treasurer was won by Kimberly Lee who was not endorsed by Trump and did not mention a peep about election denying. A succinct analysis of voters in Maricopa County by the ‘Audit Guys’ showed that some of the Republicans running for the four top offices were too extreme to vote for. ( It showed that the election loss of Keri Lake-Gov, Abe Hamedeh-AG, Blake Masters-Sen, and Mark Finchem-sec/state, was entirely because many registered Republican voters voted Democratic and did not back those candidates while they did back down-ballot Republicans. What it did show is that republican voters will only go so far in backing candidates too extreme. Treasurer Kimberly Lee won by being a traditional conservative. In a report picked up by the AZ Republic, The Audit Guys “…built their database on the cast vote record, election data that shows the number of votes cast and the precincts where those votes came from, then compared it with voter registration numbers. In Lake’s case, nearly 40,000 voters, who otherwise mostly voted Republican across 14 other contests, didn’t vote for her. And about 33,000 of them voted for now-Gov. Katie Hobbs (D). That crossover vote is about double Lake’s overall, 17,000-vote margin of defeat.” It is about 5% of voters she needed. In the super close attorney general race about 33,000 Republican voters voted for Democrat Kris Mayes. It was those voters who voted Republican down-ballot that cost Hamedeh who lost by 200+ votes, the election. Blake Master lost 48,000 Republicans who voted for Mark Kelly, 6% of those who otherwise voted Republican. Mark Finchem lost 63,000 Republican votes to Adrian Fontes, about 8% of normally available voters. The gist of these figures is that Democrats should be very wary about of counting on Republicans to vote for their candidates. The analysis showed that Republican voters continued to vote for their candidates with some exceptions.


The first flurry of bills have arrived and are being heard in various committees. I will try and track the most egregious as well as the ones to support. There are three main sources I use to do this, you can sign up for any of these. The Agenda has a paywall, but is well worth the dough:

Citizen Engagement Beyond Voting:

Melinda Lyer insightful newsletter covering the

League of AZ Cities and Town bulletin:


NO TRANSPARENCY SEZ REPUBS... "The Arizona Legislature will exempt itself from state public records law and destroy all email correspondence sent or received by lawmakers or staff after 90 days under new rules adopted by majority Republicans over vigorous opposition from minority Democrats.

The Senate also completely exempted text messages on its members' personal phones, which lawmakers frequently use for legislative business, from release at any time. The House policy is not as expansive." The new House rules require a majority vote to suspend or amend rules including the vote of the speaker, effectively giving the speaker veto power over a majority decision DON BOLLES MONUMENT from the Arizona Agenda Don Bolles was an investigative journalist for the AZ Republic that was murdered in 1976. His car was blown up, later determined to be, by people associated with land fraud that he was investigating. Although not charged there were also implications of mob involvement. There is an effort to have the journalist memorialized through a monument at the capitol. There are two bills, house and senate, to honor murdered journalist Don Bolles with a monument at the state Capitol. Democratic Rep. Jennifer Longdon filed HB2171, a mirror bill to Republican Sen. T.J. Shope’s SB1039, last week. The Senate bill has been assigned to the Government Committee, while the House bill has yet to be assigned. You can help these bills get out of committee by writing a quick email to Senate Government Chair Jake Hoffman politely telling him why you like the idea and asking him to put it on the agenda. And please register your support on the Capitol’s Request to Speak system. If you don’t already have an account and can’t make it down to the Capitol to create one, the nice people at Civic Engagement Beyond Voting will set one up for you.

>>>> Education... From a long historical article on this in the Arizona Agenda The school spending cap was part of a set of measures Arizona lawmakers sent to the ballot in 1980 to limit government spending. The package was designed to head off a citizen’s initiative that would have copied a California property tax, measure prop 13, that political leaders in both parties here thought would be disastrous. A package of 10 tax reform measures were approved in a special election in 1980. This year, Arizona schools once again face a funding cliff on March 1 because of the four-decades-old limit. If lawmakers don’t lift the cap, public K-12 districts will collectively need to cut about $1.3 billion from their current year budgets. Those cuts would likely mean furloughs for teachers, school closures and huge headaches for parents. It only affects public schools not charters. Dubbed the aggregate expenditure limit, the wonky term functionally means overall school spending for the state is capped at a certain level based on inflation and student growth, with some funds excluded from the calculation. Charter schools, which are public, aren’t included in the limit because they didn’t exist in Arizona when it was adopted. Former Gov Ducey promised to hold a special session to fix the problem but broke his promise. Still, lawmakers can only increase it year by year, and they need a two-thirds vote to do it. For a permanent fix, voters would need to approve a change to the Arizona Constitution. >> Budget...In a first in several years, the word 'Budget' has been heard before the end of the session. Previously the budget was drawn in secret, put our and voted on the next day. Thankfully there will be some sunshine as Gov Hobbs has submitted her initial budget that contains many of the priorities of her campaign. The repubs will give their initial budget this week. And then the fun begins as negotiations start. BILLS TO WATCH Please sign up for Request to Speak, it is easy and once through the initial process you can comment on any bill in any committee. Go here to walk through the process. Much of this is taken directly from Melinda Lyers The Weekly. Go here to subscribe: It all depends on where these bills are in the process whether you can request to speak. SB1006 (municipal notices and ordinances; posting) sponsored by Senator Kavanagh (R-Fountain Hills) The first, but not last, bill trying to deprive newspapers of revenue and putting official pronouncements online. would allow notices of election, invitations for bids, notices of letting contracts, laws and ordinances, and other public notice issued by a municipal governing body to be posted on the municipality's website in lieu of being published in a newspaper. Oppose HB2061, HB2003 (food; municipal tax; exemption), prohibits municipalities from levying taxes on the sale of food for home consumption. This bill would result in the City of Bisbee losing about $1million in tax revenue. There is no provision in HB2061 to replace the lost revenue. Oppose SCR1002 would ask voters to restrict their own direct democracy powers by requiring a 60% supermajority vote for constitutional amendments. Oppose HB2504 would expand eligibility for school tuition organization (STO) vouchers to students in foster care. This marks a return to voucher-pushers’ strategy of exploiting sympathetic populations in order to line private pockets with taxpayer dollars. Oppose HB2284, sponsored by David Livingston (R-28), would create state-funded “tent cities” for individuals experiencing homelessness, and bans unhoused people from camping or storing property outside those areas. It would also ban “unauthorized sleeping” on state land, even as rising rents are pushing more people toward that option.Oppose HB2308, sponsored by Rachel Jones (R-17), would ban the Secretary of State from overseeing an election in which s/he is a candidate, instead being required to announce a replacement for those duties.Oppose SB1011, sponsored by John Kavanagh (R-3), would make municipal elections, like mayors and city councils, partisan beginning in 2024. Oppose SB1021, sponsored by John Kavanagh (R-3), would require the Attorney General to defend all laws passed by the legislature against all legal challenges, unless 2/3 of the members of both the House and Senate Judiciary Committees vote otherwise Oppose HB2003, sponsored by David Livingston (R-28), would slash corporate income taxes nearly in half by 2025, from their current 4.9% to 2.5%. Last year, Republican lawmakers slashed personal income taxes to 2.5% beginning this year, leaving experts concerned that Arizona won’t have enough revenue to sustain critical services once pandemic relief money runs out and the inevitable next recession arrives. Oppose HB2071, sponsored by Laura Terech (D-4), would finally ban corporal punishment in schools. Support HB2137, sponsored by Athena Salman (D-8), would expand eligibility for the Children's Health Insurance Program (KidsCare) to low-income working families Support HB2141, sponsored by Athena Salman (D-8), would require Arizona's Medicaid program to provide comprehensive dental care for pregnant women ages 21+. Support HB2154, sponsored by Keith Seaman (D-16), would cap School Tuition Organization (STO) Support administration costs at 5%. STOs are a type of private school voucher funded by dollar-for-dollar tax credits, and are currently allowed to keep 10% of donations for administration.Support HB2351, sponsored by Patricia Contreras (D-12), would ban health care professionals from using the abusive, widely discredited practice of LGBT “conversion therapy” on minors. Support

WHAT TO/WHEN TO/HOW TO When a Loved One Dies

I thought about this for some time before including it. I asked a few friends whether I should or not. They said yes. I hesitated because Death is a difficult subject for many people. In fact it is so difficult that there are some 120 synonyms for avoiding the term. Basically we want to hold on.....A lot of us ignore it, ain't gonna happen. Many of us have lived as if we weren't going to die and it is a shock, a shock! to find out that the world will go on and we won't be in it. There are also many and varied religious rituals-hundreds actually!- that have developed and been perfected over the last couple thousand years that reassure us we're not really dead, just moving on in a different form. Could be...But I ain't counting on it. And then there is the commodification of death (why should that be immune to capitalism?) with elaborate services, very fancy boxes, expensive autos- a brinks truck in the parade for some who are taking it with them, and large holes dug in hard ground. But.... ...however you believe, there are things to be done, preferably by you while living, and if not, by some poor grieving soul burdened with figuring out where the fuck you put the passwords. This article is a what to/how to/when to when someone shuffles off this mortal coil. From Consumer Reports;


1. Get a legal pronouncement of death. If no doctor is present, you’ll need to contact someone to do this.

  • If the person dies at home under hospice care, call the hospice nurse, who can declare the death and help facilitate the transport of the body.

  • If the person dies at home unexpectedly without hospice care, call 911. Have in hand a do-not-resuscitate document if it exists. Without one, paramedics will generally start emergency procedures and, except where permitted to pronounce death, take the person to an emergency room for a doctor to make the declaration. Keep in mind that do-not-resuscitate laws vary at the state level and if a person does not want to be resuscitated, “calling 911 is not necessary” according to the National Institute on Aging. “If the death is not unexpected, you might call the individual’s physician first,” says Lori Bishop, vice president of palliative and advanced care at the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.

2. Arrange for transportation of the body. If no autopsy is needed, the body can be picked up by a mortuary (by law, a mortuary must provide price info over the phone if you ask for it) or crematorium.

3. Notify the person’s doctor or the county coroner.

4. Notify close family and friends. (Ask some to contact others.)

5. Handle care of dependents and pets.

6. Call the person’s employer, if he or she was working. Request info about benefits and any pay due. Ask whether there was a life-insurance policy through the company.

Within a Few Days After Death

7. Arrange for funeral, memorial service, and burial or cremation. Search the person’s documents to find out whether there was a prepaid burial plan. Ask a friend or family member to go with you to the mortuary. Prepare an obituary.

8. If the person was in the military or belonged to a fraternal or religious group, contact that organization. It may have burial benefits or conduct funeral services.

9. Secure the person’s home. Or ask a friend or relative to keep an eye on it, answer the phone, collect mail, throw food out, water plants, and keep minimal heat on to avoid frozen pipes if it’s winter in a colder climate.

Up to 10 Days After Death

10. Obtain the death certificate (usually from the funeral home). Get multiple copies; you’ll need them for financial institutions, government agencies, and insurers.

11. Take the will to the appropriate county or city office to have it accepted for probate. Check your state’s laws, which may require you to file the will within a set period of time.

12. If necessary, the estate’s executor should open a bank account for the deceased’s estate.

13. Contact the following:

  • A trust and estate attorney, to learn how to transfer assets and assist with probate issues.

  • Police, to have them periodically check the deceased’s house if vacant.

  • An accountant or a tax preparer, to find out whether an estate-tax return or final income-tax return should be filed.

  • The person’s investment adviser, if applicable, for information on holdings.

  • Banks, to find accounts and safe deposit box.

  • Life insurance agent, to get claim forms.

  • The Social Security Administration (800-772-1213; and other agencies from which the deceased received benefits, such as Veterans Affairs (800-827-1000;, to stop payments and ask about applicable survivor benefits. The SSA, like the VA, recommends immediately reporting the person’s death, though in many cases the funeral home will handle this.

  • Agency providing pension services, to stop monthly checks and get claim forms.

  • Utility companies, to change or stop service, and Postal Service, to stop or forward mail. Reach out to other companies to stop recurring bills and subscriptions. If home is vacant, contact the insurer to switch to a vacant policy. If home is under a mortgage, contact the lender.

  • The IRS, credit-reporting agencies, and the DMV to prevent identity theft.

  • Social media companies, such as Facebook or LinkedIn, to memorialize or remove an account.

Know the Person's Wishes

For an elderly friend or relative:

  • Know the location of the will, birth certificate, marriage and divorce certificates, Social Security information, life-insurance policies, financial documents, and keys to safe deposit box or home safe. Ask the person to create an inventory of their digital assets (such as email, social networks, and digital files) and include a plan for these assets in their will.

  • Ask about the person’s wishes concerning funeral arrangements, organ and brain donation, and burial or cremation.

  • Have the person complete an advance directive, including a living will, which specifies wanted and unwanted procedures. The person should also appoint a healthcare proxy to make medical decisions if he or she becomes incapacitated. Some who are more seriously ill might also consider a Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment in addition to an advance directive.

  • Ask the person about end-of-life care, such as palliative and hospice care (which have key differences), and what their insurance will cover. Medicare, which covers most elderly Americans, will cover hospice care. Palliative care is growing in popularity, but “keep in mind that anyone with six months or less to live should have access to hospice,” Bishop says.

  • Have a do-not-resuscitate order drawn up if the person desires. That tells healthcare professionals not to perform CPR if the person’s heart or breathing stops and restarting would not result in a meaningful life.

  • Make sure the person gives copies of the documents to his or her doctor and a few family members or friends. Take the documents to the hospital if the person is admitted.

Cochise County Resources

Casa de la Paz Hospice/Sierra Vista

Valor HospiceCare/Sierra Vista

(You’ll find additional information at CaringInfo, a website of the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization.)

Hatfield Funeral Home is the only Cochise County place for cremation. However arrangements can be made with other organizations such as Neptune Society,, or Mayo Clinic


Since I use apple products these are oriented to apple users.


........... IPHONE UPKEEP One of the simplest pieces of upkeep is clearing your iPhone cache every month. Whether you're browsing in Chrome, Safari or elsewhere on your iPhone, your cache builds up digital clutter over time. Clearing your cache gives your browser a new start, which can speed up your browsing whether you're using iOS 15 or iOS 16. (And if you're trying to get your phone to run faster, try managing your iPhone's storage.) How to clear your iPhone cache in Safari 1. Open the Settings app on your iPhone. 2. Select Safari from the list of apps. 3. Go to Advanced > Website Data. 4. Scroll down and select Remove All Website Data. 5. Choose Remove Now in the pop-up box. How to clear your iPhone cache in Chrome 1. Open the Chrome app. 2. Select the three dots in the bottom right to open more options. 3. Scroll across the top and select Settings. 4. Select Privacy and Security in the next menu. 5. Then select Clear Browsing Data to open up one last menu. 6. Select the intended time range at the top of the menu (anywhere from Last Hour to All Time). 7. Make sure that Cookies, Site Data is selected, along with Cached Images and Files. Finally, hit Clear Browsing Data at the bottom of the screen. How to clear your iPhone cache in Firefox 1. Click the hamburger menu in the bottom right corner to open up options. 2. Choose Settings at the bottom of the menu. 3. Select Data Management in the Privacy section. 4. You can select Website Data to clear data for individual sites, or select Clear Private Data at the bottom of the screen to clear data from all selected fields. ............


Phishing is the fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers. Attempts vary widely in their sophistication and techniques, but with careful attention, you shouldn’t have much trouble resisting their siren calls. The main pieces of advice for identifying phishing attempts are:

  • Assume that you shouldn’t click anything in an email message until you’ve given it a closer look. It’s easy to skim and respond to a full inbox, which is exactly what phishers are counting on.

  • Read the text of the messages, looking for capitalization, spelling, and grammatical mistakes. Nothing prevents phishers from writing correct English, but it seldom happens. Pay special attention to the fine print at the bottom—it’s often more of a giveaway than anything else because phishers are trying to make the message look right without continuing the deception.

  • Evaluate any claim about something happening within your organization against what you know to be true. Would your IT department do something extreme like deactivating accounts with little warning? Even if that’s not inconceivable, it’s safer to ask someone in the organization if a message is real than to click buttons randomly.

  • Be careful when you see big, legitimate-looking buttons. They’re easy to make and can sucker people who don’t read the surrounding text carefully.

  • If a message is just an attached image, it’s almost certainly fake.

  • With messages that don’t set off any other warning bells, like the PayPal phishing attempts above, be alert for names and email addresses that aren’t familiar.

  • from a mac newsletter, to see full article with examples go to:

...............EVERYTHING ELSE................

LOCAL WEATHER Thirty-eight states are operating or building networks of weather monitoring stations to provide more precise data than they receive from the National Weather Service. They're using that information to help spot flash floods, assess wildfire risk, inform farming practices and choose locations for renewable energy projects.? >>EARLY ABORTION LOOKS NOTHING LIKE WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD << THE LOWDOWN ON SELL BY DATES, hint....most foods are fine long past that date >> NEW YORK TIMES ILLUSTRATIONS Some wonderful and striking graphic work illustrating article topics. << THE BOGUS REPUBLICAN WAR WITH CORPORATE AMERICA This newsletter talks about the corporate lobbyist donating to speaker K. McCarthy and him accepting their donations after villifiying 'woke' corporations. It is a good example of the bullshit [public/private talk that passes for politics in DC. I urge you to subscribe to Popular Information if you are at all interested in how politics actually work. >> FOOD FOR THOUGHT The Netherlands are a country on the North Sea coast west of Germany. The land has a total area of 41,543 km² (16,040 mi²) However they are the 2nd largest food producer in the world after the US. This land area is approximately 165% of the area of Maryland. The Netherlands are thus the 22nd smallest country in Europe and ranked 135th in the world. And they use less power, less water, less fertilizer/pesticides, and generate less green house gases. They can grow as much food in an acre than 10 acres of dirt farming. This article tell how, and the video show how. There is no reason why Cochise County and cities cannot attract some of these Dutch growers. This is important stuff. Read here: /?utm_campaign=wp_news_alert_revere_trending_now&utm_medium=email&utm_source=alert&location=alert Watch here: >> RACHEL MADDOW; U.S. HISTORY OF POLITICAL EXTREMISM In her podcast, Maddow showcases an eerie similarity between the American fascist movement of the 1940s and the political extremism of the moment. She researched how American politicians plotted with violent extremists to undermine the US government and advance the aims of a foreign power—that is, the Nazi government of Adolf Hitler. As Maddow says in the final episode: One of the uncomfortable truths that you find in the dark corners of our history is that fascism happens, recurrently. Movements, and demagogues, and media figures and elected officials promote elements of fascism, antisemitism, hatred of minority groups and immigrants, worship of strongman leaders, wishing for the end to elections, the end to rule by law— it comes up, repeatedly. It has a certain appeal to a certain percentage of the country, in a fairly dependable way. And seeing that history of recurrence—in some ways, of course, it's horrifying—but it can also be instructive and practical. Because previous generations of Americans have confronted this same type of threat before us. And learning what they did gives us some lessons learned about what works and what might not work. >> HOW THE PARTIES SPENT THEIR MONEY << FACTOID The Defense Department spends more on contracts than any other federal agency. The Pentagon spent $714 billion in 2020; about 61.5% of that ($439 billion) was through private contracts.

............... WORD...............

>> YOUR VOCAB FOR TODAY From WaPo columnist Alexandra Petri The dot over the i and j is called a "tittle." and a hashtag is called an "octothorp." Rhythm is the longest English word without a single vowel. And oh yes --- most Muppets are left-handed. Almost as good as grawlix (the string of angry symbols that take the place of swearing in a comic strip.


GET IT? Q: Why did the vampires cancel their baseball game? A: They couldn't find their bats!

I thought it was because they couldn't get to home unless they were invited.

........ What do you get when you cross a joke with a rhetorical question? ........

This sentence contains exactly threee erors. ........ A mathematician wanders back home at 3 a.m. and proceeds to get an earful from his wife. “You’re late!” she yells. “You said you’d be home by 11:45!” “Actually,” the mathematician replies coolly, “I said I’d be home by a quarter of 12.”........ A sign at a music shop: “Gone chopin. Bach in a minuet.” ........ It’s hard to explain puns to kleptomaniacs. They always take things literally. ........ What did the Buddhist say to the hot dog vendor? “Make me one with everything.” The guy says you got it. The Buddhist then hands him a twenty. The hot dog vendor pockets it and turns to serve the next customer. The Buddhist asks, "What about my change?" "Change comes from within." ........ “God, how long is a million years?” “To me, it’s about a minute.” “God, how much is a million dollars?” “To me, it’s a penny.” “God, may I have a penny?” “Wait a minute.” ........ A German walks into a bar and asks for a martini. The bartender asks, “Dry?” The German replies, “Nein, just one.” ........ And for those commies out there.... Your mama is so classless, she could be a Marxist utopia. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>


In an office:


Outside a second-hand shop:


Notice in health food shop window:


Spotted in a safari park:


Seen during a conference:


Notice in a farmer's field:


Message on a leaflet:


On a repair shop door:



Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife And Daughter

Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says

Police Begin Campaign to Run Down Jaywalkers

Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over

Miners Refuse to Work after Death

Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant

War Dims Hope for Peace

If Strike Isn't Settled Quickly, It May Last Awhile

Cold Wave Linked to Temperatures

Couple Slain; Police Suspect Homicide

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges

Man Struck By Lightning: Faces Battery Charge

New Study of Obesity Looks for Larger Test Group

Kids Make Nutritious Snacks

Local High School Dropouts Cut in Half

Hospitals are Sued by 7 Foot Doctors

And the winner is...

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