editor: fred miller April 5, 2021 #7 April/2021
Hmmmm, the council agenda had an interesting late addition Monday afternoon. When in executive session Tuesday night, the council will consider the City Manager's contract (#19). (A copy of her contract is at: https://www.bisbeeaz.gov/2325/Contracts-and-Agreements0
The recent paving of Main St. raised the street level so there is only a couple inches of curb in some parts of the street. And while the paving has been nice and long needed, it will assuredly cause a flooding problem. And that is not being dealt with by the City. Some business owners have or will let the city know their unhappiness at the foot dragging. Jesus Haro, Public Works director, seemed to dismiss the problem at a recent streets and infrastructure meeting and has resisted efforts to get him to address the seriousness of the problem. This is one of those stupid problems due to lack of foresight and institutional knowledge and perhaps some deafness to local businesses. As the streets were being paved it was pointed out that water would be flooding businesses, and nothing was done. There needs to be an immediate remedy before monsoon season, a couple of months away. It's bad enough that many businesses are just emerging from an economically horrendous year that some now face an imminent flood and have to get irate just to get the City' s attention.
When heading to Tucson the article below may help you find your way around. And there are a few articles below I'd like to see in print.
If you are easily offended or have religious principles that are sacrosanct, I urge you to skip the blasphemous poem at the end of this Wire . I usually print this around Easter cause it is a succinct summing up of my thoughts about this particular Christian ritual. And it has added meaning to me this year because it marks the death last month of one of the great poet enablers of the US, Lawrence Ferlinghetti. The book from which this poem was taken, A Coney Island of the Mind is likely one of the most successful poetry books published with more than a million copies in print. He was one of several seminal writers I read that impressed me with the power of words to pierce pomposity, illuminate the world, skewer the sanctimonious, and inspire insurgency.
Due to Covid 19 this meeting will be conducted electronically by Zoom and Facebook. The public can join, listen and view the meeting as follows: · City’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/COB118Arizona/). A Facebook account is not necessary. · Zoom by calling in at 1-346-248-7799 or by the following link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88966097765 the meeting/webinar ID is 889 6609 7765. · The public can submit comments that will be read at the dais by a staff member to publiccomment@bisbeeaz.gov. Citizens can also be recognized to speak during the meeting only if they sign up ahead of time at the email address above. Please indicate if you are signing up to speak under Call to the Public or a specific item number.
Background here: ww.bisbeeaz.gov/agendacenter The background yields the information of why the item is on the agenda, often, but not always, the particulars, and pertinent documents.
Of Interest:
#1 how your money is spent
#3,7,8 regarding leased trucks
#9, 19 Blues Fest permits for September 18
#13 sewer laterals emergencies
#15 airport hangar lease
#17 retrofit garbage truck to get it back in operation Yea!
#18 purchase of tax liens, it looks like two, but maybe more.
#19 exec session for:
Budge claims.
Consideration of the City Manager's contract
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence
Fire Personnel Announcements
Promotions of Lieutenant and Captain
Completion of probation for 2 firefighters
Proclamation for National Medical Laboratory Professionals Week
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
2. Approval of the Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on March 16, 2021.
B. Approval of a Permanent Extension of Premises/Patio Application Submitted by the Bisbee Table, 2 Copper Queen Plaza, Bisbee, AZ; Robert Page, Applicant.
3. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Quotes from Enterprise for Equity Leases for two Colorado pickup trucks.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
4. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-08; Amending the Zoning Code of the City of Bisbee, Adding Article 10B, Recreational Marijuana Establishments and Testing Facilities.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-21-09; Bisbee Workforce Housing Initiative.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
6. Presentation by VEREGY on energy efficiency solutions, solar and smart building technology.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
7. Presentation by Enterprise Fleet Management.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
8. Discussion related to vehicles for delivery during FY 21/22.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
9. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the use of City Park and Brewery Gulch for the Blues in Bisbee to be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 11:00 AM to 9:00 PM.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
10. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application Submitted by Easterseals Black Foundation for an Event to be held at City Park on Saturday, September 18, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 10:00 PM; Dina Scalone, Applicant.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
11. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Court Co-Located Intergovernmental Agreement between Cochise County Superior Court, Bisbee Justice Court and the City of Bisbee.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
12. Discussion and Possible Approval of an Agreement for the Appointment of the City Magistrate for the Magistrate Court of the City of Bisbee.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
13. Discussion and Possible Direction to City Staff regarding handling of emergency overflow of sewer laterals.
Ken Budge, Mayor
14. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Service Contract with KE&G for street drainage improvements to the Tin Town Community.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
15. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Assignment of the hanger lease between the City of Bisbee and Lindsay (Buzz) Hale to Copper City Aviation or direction to draft a new lease agreement.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
16. Discussion and Possible Approval to publish a Request for Proposal to remove and replace the cool decking at the City of Bisbee Pool.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
17. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase dumpster fork pockets.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
18. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase tax lien certificates in amounts to exceed $5,000 to protect the City’s interest.
Theresa Coleman, City Manager
19. Possible approval of a motion to go into Executive Session for the following matters:
Avoid or resolve litigation on a notice of claim from Kenneth and Mary Alice Budge.
An Executive session to discuss the city manager position pursuant to ARS38-431.)3(A)(1) Discussion or consideration of employment, assignment, appointment, demotion, dismissal, salaries, disciplining or resignation of a public officer, appointee or employee of any public body.
20. City Manager's Report:
Update on County redistricting
Other Current events (No Discussion)
COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members maysuggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.):
We have traveled to Tucson frequently for the past many years. It's a big enough city that there are many good restaurants, museums, cultural stuff, and outdoor beauty yet it is still easy to get around. It's a welcome break from the Bisbee bubble. These are some personal recommendations of lodging, food, health, and mobility. Often where we stay depends on the location of our doc appointments or other business. That then often determines where we eat. DRIVING IN TUCSON Except for the mountain areas to the North and East, Tucson is laid out on a N/S-E/W grid. Stone is the east/west dividing street and Congress/Broadway is the north/south divider. Downtown is a series of one way streets with Congress running west and Broadway going east. Although there are complaints about traffic in Tucson, particularly during high season (feb-may) when snow birds and students add to the population, rarely is a stop light wait more than three lights. The key to getting around Tucson rapidly in high traffic hours is to find the arterial with less traffic such as N/S streets; Alvernon, Columbus. Also useful are Tucson Blvd, Country Club. (These two are effective between 22nd st on the south and Prince at the north end) When going further North than the Tucson Mall, use 1st, Stone, or Oracle or use Craycroft on the east side. When possible it is best to avoid Campbell and Swan. If going E/W use 5th ave, Pima, Ft. Lowell, avoiding Grant and Broadway- which has construction lane widening from Euclid through Country Club. Speedway usually moves ok once past Campbell going East.) 22nd is probably the best street for going E/W from the freeway to the outskirts East . When exiting the freeway and going to midtown Alvernon is good or if going to the east side, Kolb is best. When exiting the freeway to downtown use Congress and when going North, use Miracle Mile or Prince and go to Oracle then north. When you are north of Tucson mall and need to go way East, use River Rd. or if further north, Sunrise. If you are way north and east, use Craycoft off Sunrise to get back into midtown. SUMMER LODGING During the summer most of the resort type hotels have deals that range from $90-$150 per room. Depends of what you are looking for and location, but lots of good deals...if you don't mind the heat. And of course there are scads of airb&b's. A few of our favorite places are: Northeast Tucson Lodge at Ventana Canyon 6200 North Clubhouse Lane ww.thelodgeatventanacanyon.com Way north on Kolb but before Loews Ventana, the lodge is a member-owned tennis and golf resort, they have 50 large rooms available. two huge pools, two golf courses, a dozen tennis courts, steam, saunas, exercise. A place to truly relax and get your ya-ya's out. Northwest Tucson La Posada 5900 North Oracle Road www.laposadalodge.com On Oracle just south of Rudisil Rd (between River and Orange Grove) It's an older property but well kept. There are 12 casitas in the rear of the hotel (best place) and 60 more regular rooms (get one facing inward rather out to Oracle). Like all hotels now, they have dynamic pricing in the $80-$150 range. Westward Look 45 E Ina Rd Large rooms and not a lot of stuff that attracts families like water slides. Downtown Two houses that are owned by Mary B, a Bisbee resident, are on Main St. just south of Cushing St. and the convention Center. Excellent places to stay. Easy access to everything. And the houses are very cool. https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/36563131 https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/33424308 Arizona Inn 2200 Elm A taste of vintage luxury in tucson. Not cheap, but ice cream at night, pool during the day,lovely cocktail lounge. FOOD INFO Tucson Foodie Best source for all things food in Tucson. Has listings of restaurants in different parts of town. https://tucsonfoodie.com/ The Originals Tucson restaurant owners http://tucsonoriginals.com/ RESTAURANTS for DINNER I like to eat at chef-owner restaurants. It just seems there is more attention to the food when owners are working supervising the kitchen. These are just a sampling of many fine restaurants, the first several are chef owned. Kingfisher 2564 E. Grant Rd. kingfishertucson.com Agustin Kitchen 100 S. Avenida del Convento, Ste. 150 agustinkitchen.com Feast 3719 E. Speedway Blvd. eatatfeast.com The Coronet 198 West Cushing Street (520) 222‑9889 info@CoronetTucson.com Le Rendez-vous 3844 E. Fort Lowell Rd. endezvoustucson.com Senae Thai Bistro 63 E. Congress St. senaethai.com Tavolino Ristorante Italiano 2890 E. Skyline Dr. tavolinoristorante.com Vivace 6440 N. Campbell Ave. vivacetucson.com Cafe a la C’Art 150 N. Main Ave. cafealacarttucson.com Scott & Co. 47 N. Scott Ave. 7scott.com Commoner & Co. 6960 E. Sunrise Dr. commonertucson.com Penca 50 E. Broadway Blvd. pencarestaurante.com Wildflower 7037 N. Oracle Rd. RESTAURANTS FOR BREAKIE & LUNCH 5 Points Market & Restaurant 756 S. Stone Ave. 5pointstucson.com Ghini's French Cafe (also dinner) 1803 E Prince Rd http://ghiniscafe.com/ Prep n Pastry (two locations) 6450 E Grant Rd 3073 N Campbell Ave http://www.prepandpastry.com/ Baja Café 7002 E. Broadway Blvd. 2970 N. Campbell Ave. bajacafetucson.com Blue Willow 2616 N. Campbell Ave. bluewillowtucson.com Cafe a la C’Art 150 N. Main Ave. cafealacarttucson.com Cup Café Hotel Congress, 311 E. Congress St. hotelcongress.com Beyond Bread 421 West Ina at Oracle (north) 3024 N Cambpbell 6260 E. Speedway (east) <><><><><><><><>
Pathetic shooters have demanded to keep assault weapons because banning them it is not fair to those whose aim is poor. "We need those 30 shots fa chris sake! This is outright discrimination!" says Ken Uchute
AZ LEGISLATORS MOAN ABOUT ECONOMIC LOSS IF SHOOTERS LEAVE STATE Arizona Lawmakers warn stricter gun regulation could cause mass shooters to move to other states. "I mean you are not paying attention people, every time there is a big shooting the mass media comes here. They buy booze, food, hotel rooms, rent cars. It's an economic boom worth several thousands of dollars. We should open our schools and put politicians on street corners with a welcome mat. Let's not shoot ourselves in the foot here! " said Senator Will Cary.
GOV DUCEY, After meandering all over the field, Governor Douglas Anthony Ducey Jr. triumphantly spikes the ball on the ten yard line, declaring the pandemic over. Affecting a 'Mexican' accent, the addled gov declared, "We don't need your steenking refrigerator trucks,"
"This state is as solvent as the Public Pension Fund," said the governor. "I run it just like those guys that manage the Public Safety Personnel Retirement System. You know it is not only Il Duce that can make the trains run on time!"
"This LGBTOK alphabet thing is getting out of hand. They can't claim everyone as one of theirs! Satan is as christian as christian can be and certainly is a straight man," declared Shirley Abigot. "As proof, I can attest that many of us god fearing women have been sorely tempted by the devil's tuning fork, but fortunately few have yielded." "And I second that", said Randy Seerect emphatically.
Lawrence Ferlinghetti A Coney Island of the Mind #5
Sometime during eternity
some guys show up
and one of them
who shows up real late
is a kind of carpenter
from some square-type place
like Galilee
and he starts wailing
and claiming he is hip
to who made heaven
and earth
and that the cat
who really laid it on us
is his Dad
And moreover
he adds
It’s all writ down
on some scroll-type parchments
which some henchmen
leave lying around the Dead Sea somewheres
a long time ago
and which you won’t even find
for a coupla thousand years or so
or at least for
nineteen hundred and fortyseven
of them
to be exact
and even then
nobody really believes them
or me
for that matter
You’re hot
they tell him
And they cool him
They stretch him on the Tree to cool
And everybody after that
is always making models
of this Tree
with Him hung up
and always crooning His name
and calling Him to come down
and sit in
on their combo
as if he is the king cat
who’s got to blow
or they can’t quite make it
Only he don’t come down
from His Tree
Him just hang there
on His Tree
looking real Petered out
and real cool
and also
according to a roundup
of late world news
from the usual unreliable sources
real dead