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BISBEE WIRE #72/around town/OB business district/the economy/fun with puns/legal probs for anti-democracy zealots

editor: fred miller           May 31,2024              #72/May 24


Ya know when you are trying to say something, but it just won't come out right? That is what this issue has been; stops and starts, deleted paragraphs, rewrites, additions, and naps. Jeez, sometimes finding words is a lost cause.

By popular demand, ASK ANITA  debuts this issue. Readers of the Wire have many burning questions that demand answers and we will provide the space to hose em down.

If you enjoy visiting countries and interesting places vicariously-sans all the shlepping, one of the best travel blogs to read belongs to Kate and Grady. Kate, designer of fabuloso hats, and Grady, co founder and active guy in Step Up Bisbee, are world travelers. Currently they are doing their first cruise ship, on the way to Bermuda and Egypt. Entertaining and informative writers, you can travel along without packing a bag. Go here

Stan Stern died this week. The retired investment banker had a rich and varied life working with former Indiana Senator Richard Lugar, as a senior adviser for Bear Sterns and later owned his own international consulting business focusing on bank takeovers and mergers. He spent considerable time in Mexico and Istanbul.

He was the chairperson on the iBisbee economic development committee from 2013 until 2019 when it disbanded. I was fortunate to be on the committee also, and it was a years-long lesson in learning from Stan; what the economy of Bisbee actually looked like, how to handle dissent during a meeting, how to parse a project into component parts, how to analyze a situation from a knowledge-not supposition-base.

During that time he led us through a number of initiatives that were designed to assist the city to development economically. Most all proved fruitless. Based on several months listening to various speakers talk about Bisbee, we explored setting up senior/low income housing, establishing a foundation to run the Mine Tour, bringing a hotel to Bisbee, using Freeport land for a teaching area for end of life mining, and several other initiatives. Perhaps the most consequential thing we did was to bring several development experts from the Urban Land Institute to assess economic prospects for Bisbee. With few minor exceptions, they concluded-as we had surmised early on-that Tourism was our main economic drive and most valuable area for development. (If you are interested in the Urban Land Institute's methodology and findings for Econ development for Bisbee, go here)

Stan was a confident for many city officials and business people who sought his counsel. In the past few years, several of us got together once a month for lunch with Stan to chew the fat, as it were. A generous man and a realist, he was a no nonsense person, a life long learner always trying to understand the economic, political, and religious life of the country. His wife and partner, Anna May-herself a long time teacher-has been at his side through some tough years.

In the last several months, as we visited him, in Bisbee, then Tucson, then back to Bisbee where he died at home, he maintained a realistic but positive attitude toward his health. He and Anna May were assisted by their long time life helper Maureen, as well as Mike and others.  'It is What It Is' was his go-to explanation for many situations. Myself and many others will miss his sage advice, stimulating conversation, and welcoming attitude.


................​AROUND TOWN................

Researchers at Arizona State University are recruiting caregivers of individuals living with dementia to gather new insights into the attributes of supportive social networks. They are actively recruiting participants who serve as unpaid caregivers of individuals living with dementia who are 1) Over 40 years old and 2) Live in Arizona. Participants will be asked to participate in one (1) 45-55 minute interview by phone. And they will get a $35 Amazon gift card. To complete the eligibility screener and schedule an interview time, please visit by clicking here

from Copper Queen Library newsletter. Sign up here



Friday June 7 9am-noon, the 2024 2A champ, Bisbee High Pumas Baseball Team will be hosting and bussing for a fundraiser at the Bisbee Breakfast Club to get the dough to buy champ rings, and next season equipment. Get your breakie on!


Candidate Forum at Cochise College 6/10

Candidates for two judge positions and county attorney will be at a forum on June 10, 5-7:30 on the SV campus of Cochise College. Lori Zucco and Joshua Jones are the repubs and Scott Eckstein the sole dem, are the attorney candidates.

Richard Karwczka and Ruth Folkner are vying for the Division 4 judicial post, and Jason Lindstrom is the sole candidate for Division 5 .


Mayor Candidate Forum at Senior Center 6/20

Thursday June 20 from 5:30-7:30 the three candidates for Bisbee mayor- incumbent Ken Budge, Gretchen Bonaduce, and Wanda Leikem-will explain their platforms and respond to questions from the audience.



Cafe Roka






Copper Queen hotel


7th best place to live in the US says Daily Mail




Sivonn, owner of Sivonn's Asian Food, formerly available only at the Bisbee Saturday Market, is now offering her fine authentic Asian Cuisine out of her food truck most days at the location of Naco Hwy and Collins Rd. 520 590-1055




The Rural Policy Forum ...Freeport-McMoRan is pleased to partner with Local First Arizona and the Rural Development Council again this year for the 17th Annual Rural Policy Forum August 7-9th in Cottonwood & Clarkdale.

FM will be providing scholarships to partners from our operating communities. This scholarship includes the cost of registration and the Forum’s evening events on Wednesday and Thursday. All other expenses are the responsibility of the attendee.

 If you are interested in attending, please complete the information on this  Form and we will be back in touch with you on registration information once we finalize scholarship recipients.



Meeting Tuesday June 4th, 7:00

Background here



1.       ACCOUNTS PAYABLE:  Subject to availability of funds.

2.       Approval of the Consent Agend

  1. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on Tuesday, May 21, 2024.

  1. Approval of the Appointment of David Miller to the Bisbee Arts Commission.

  1. Approval of the Appointment of Todd Conklin to the Building Advisory Board of Appeals.

  1. Approval of the Appointment of Greg Nolen to the Building Advisory Board of Appeals with a Waiver of Commission Memberships currently served.

  1. Approval of the Appointment of Greg Nolen to the Police and Fire Advisory Committee.

  1. Approval of the Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the Bisbee Rotary Club for the use of Cole Avenue, Bisbee Road, and Arizona Street for the Annual 4th of July Parade on Thursday, July 4, 2023, from 11:00am to 1:00pm.


  1. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow the Bisbee Police Department to purchase new radios and equipment to be installed in the old police units in the amount of $11,002.69 using the Police Capital Improvements line item.

Tim Cox, Police Chief

  1. Public Hearing on Truth in Taxation and Public Hearing and Discussion of the FY 2024-25 proposed budget for the City of Bisbee.

Keri Bagley, Finance Director

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-24-10: Adopting the Final Budget for FY24-25 for the City of Bisbee; Adopting the Alternative Expenditure Limitation for FY 2024-25.

Keri Bagley, Finance Director

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-24-11: Authorizing the submission of an application for the CDBG Regional Funds Distribution in the amount of $515,000.

Melissa Hartman, City Planner

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase a new Model 20 Slide Pole unit to replace the existing Slide Pole at Fire Station 82 using ARPA Funds in the amount of $26,250.00.

Jim Richardson, Fire Chief

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Contract Amendment #1 with Poster Mirto McDonald for architectural documentation and preparation of a salvage plan for Camp Naco in the amount of $19,703.00.

Mike Normand, Construction Project Manager

  1. Discussion and Possible Approval to have RH Borden complete a Target Basin I&I Assessment.

Matthew Gurney, Public Works Director

  1. Possible Approval of a Motion to go into Executive Session for the for the following matter:

  2. An executive session pursuant to A.R.S. § 38-431.03(A)(3) for discussion or consultation with the City Attorney to provide legal advice related to the buildings involved in the Main Street Fire.

Ken Budge, Mayor  

  1. City Manager’s Report:

...............BISBEE ECONOMY................

There is much happening in Bisbee to cheer about. The pool opening, city hall construction going well, street repaving/fixing continues, millions in grants received, and dough flowing into the city coffers from tax revenue as noted in the Treasurer's report below.

However, I think there are serious long range economic problems that are emerging. 

The OB commercial district has more than 25% of available buildings for sale and/or unused. Although some of the buildings have current viable businesses, many do not. One of the implications is clear; diminished city sales tax and property revenue.

It may be that I am blowing things out of proportion. A few people have suggested to me that this is not a problem and just part of the ebb and flow of Bisbee economic life; the churn, as it were. Could be.

Hampering a possible objective evaluation is that there is no OB business group, so I have no idea if OB businesses think this is a problem.

My only suggestion is that perhaps it would be helpful for a public/private committee to be convened that would evaluate the current OB commercial market and suggest unified ways forward that would tout/market Bisbee as a good economic investment. Whether this is a problem or maybe a problem or not a problem, a group like that would be good for Bisbee. (As a disclaimer, I do not own any property in OB)



The Bisbee Royale, 94 Main St. was been posted for auction.The auction date is July 3, 10 am, at Pioneer Title/SV. The unpaid principal balance is $126,545 (from the original balance of $251,220) The original/current beneficiary is KBRP Radio Project. The original/current trustor is House Royale LLC. with a San Diego address.

The KBRP Radio Project Board issued this statement;

"When The Bisbee Radio Project Inc. was generously donated and subsequently sold The Royale, the goal was to use this asset to insure the long-term financial stability of KBRP radio. As a "Community Radio Station," the broadcasting license issued by the Federal Communication Commission is held in trust for the community by The Bisbee Radio Project’s Board of Directors (BOD). 


It is unfortunate that the buyer of The Royale defaulted on the Real Estate Contract they entered into.  Numerous attempts were made to contact the buyer, a late notice was issued and with no response, the note went into default and KBRP had their title company proceed with a notice of Trustee Sale if the note is not paid in full by July 3rd.  KBRP's Board of Directors will continue to engage in all legal means to enforce said contract and protect this community's homegrown radio station." 

And more about ...

....the commercial building churn going on in the main Old Bisbee business district. About 25% of the commercial building stock is for sale/destroyed/vacant. I did a hasty search on google maps and there are about 65 buildings in the district. Of that total, 11 buildings for sale, 2 destroyed, 1 damaged, 7 empty/no activity. (These are buildings, not businesses, There are many more businesses than buildings.)

To my knowledge, and I may have missed a few (data from online listings such as LoopNet, Century 21, Xome, etc)...

These buildings are for sale:

2 Main St. $1,800,000...Convention center/Table/Bisbee Coffee

27 Main, $690,000...past home of Artemisia

35 Main, $1675,000...Roka

61 Main $3,000,000... Bisbee Grand Hotel

69 Main  $800,000...Palace/livery bldg/Acacia

79 Main $675,000...  Art Home bldg

81 Main $599,000 ...former finders keepers antiques

15 Brewery $1,750,000...Stock Exchange bldg

1 Howell@Brewery $1,670,000 ... Hotel San Ramon & Santiagos (hotel open)

11 Howell $12,500,000...Copper Queen Hotel

15 Brewery $1,750,000 ...Stock Exchange

This building has been sold

3/5 Main  $800,000 buyer from Tempe

These buildings are destroyed

29 Main

31 Main

This building is damaged/ hotel closed, one shop closed, two open

26 Main (letson loft)

These buildings are vacant or no apparent activity

3 & 5 Main St (has been sold, activity noted for the first time in years)

10 Main (Herald Review bldg)

21 Main St.

88 Main St.

31 Subway empty, but has a bldg. permit on window & for rent sign

55 Subway (american legion bldg.)

54  Brewery

Also for Sale in other parts of Bisbee

400 Arizona St.$499,000

1 Cochise Row  $3,800,000 (Storage Compound)

54 Cochise Row $395,000

600 Romero, $675,000 (Double P Roadhouse)

11 W. Hwy 92 (newly built for Dollar General) $2,264,143

1326 Hwy 92 $85,000

6 Naco Rd  $1,200,000



The city treasurer, Keri Bagley issues a report that informs the council about the revenue/expenses for the month. Overall revenue is about $468,000 above projections. Overall expenses are much lower due to police and fire reduced expenditures.

There is a net revenue over expenses of $809,000.

With 83% of FY 2023-24 completed; (all are above or below projections)

city sales tax is a 106% or $560k,000 above 

state tax slightly above

Overall tax collection are  $398,000 above.

Ambulance fees about $90,000 behind. It may be projections were too robust and will be curtailed some in the FY 24-25 budget.

Streets have used almost all of the $800,000 budgeted for paving and no more will be done this FY.

Sanitation has a positive cash and fund balance, unlike previous years and surplus would be used to replace aging equipment.

Queen Mine revenue is up about $200,000 with three months to go.


The FY24-25 Budget

The budget is the document that is the blueprint for city spending, department by department. It shows actual and potential revenue and how that is to be allocated. If you want to know about city department spending, go to the budget. You will see under/over runs, projected revenues and expenditures.

One thing to keep in mind is that the budget must be balanced. If more money comes in than is accounted for in the budget, it cannot be spent. That is why grants are budgeted for in case they are awarded.

Go here for the document. And the Bisbee Observer has a copy of the budget revenues and expenditures in a past issue.

The general fund is the pool of dough that most departments are funded through. It is projected to bring in about $10,879,671 in FY 24/25. Enterprise funds are not in the general fund because they function sort of like small businesses and bring in their 'own' money such as the visitor center/bed tax (projected for $260k), and mine tour (projected $1,625,000). Also Wastewater and Sanitation are considered separate funds. There are various other grants and funds too numerous to go into here.

And speaking of grants ... a March council meeting, CM Pauken spoke of $21 million in grants, the city has received in the past 18 months. The grants ranged from Saginaw home improvement, Hillcrest apts asbestos and lead paint removal, Camp Naco development, upgrading police communications & new vehicles, clearing brush as part of fire pevention, fire dept. turnout gear, securing a glass crusher for recycling, Moon cyn. bridge replacement, planning for Bisbee Bikeways multiuse path, installation of solar panels at the new city hall, planning for Commerce St. Whew! 

More grants applied for this year; ladder fire truck, emergency water system in OB, overall new water system in OB,.

Among the people assisting the city's part time grant writer Melissa Hartman and department heads are; Danielle Bouchever, Becky Orozoco, Megan Connelly, and Local First.


SALES TAXES (this report is for actual spending in February)

The bed tax continues to bring in the bucks (it funds the Visitor Center and tourism related activities and does not go into the general fund through which most departments are funded), with the 3.5% hotel tax that brought in $28,027 and bar/restaurant taxes that tallied $69,088,as well as $123,341 from sales tax, it is clear that Spring visitation to Bisbee is booming.

Internet sales taxes fluctuate but are in a slow rise with this month at $27,000. And food for retail consumption was down by about $10,000  at $38 519 which is the lowest total since Sept 2021.

But looking at the main sales indicators of tourism, this was by far the best month ever for visitation, even accounting for inflation-which I don't do-and one day shorter than other months.  It is impressive.


Fifteen houses sold for $4,245,000. The largest total since June of 2021. Six houses sold in OB, four in Warren, three in San Jose, and two in other neighborhoods. This is the breakdown with original ask, list price, and sale price.

Address Original/list/sell

17 Nighthawk  250k/129k/75k

912 American Ave.  99k/93,500/86,500

18 Wolverine  145k/139,900/139,900 (buyer from Bisbee)

21 Manzanita 165,000

114 McNeish  225k/200k/180k

610 campbelll 209,900/209,900/205,000

237B Youngblood Hill      325k/285,400/275,000

307 Hovland 296k/296k/285,000

20 Sowels  329k/309,900/309,000

2209 S. Arizona St. 379k/379k/359,000

513C Bailey Hill  408k/368k/368,000

139 OK St. 380k/379,,/369,000 (buyer from Sierra Vista)

16 Clawson Ave. 459k/439k/399,000

300 Cole  535k/495k/455,000

600 Tombstone 699k/674k/575,000 (buyer from Tucson)


There were 11 commercial permits for $228,750 ($170k of that was for remodel at Premier Alliances) and 41 residential permits $392,478 of which $102,000 was for one residence. The remainder was for heating/cooling upgrades, electrical upgrades, roof replacements, minor structural changes, and plumbing problems.


QUEEN MINE TOUR (stats for April drawn from the budget)

There are 15 part and full time employees and the tour is an enterprise fund which means it generates its own money through the tour and the gift shop. By the end of this FY, it is projected to bring in about $1,350,000 (tour; $750k, merch; $600k) . They are projected to come in under budget by about $400k for this fiscal year. Roughly 50,000 people pass through the tour yearly.



MCR Consultants LLC

109 Pittsburg

Matthew Christian Ray


QFI Construction

501 Cintilla Place

Alejandro Quiroz


BGG Condominium Association

312 E. Vista Unit 4

Benjamin Julich

Carolyn Crane


Rodriguez Excavation LLC

4455N. Rose Ct

Justin Rodriguez



27 Wood Canyon

Leah McAdaragh


94 Main Bisbee Royale

July 3, 10 am Pioneer Title/SV

80 W. Hwy 80

July 9, 10 am Pioneer Title/SV




Superior Court judge Susan Pineda ruled that Tom Crosby, debt collection attorney David Mast, and their attorney, Ryan Heath have to pay $17,622 to the Secretary of State and Attorney General’s offices; $95,724 to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors and Maricopa County recorder.

Crosby and Mast had sued Maricopa County to reject the results of the Attorney General election in 2022. (They had also been involved in a legal effort to overthrow the 2022 general election results.) It was a similar suit their attorney had filed on behalf of Abe Hamadeh, the loser in the AG race. The judge admonished attorney Heath for even taking the case because the exact same charges had been rejected twice by previous judges.The judge said that Crosby and Mast had no standing to sue Maricopa County. because there was no basis for their claim that they had been injured by the ballot process used by the county.To pay his mounting legal fees, Crosby has raised $9799 on the christian site givesendgo. +++++++++++


An Arizona grand jury has indicted former President Donald Trump ‘s chief of staff Mark Meadows, lawyer Rudy Giuliani and 16 others for their roles in an attempt to overturn Trump’s loss to Joe Biden in the 2020 election.

The indictment released Wednesday names 11 Republicans who submitted a document to Congress falsely declaring that Trump won Arizona in 2020. They include the former state party chair, a 2022 U.S. Senate candidate and two sitting state lawmakers, who are charged with nine counts each of conspiracy, fraud and forgery.

Robert Montgomery, chairman of the Cochise County Republican Committee in 2020 was assigned a legal defender. The next court hearing is an initial pretrial conference slated for July 2. The hearing is for the judge and the attorneys of the 18 defendants.A trial date will not be announced until October under the current court schedule.

Arizona joins Nevada and Michigan that have indicted people in their states for fake electors.Six of the indictees have started publicly funding through either campaigns or through the christian site GiveSendGo that also allows donors to send prayers. A cursory look at the site, putting in the search term 'legal',will see  election deniers, jan 6 rioters, and many more anti-democratic malcontents. ++++++++++++++TAX ELECTION FOR NEW JAIL AT APPEALS COURTA mail-in ballot only special election to provide funds to build a new jail won by 750 votes a year ago. The election was challenged when it became known that 10,000 voters were not sent a publicity pamphlet nor a ballot because they were inactive, although registered, voters.The challenge was turned down by Superior Court Judge Thorn. That decision was appealed to the AZ court of appeals.At a hearing last week, the judges tried to understand what state statute applied. The county held that in special elections eliminating inactive voters was mandatory, the challengers had waited too long to challenge and it should be dismissed and the tax go forward.The protestors held that it was not known before the election that the inactive voters would not receive a ballot and only after the election became known. So they filed a challenge.In a mail only election there is no provision for in person voting, so inactive voters had no recourse and were 'disenfranchised' by the special election.Quite confusing. Likely any decision will be kicked up to the AZ supemes. In the meantime, businesses have been advised to collect the .5% tax until the legal issues are adjudicated.(16-166 (A) stipulates a voter is place on the inactive list when a first class mailing from the recorder to a voters' address is returned as moved. The recorder by laws sends a followup notice with the info about changing the voters registration info. IIf the elector does not complete and return a new registration form with current information to the county recorder or make changes to the elector's voter registration information that is maintained online within thirty-five days, the elector's registration status shall be changed from active to inactive.(A voter can continue to vote in elections upon in person proof of address, however If the registrant does not vote in an election during the period after the date of the notice from the recorder through the date of the second general election for federal office following the date of that notice, the registrant's name shall be removed from the list of inactive voters.) ++++++++++++++NO WAY TO SATISFY ELECTION DENIERS andSUPES ATTORNEY FACES SUSPENSIONPens, papers, and problems for elections....and in the same post......Brian Blehm, one of the attorneys that supes Crosby and Judd relied on, unsuccessfully,  to defend their 100% ballot hand counting legal, faces suspension from practicing law for lying to the court. An disciplinary judge will soon decide. hope&utm_source=Votebeat&utm_campaign ++++++++++++++AZ ELECTION OFFICIALS WHO ARE ELECTION DENIERS ++++++++++++++YOUR TWO CENTS ABOUT A BALLOT ISSUE WILL COST $75......AND READ BY 4 MILLION PEEPSFor  $75 bucks you can get 300 words about a specific proposition on the November ballot that will be read-hopefully-by about 4 million registered voters.  And since the lege has abdicated their primary responsibility-you know to legislate-there is going to be many ballot measures. State law allows individuals, organizations, and political committees to make a bid for your vote, Arguments for and against can be submitted beginning at noon Monday, May 20, through 11:59 p.m. June 20.The website to amplify your voice is

..............COCHISE COUNTY................

Earth Fissures in Arizona are a problem that is just getting larger, as it were and Cochise County has many. An article here from the Arizona Geological Survey details what is going on. It has a 2018 vid of an area near Dragoon Rd and Hwy 191 as an example of what a fissure looks like close up. This map will give you an idea of where fissures are and how large.

??????????????ASK ANITA??????????????

We have added Ask Anita, an advice column with opinions on issues of relevance to our subscribers. With many years of getting advice from her husband, she feels qualified. All letters are welcome; relationship challenges such as husband/wife snoring, selective hearing, cleaning avoidance, or excessive devise use. Or maybe sex issues including

lack of/too much/none/who cares, dating in the new age of devices and apps, reckless driving in the slow lane, when to talk to your children about relationships after 60, nosiness about the neighbors lack of clothing, dog whispering, female and male hygiene, and any other issue on your mind.

Send your question to with ASK ANITA in the subject head.

Due to space limitation-mainly the editor’s longwindedness, I will be forced to occasionally summarize letters to Ask Anita. Another man with control issues!



I need your advice. I am a mis-matched sock wearer. My husband has pointed this out on several occasions and said; “if I’d noticed this quirkiness of yours when we were first dating,  I’d think you were a little too weird for me.” Apparently he wasn’t paying attention to my socks when we were dating.

I know that sock matching and folding is important to many people. Hell, they even have YouTube videos on the proper way to fold socks. My husband says my disregard for matching socks reflects on other aspects of my  life. Like driving, for example, “If you're not paying attention to whether or not your socks match, how could you possibly pay attention to the road?!" Easily.

The fact is, I’ve discovered there are many more closet mis-matched sock wearers out there who, like me, are mostly able to hide this so-called quirkiness. So I am thinking about standing up for bisocktual people. It’s about damn time we mis-matched sock wearers get some support–and I don’t mean stockings. I want to publicly counter the stereo-type belief that we are lazy, that wearing mismatched socks is the first sign that our lives are  going off the rails. that our wheels are drifting over the median divider. that we are staggering through life, losing our grip...

...There is a very sane reason why my socks don’t match: Why spend half my night trying to put socks into matching pairs to inevitably find that one damn stray sock. I just throw them all in a drawer, pull out any two Just slap two on and you’re good to go. What could be more reasonable?

Anita, do you think it wise for me to go ahead and start this support group? Or would I risk public shame and embarrassment, worse than being written up in Police Beat?

Dear Mismatched,

I agree with you that matching and folding socks is a waste of valuable time.  It is unfortunate your husband did not notice this before your marriage and now finds it to be quirky and irresponsible. As he did not notice your socks before marriage, we can assume that he does not have a foot fetish (thankfully!), but may have control issues. Possibly he is an exclusively a white sox wearer? Maybe his mother did his laundry?

Regarding starting a support group for bisocktual people such as yourself, I think it would benefit the many people who feel they have to hide their socks under long slacks or granny dresses.


There is a movement afoot called Free the Sock! You can reach at 888 fre-sock. Starting a local chapter may be beneficial. There is no need to hose your husband; it is a common control issue. Your husband can get help at SA (socks anon) or 888 one-sock.

...............EVERYTHING ELSE................


Go here for the article.



Go here



Go here


TAKE PRECAUTIONS WHEN RENTING A CARTravel season is often renting a car season. A few minutes of your time documenting the before/after using your camera can save you hours of grief and mucho dinero.Before you drive away, take a few moments to walk around your rental noting any dings, scratches, or paint chips-take a photo.When you drop it off take photos of the rental car. These pictures will serve as evidence that you returned the car when you say you did. Be sure to take photos that show the car from various angles to show that the vehicle was returned undamaged. This can also help protect you against any unwarranted damage charges that might pop up after you’ve completed the reservation. And be sure to snap a photo of the dashboard showing the mileage and fuel level when the car was returned.+++++++++IF YOU TRAVEL MUCH GET THIS NEWSLETTERA free newsletter that keeps abreast of the best ways to save money traveling. THE TIP OF A MELTING ICEBERGAgriculture operations in 11 states, including seven in Yuma,  have been sent warnings of per and poly-fluoroalkyl (PFAS) contamination by the Dept. of Defense. The huge environmental problem is the beginning of contamination reveal. This particular warning is to those ag operations that were near military bases that used fire fighting foam that contained PFAS.

According to the New Lede, "A recent Farm Bill draft released by the US Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry, includes language from the proposed Relief for Farmers Hit with PFAS Act, which would direct the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) to designate $500 million in grants to states, territories, and Tribes to monitor and clean up per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) on agricultural land and in farm products. The funds would partly offset financial losses a farmer can suffer due to PFAS contamination."

The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture has said it sees PFAS as an “emerging risk” that poses a “major hazard” to US farmers and ranchers.Due to widespread production and use of PFAS since the 1940's, as well as their ability to move and persist in the environment, surveys conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that most people in the United States have been exposed to some PFAS. Most known exposures are relatively low, but some can be high, particularly when people are exposed to a concentrated source over long periods of time. Some PFAS chemicals can accumulate in the body over time.An article here (may be paywalled) explains how 3M covered up decades of PFAS use knowing there was harm.

............... WORD...............


'cockwomble' is derogatory British slang for a person, usually male, who is prone to making outrageously stupid statements and-or inappropriate behaviour while having a very high opinion of their own wisdom and importance.

Example: The Cockwomble was convicted of 34 counts of falsifying business records.


(I may have run these before and was going to made a joke about memory loss, but I forgot how it goes...)

I once dated a girl who broke up with me because I only have 8 toes. Yes, she was lack-toes intolerant.

I've started telling everyone about the benefits of eating dried grapes.

It's all about raisin awareness.

I've started investing in stocks: beef, vegetable, chicken. One day I hope to be a bouillianaire.

If you boil a funny bone, it becomes a laughing stock. Now that's humerus.

Did you know muffins spelled backwards is what you do when you take them out of the oven?

Scientifically, a raven has 17 primary wing feathers; the big ones at the end of the wing are called pinion feathers.

A crow has only 16. Therefore, the difference between a raven and a crow is only a matter of a pinion.


I tried to come up with a carpentry pun that woodwork. I thought I nailed it, but nobody saw it.

Singing in the shower is fine until you get soap in your mouth. Then it's a soap opera.

The Black-Eyed Peas can sing us a song, but the chick peas can only hummus one.

Then there was the time Fruit of the Loom took Hanes to court .......  it was a brief case.

How much does a chimney cost?  Nothing, it's on the house.

My friend said she wouldn't eat a cow's tongue because it came out of a cow's mouth. So, I gave her an egg.

Once upon a time there was a King who was only 12 inches tall. He was a terrible King, but he made a great ruler.

My friend Jack says he can communicate with vegetables.

That's right ....... Jack and the beans talk.

I want to tell you about a girl who only eats plants. You probably have not heard of herbivore.

I was struggling to understand how lightning works and then it struck me.

Six cows were smoking joints and playing poker.

You guessed it ......... the steaks were pretty high.

I went to the paint store to get thinner. It didn't work.


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