editor: Fred Miller April 16, 2020 #7 April /2020
I wanted to get this stuff out cause the info is coming hot and heavy these days. The norms of everything have been upset and it is not an exaggeration to say that all lives have changed, some more than others. Our lives will not return to normal because there no longer is a normal. There is disarray, turbulence, and confusion. Yet walk out your door in the mornings, breathe in the cool mountain air, feel the warmth of the sun on your face, check out the flowers, trees and plants, and it seems so..so...so normal. Cognitive Dissonance.
I think it is imperative, at least for me and perhaps some of you also, to struggle against the feelings of inertia, ennui, and powerless during this time. The many things to do around the house and garden,remain undone. The more time I have, the less energy. Work, wonderful work that has been my core for these many many years, that has formed me, transformed me, gave me meaning/energy/soul satisfaction, no longer structures my days. The rage I feel at the incompetence, blustering, lying Covidiot-45 has to be transformed into something positive. As yet I haven't found that satisfying outlet. But I will.
Stay tuned, should be another Wire out in a few days. Lots of economic stuff to talk about.
Wick Communications (publisher of the Herald Review and 40 other publications) is offering matching grants for local businesses to market your biz. The spend has to be withing three months of received the grant. And the spend has to be in a Wick publication.
"Community organizations are encouraged to apply in the effort to promote and market themselves during this challenging time, in the communities that we serve. Recipients of our community grant program will be awarded a dollar for dollar match in marketing.
"We're offering $500 relief grants for hospitality workers who lost their jobs or had their hours slashed in the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak. Anyone in the hospitality industry, dishwasher, bartender, server, busser, chef, cook, sommelier, manager, host, concierge, cleaning staff, or barback may apply for funds. We’re also collecting donations from community members willing to help their hospitality-industry friends and neighbors stay afloat in this time of uncertainty. To apply for a grant or make a donation, use the links below. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScxkiDKv5U-hZHo_tPTVP-HLNuUK8Kz0_tQHMGXTjKUlrtnRQ/viewform <><><><><><> POSSIBLE FUNDING SOURCES FOR SMALL BUSINESSES Some of these are not applicable, need buy in, or offer only to their customers, however it's worth looking through to see if you qualify. Start here: https://business.sparklight.com/covid-19 https://www.thehelm.co/emergency-funding-female-founders/ <><><><><><> EIDL LOANS IN BIG TROUBLE, THREE MILLION+ APPLICANTS, NO DOUGH I applied for and EIDL loan last week. Fat chance. With so many applicants, the SBA overwhelmed, and so little money allocated, ain't no way me or most other small businesses will see anything let alone the $10k per loan promised. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/04/15/another-sba-program-is-severely-backlogged-running-low-funds/?utm_campaign=wp_news_alert_revere&utm_medium=email&utm_source=alert&wpisrc=al_news__alert-economy--alert-national&wpmk=1 <><><><><><> Arizona Republic free daily newsletter You can sign up for the daily Coronavirus Watch Newsletter here: https://profile.azcentral.com/newsletters/manage/. <><><><><><> NYTIMES FREE TO STUDENTS As schools across the country close in response to the pandemic, The New York Times and Verizon are helping students stay connected to the world during this unprecedented time. From now to July 6, high school students and educators in the United States will be able to access online Times journalism — free. They’ll just need their school administrator to invite them first. We would love help in spreading the word. If you know a student or teacher who might benefit from free access to The Times, or if you simply want to know more about our work with Verizon, you can learn more here. <><><><><><> WANNA GET AWAY? ONE WAY TIX TO LOTSA PLACES This is from autoslash <www.autoslash.com>. I've mentioned them before but if you rent cars, go here first. I have saveD hundreds of dollars renting through them. And they are free. A road trip is enticing after being cooped up since you aren't doing anything anyway. If you are going Eastward in the next few months, this might be the way to go. If you're planning an escape from the Florida or Arizona heat, consider taking advantage of a "drive-out" deal. Rental car companies offer these one-way specials to help them migrate their fleets in preparation for the busy summer season. PRO TIP: This year, Hertz, Alamo and Enterprise are all offering the same price on drive-out promos. But Hertz's one-way offers out of Florida and Arizona run for a significantly longer period, making them the best bet during uncertain times. It's also worth noting that other rental car brands will surely jump in with their own promos, so your best bet is to request a quote from AutoSlash and let us check for deals across all the companies. @@@@@@@@@@@@
Summaries and trends in latest research papers https://covid19primer.com/?fbclid=IwAR1TxOTk0FIFsMrY5gCadxXV_cX8Xw_5AoUY_frsjDpuDj1WALjqfw02Rdc ............... Heart problems from COVID-19; causation or reaction https://khn.org/news/mysterious-heart-damage-not-just-lung-troubles-befalling-covid-19-patients/?fbclid=IwAR2EiNsrGKrr6O8-exgZ-_GstY3sOSCkbMv8h5TtcrG8-2u0Q5Kfl4NnzM0 .................... Citizen Scientists; sign up to participate in the study “the collective participation of committed individuals in CCS will help identify behaviors, influences and factors that increase or decrease the risk of infection or that affect outcomes after infection” https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/03/417026/new-covid-19-citizen-science-initiative-lets-any-adult-smartphone-help-fight?fbclid=IwAR3rsRpmarjP_JjTlSIOsUK05IpMx_438iQHHcaV_yPTjQsIBby50_V94e4 ...................... All about face masks and coverings... https://www.cnet.com/how-to/coronavirus-face-mask-how-to-make-a-covering-at-home-using-cloth-or-a-bandana/?ftag=CAD-04-10aac3a&bhid=24867379272108267615610596432948&mid=12781748
IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN THE INCOMPETENCE of COVIDIOT-45 READ ON... The NYT assigned six reporters to this article detailing the response of Trump and the hacks in his administration to this most serious pandemic. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/11/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-response.html?action=click&module=Spotlight&pgtype=mynameisbendreyfuss
CULTURE If you can't go in person, many of these sites are the next best thing. (a bow to BB for this suggestion) Tucson Museum http://threshold360.com/locations/7684106?hss_channel=tw-724838358569111553 Dutch Gardens
400 Million Tulips are in the process of being trashed because no buyers, but this garden is amazing! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgdtoEfQfZA
............. 12 Places to watch Dance on line
12 Museums online
Google Museum Collections
Jazz vids on the Tube
Exhibits, tours online
Broadway Shows online
EDUCATION SAVE OUR SCHOOLS FREE WEBINARS There are unremitting attacks on Arizona public school money by advocates of charter schools. In fact Arizona is a trend setter for the charter school movement. If public schools are to remain healthy and open to all, there has to be a determined fightback. SOS is an excellent organization to learn how you can help.
There are several dates for this webinar series that illustrate the gains made by charter school proponents and the ways to defeat them and defend public education. And you can do petitions noted below.... this is an excerpt of how they operate.. "...who is pushing these laws that siphon funds from our public schools, and how have they gotten away with it? It’s simple. Arizona lawmakers propped up by well funded state and national special interest groups, including DeVos’ American Federation for Children, Americans for Prosperity, and Arizona’s Goldwater Institute, follow these steps to discreetly and incrementally privatize our schools: 1. Discredit. Spread the narrative that public schools are “failing” or “government” schools that promote “one size fits all” curriculum. Enforce a school grading system that doesn’t account for factors of poverty and trauma. 2. Disinvest. Cut funding to the public school system by shrinking state revenue, shifting the burden to local property owners and parents. This disproportionately affects schools in impoverished neighborhoods with low property values and little disposable income. Slash entire programs like full-day kindergarten. Underfund to the point that schools must cut the positions like librarians, counselors, music teachers, and aides that help public school students prosper. As funding has decreased, test scores have decreased as well. 3. Divert. Declare that public schools do not work and claim there must be other options that are entitled to public funding (the myth of “school choice”). Glittery options for private schools are touted as a better education (even though they do not have to play by the same rules). In 2019, more than $200 million of AZ tax dollars was diverted from public to private schools. 4. Repeat. To learn more, watch for our next installment, Selling “School Choice.” Save Our Schools Arizona has until June 26 to get 350,000 signatures and qualify for the Nov 2020 ballot. You can get petitions here to do a "micro-canvass" among friends and family you're already seeing, or click here to find a petition you can (safely) sign. <><><><><><><><>
Find out how the #SaveOurSchools Act prioritizes public education https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1010795738844623115?emci=68b8b8be-5e70-ea11-a94c-00155d03b1e8&emdi=016e8d20-7270-ea11-a94c-00155d03b1e8&ceid=1101498
<><><><><><><><> The problematic history of private school vouchers in Arizona and across the nation https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/1147275918178173453?emci=68b8b8be-5e70-ea11-a94c-00155d03b1e8&emdi=016e8d20-7270-ea11-a94c-00155d03b1e8&ceid=1101498
This presentation looks at education funding in Arizona and the US from the standpoint of equity and inclusion.
Advocating for Equitable Education Funding—sign up here for Tues April 21st (4-5 pm) or here for Weds April 29th (4-5 pm) This presentation looks at education funding in AZ and the US from the standpoint of equity and inclusion. It offers concrete solutions and recommendations for making public education more equitable—starting with each one of us. <><><><><><><><> The Truth About Vouchers—sign up here for Mon April 13th (4-5 pm) or here for Weds April 22nd (4-5 pm) This presentation reveals the problematic history of private school vouchers in AZ and across the US using historical sources and data-based analysis. You won’t believe what you learn—but it’s all true. <><><><><><><><> @@@@@@@@@@@@
Prevent zoomboming
Max Your Internet Service
Bisbee has few choice when it comes to internet service and many folks are not happy with whatever they have. While there is little that can be done about service to your house, with the exception of paying more for faster up/down loads, there are several ways to check and ensure you are getting the max from your service inside your house. This article gives you some ideas to check out.
/////////////////////// CURSES! THEY BE TRACKING YOU! HERE IS HOW TO FOIL THE BASTIDS... I know it's a drag to do some of this electronic stuff, but if you want to limit how much is known about you, your habits, your proclivities,,,What internet sites you go to/how long you stay on the site/what you order, and more you have to do this. Control your TV Tracking info
Take a look at Google's record of your online activity If you want to see the motherlode of data Google has on you, follow these steps to find it, review it, delete it or set it to automatically delete after a period of time. If your goal is to exert more control over your data but you still want Google services like search and maps to personalize your results, we recommend setting your data to autodelete after three months. Otherwise, feel free to delete all your data and set Google to stop tracking you. For most of the day-to-day things you do with Google you won't even notice the difference. 1. Sign into your Google Account and choose Data & Personalization from the navigation bar. 2. To see a list of all your activity that Google has logged, scroll to Activity controls and select Web & App Activity. 3. If you want Google to stop tracking your web and image searches, browser history, map searches and directions, and interactions with Google Assistant, uncheck both boxes. Otherwise, move on to step 4. 4. Next, click Manage Activity. This page displays all the information Google has collected on you from the activities mentioned in the previous step, all the way back to the day you created your account. 5. To set Google to automatically delete this kind of data either every three or every 18 months, select Choose to delete automatically (or Choose how long to keep) and pick the timeframe you feel most comfortable with. Google will delete any current data older than the timeframe you specify, for example, if you choose three months, any information older than three months will be deleted immediately. 6. If you'd rather delete part of all of your activity history manually, on the navigation bar choose Delete activity by and choose either Last hour, Last day, All time or Custom range. 7. Once you choose an autodelete setting or manually select which data you want deleted, a popup will appear and ask you to confirm. Select Delete or Confirm. To make sure your new settings took, head back to Manage Activity (step 4) and make sure whatever's there (if you deleted it all there should be nothing) only goes back the three or 18 months you selected in step 5.
Access Google's Record of your Location History Perhaps even more offputting than Google knowing what recipes you've been cooking, what vacation destination you're interested in or how often you check the Powerball numbers, the precision of Google's record of your whereabouts can be downright chilling, even if you never do anything you shouldn't. If you're signed into Google Maps on a mobile device, Google's eyes are watching your every move. It's about enough to make you want to leave your phone at home. Thankfully, that's unnecessary. Here's how to access, manage and delete your Google location data: 1. Sign into your Google Account and choose Data & Personalization from the navigation bar. 2. To see a list of all your location data that Google has logged, scroll to Activity controls and select Location History. 3. If you want Google to stop tracking your location, turn off the toggle on this page. 4. Next, click Manage Activity. This page displays all the location information Google has collected on you as a timeline and a map, including places you've visited, the route you took there and back, as well as frequency and dates of visits. 5. To permanently delete all location history, click on the trash can icon and choose Delete Location History when prompted. 6. To set Google to automatically delete this kind of data either every three or every 18 months, select the gear icon and choose Automatically delete Location History then pick the timeframe you feel most comfortable with. Google will delete any current data older than the timeframe you specify. For example, if you choose three months, any information older than three months will be deleted immediately. To make sure your location data really disappeared, start over with Activity Controls in step 2, then after Manage Activity in step 4, make sure the timeline in the upper left corner is empty and there are no dots on the map indicating your previous locations. ///////////////////////
Manage your YouTube search and watch History Of all the personal data that Google tracks, your YouTube search and watch history is probably the most innocuous. Not only that, allowing Google to track your YouTube history might have the most obvious benefit of all -- it helps YouTube figure out what kind of videos you like so it can dish out more of the type of content you'll enjoy. Here's how to get a look at your YouTube history and, if you want, how to delete it, either manually or at three- or 18-month intervals. Just like with Web & App Activity, we recommend setting YouTube to purge your data every three months. That's just long enough that YouTube's recommendations will stay fresh, but doesn't leave a years-long trail of personal data lingering behind. 1. Sign into your Google Account and choose Data & Personalization from the navigation bar. 2. To see a list of all your location data that Google has logged, scroll to Activity controls and select YouTube History. 3. If you want Google to stop tracking your YouTube search and viewing history entirely, turn off the toggle on this page. 4. Next, click Manage Activity. This is where the list of every search you've ever made and every video you've ever watched is listed. 5. To set Google to automatically delete your YouTube date either every three or every 18 months, select Choose to delete automatically (or Choose how long to keep) and pick the timeframe you feel most comfortable with. 6. To delete part of all of your activity history, on the navigation bar choose Delete activity by and choose either Last hour, Last day, All time or Custom range. 7. Once you choose which data to delete, a popup will appear and ask you to confirm. Select Delete. To make sure your YouTube data really disappeared, start over with Activity Controls in step 2, then after Manage Activity in step 4 make sure whatever's there (if you deleted it all there should be nothing) only goes back the three or 18 months you selected in step 5. /////////////////////// THE INTERESTING TALES OF FOIA REQUESTS "Since 2015, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (a nonprofit that advocates for free speech, privacy and government transparency in the digital age) has published The Foilies to recognize the bad actors who attempted to thwart the quests for truth of today’s Evans and Emerys. With these tongue-in-cheek awards, we call out attempts to block transparency, retaliation against those who exercise their rights to information, and the most ridiculous examples of incompetence by government officials who handle these public records." https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2019/03/foilies-2019 @@@@@@@@@@
https://qz.com/1830456/how-the-coronavirus-is-disrupting-the-us-fracking-industry/ <><><><><><> Cannabis Tax Revenue Exceeded $1.9 Billion in 2019 A new ITEP analysis reveals state and local tax revenue in states with legal recreational sales jumped 33% last year. Rapid expansion in California and the start of legal sales in Massachusetts contributed greatly to the nearly $500 million increase from cannabis tax revenue in 2018. <><><><><><>
HOME EXERCISES These are three vids (easy, medium, difficult) show differing exercises They follow the 10 reps quick as you can, than 1-2 minutes of rest. Progress from 1 circuit to 3 to 5 for each exercise. https://www.consumerreports.org/exercise-fitness/how-to-keep-fit-at-home-during-the-coronavirus/?EXTKEY=EE041IBAC&utm_source=acxiom&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=20200407_cromc_engagewkly
LAME HUMOR So sorry, I'll try for better soon...
ESPN execs meeting, looking at falling revenue said Fuck It! Let's put the Dogfighting and Cockfighting on the air.
Mike Pence, speaking from an unusual standing position, issued a permanent stay-at-home order to nations' women.
The Democrat's nominee for Prez, Joe Biden has issued new podcast available exclusively on vinyl. Progrerssives Elizabeth and Bernie had strongly urged an 8-trak and cassette release also.
Christian Charter School administrators have urged state's Government To Reopen Charter Schools Before Students Learn To Think For Themselves
IN a somber warning about the Trump virus... People should get in the habit of thoroughly disinfecting their televisions after Donald J. Trump has been on, a cross-section of experts confirmed on Tuesday. “If you have access to disinfectant wipes, thoroughly clean the television, paying particular attention to the Fox station.” Dr. Davis Logsdon, of the University of Minnesota, said. -30- -30- -30-