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BISBEE WIRE #73/canditates talk/Torpor/fire dough payback to city?media mentions/economy/new biz/Supes go to trial/state budget stinks/all else/word

editor: fred miller         June 23, 2024              #73/June 24


The three candidates for Bisbee mayor, incumbent Ken Budge, Gretchen Bonaduce, and Wanda Leikem, took part in a mayor forum last week. The two hour event was attended by about 130-140 people! plus an a number who were viewing during zoom. There were opening statements and plenty of questions from the audience for the candidates. It was a cordial and respectful discussion among the candidates as well as the audience.

What emerged was that housing, varying aspects of tourism, water, attracting new businesses such as a hotel, city communication, youth, and building for the future were some of the more talked about issues. All the candidates had similar and different inspirational statements about what they wanted to do, what they wanted see done, as well as hopes for the future.

Partially because of the format-2 minutes for each one to answer the same question- and partially because of lack of any city government experience of Ms. Bonaduce and Ms. Liekem, there was a paucity of specifics on how to achieve much of what the two of them spoke of. Mayor Budge clearly had an edge because of his governmental experience as well as knowledge that only someone in the position would have-I don't mean back room stuff, just info from dealing with things on a daily basis. He detailed many of the projects that were in process or on the drawing board.

(I just wish the mayor would have given a big shout out to Danielle and Sloan Bouchever who have provided financial and intellectual resourses that has enabled the City to do some of these projects he mentioned.)

I came away with particular respect for the interest of our community in an important election, an appreciation for the candidates that are willing to volunteer their efforts to make our city better, and a deeper understanding of the candidates views on many issues that will affect Bisbee.

A Herald-Review vid of the forum is here (thanks to Matt Hickman-managing editor)


I hope to have my completely biased Primary who-to-vote-for cheat sheet out before July 3 when early voting begins. The primary is on July 30. Whatever your proclivities I do hope you take the time to vote.


Dan Beauchamp has passed. The former mayor, largely responsible for our wastewater treatment plant, was the right person at the right time. The former prof and administrator that worked in public health throughout his professional life, was able to, along with other folks, to get the pieces together for convincing residents it was needed and not doing so would jeopardize the future of Bisbee as well as dealing with the feds and the state for funding the plant. An erudite man and dapper dresser, Dan was also a writer in his post-mayor life putting his thoughts about religion, spirituality, politics, and life in Bisbee into a blog entitled Tales of Copper City. A sample of his writing and thinking can be found here Although not out and around much in the past few years, Dan kept up with the latest news as he continued to be keenly interested in our city.

His wife of 50+ years, Carole, has been a long time friend, we co-founded the Bisbee Bloomers about the time Dan was agitating for better sanitation. She has been a stalwart caregiver for Dan during his illness the past years. His daughter Val, recently moved to Bisbee, also helped with his care.

Dan, a tall man, has left a large impression by making our city better and safer, with his efforts.


The heat of early June is giving way to the welcoming humidity of pre-monsoon air. The heat brought torpor. Days of lack of movement as my plants cried for attention, the pixels remained untyped, and reading was an effort. Consequently the obligations I have offered to do continued to accumulate. But with first rain tonight that will settle the dust and wash the litter away, the air swollen and redolent with moisture; there is hope.

The torpor has led me to put out the Wire later than I was hoping. ASK ANITA, also affected by the general heat, will be in the next issue-you can send your questions that are bedeviling you to with Ask Anita in the subject line.


................​AROUND TOWN................


Fire aftermath on the Agenda at the Monday 6/24 5:30 special council session. Item 2 on the agenda is an agreement between the City and the owners of 30 Main, Craig Reese and Anne Bush, that stipulates a transfer of ownership of the building to City and the City will assume responsibility of remediation of the property. It also states that the City in addition to the property, will receive $500 a month from the former owners, until the city's outlay of $163,790 (for damages from dealing with the aftermath of the fire) be paid back. There are stipulations for default and other conditions. This agreement is what has been worked out to try and recover the money spent in securing the unstable building. Given that there was no insurance, it seems like a decent deal, and taxpayers won't be paid back-as we should be. The other building at 28 Main was covered by insurance. The council can vote on an agenda item in a special session. To see the entire agreement go here:


The Trustee auction for the Bisbee Royale has been cancelled. The owner, Michael Stefaun brought the account current as of Friday, May 31st, and KBRP is back on the original Real Estate Contract schedule. The Royale is open for business.



Two bomb threats, one to the city library, and second to the home  of the city librarian Jason Macoviack that resulted in an evacuation of his neighborhood, cast a pall over the Gay Pride events this year. The bomb threats were preceded by significant christian fundamentalist chatter on facebook bemoaning the drag story hour at the library.

After the event there was significant negative discussion on facebook about the prevalence of out-of-town food trucks, the $700 minimum sponsorship fees, and the lack of customers in some businesses.The overall comments were that local business should be supported first, in the city that was the first in Arizona to legalize gay marriage.

There has been no further public announcements about the progress of the investigation into who made the bomb threats.



8 am...coaster races at the Warren cutoff

11 am.....parade on down Bisbee Road/Arizona St.  in Warren

noon...drilling and mucking in the gulch

dusk...fireworks (fired from the top of the tailings pile in Warren)



Anyone working for Phelps Dodge prior to 1982 may have been exposed to asbestos. If you have been diagnosed with lung cancer or other cancers, even if a smoker, you may be eligible for cash settlements from asbestos trusts that have been set up for those affected. Call for a claims analysis. 800 478-9578


District 2 Supervisor Candidate Forum at Premier Alliance Candidate Forum for the Cochise County Board of Supervisors, District 2 election on Tuesday, June 25 at 6pm at the Premier Alliances Bisbee Campus at 1556 Naco Hwy. All three candidates for office have confirmed their attendance.The public can attend in person or virtually. Hosted by Premier Alliance and the League of Women Voters.



Unfortunately due to the fire they have had to move the Coaster race. But the show will go on! This year's race will be held at the Warren cut off! Trial runs will be held Saturday June 8th, 22nd and 29th. Race day on 4th of July. Drivers are asked to be at one trial run to qualify. Trial runs start at 6 am. Please bring a birth certificate to verify drivers age.

In order to keep this over 100 yr tradition alive - they need your help! Please consider making a donation to the non profit 501C3  to continue this event for future generations! Any questions and/or would like to make a donation, please call Bridgette at 520 255 3898.


Electric charging stations input needed

The virtual meeting is scheduled for 6 p.m. Wednesday, July 10, on the proposal to add the more highways to the plan including

  • SR 80: Bisbee to Douglas

  • SR 90: I-10 to Bisbee

  • visit to register for the virtual meeting and receive your link to attend. Go here for the announcement.



Riverview Dairy has rescinded a controversial request for $15 milliion for a dairy production facility that turned out to be partially completed already. The initial request, turned down by two other agencies, was made to the Douglas Industrial Development Authority, which granted the $15 million. It stirred immediate controversy, because Riverside is a multi-million business that many have accused of drawing down the water table by drilling more than 644 wells, with several 2000' deep. The AG subsequently investigated DIDA for breaking the open meeting laws. The grant, made almost in secret, had to go to the city council, but they did not get to vote because Riversie withdrew the request.


CDBG is not a dance club in New York

The city was awarded $515,000 from the Community Development Block Grant Regional Funds Distribution and now the city has to submit the projects the money will fund.

People living within the city’s colonias, which includes the communities of Bakerville, Saginaw, Tintown and Zacatecas, who meet requirements, will be able to get help with needed home repairs through “loans” of up to $15,000 each from the federal government. The deal is limited to 15 homeowners.

Thanks to CDBG, the Bisbee Senior Center will get a $220,000 makeover for the kitchen and a new heating and cooling system.

Lastly, the remaining $20,000 will go to the Southeastern Arizona Governments Organization for the grant administration.For more info Contact Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk, 76 Erie Street 520-432-6000



They are currently in need of the following items:

Men’s clothing....Feminine hygiene products ...Reusable Water bottles. Donations can be dropped off at 89 Main Street on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday from 10-1:30


Gretchen Bonacuce for mayor vid

Gretchen and her minions strut their stuff while putting up signs







Music vid featuring Royale


JAY ALLEN/ERIE ST/LOWELL (paywall.wall st. journel)


CHEAP EATS: /2/4/20

(If you have a cheap eatz tip (about $20 for two people), send it to me at

For these tummy filling tidbits, a tip of the hat to jazz drummer and sign-the-getabortiononrightsontheballot-petition-at Saturday Market-guy, Dave Jette

 #1) La Fiesta in Douglas(mexican food)

1849 E. 10th St.,Douglas,AZ

The combination plates are $7.50x2=$15+tax=$16.50+$3.50tip=$20!!

Drinks not included but they have large glasses of ice water.

#2)The Kountry Kafe in Elfrida. In the winter this is a good one to combine with viewing the birds at Whitewater Draw who roll in just before human dinnertime(5-5-30) then its human dinnertime. They have 15% off meals for seniors on Mondays and half off happy hour from 4-6 on drinks and appetizers. (Another lil tip...They are famous for their smoked burgers. The cheeseburger with a side is $9.75 and they will subtract $3 if you don't want the side so we get one with fries and share them and the second one without for $6.75+9.75=$16.50+ tax=$18+$3tip=$21!

 #3)Jimmy's across from the Safeway. Most of the items are under $10 so it's easy to do. The problem is that they close at 4PM. It would be great if they were open for dinner one night a week. Say,Wednesdays when they have

their spaghetti and meatball special for $8,then you could do dinner and meet the 2forTwenty. The most popular eatery in Sierra Vista is the Landmark Cafe which closes at 2pm but is open late one day a week

on Fridays and its always packed so that's an example of a breakfast/lunch restaurant being open in the evening for one night in the area.

#4) Burger King in Bisbee. (ed note: I am personally not wild about these kinds of fast food joints.) This is a new option due to the recent news of the rising prices of fastfood places and the infamous $18 BicMac in Connecticut. Wendy's has had their $5 BiggieBags(burger,fries,chicken nuggets,drink) for years keeping that price all through Covid and beyond and it is now being matched by Burger King including the one here in Bisbee,same deal (burger/fries,chicken nuggets,drink) for $5.

...............BISBEE ECONOMY................

Instead of being freddy downer, there is some good news to report this month.  A larger Miner and Merchants Antiques at 7 Main, is in the offing. The business will be expanding into the adjacent 3/5 Main building and will be open later this month or early July. Marietta Marcin who owns the 7 Main building is the purchaser of the 3/5 Main building. The expanded business will have more antiques but also artisan booths as well as quilts, amber and 60's retro articles.

And the Warner Hotel, owned by Cole Van Norman, up the staircase alongside the Legion building at 55 Subway is now open. Several years in the remodeling, take a look at their website  for room details. Dormant for 50 years, the original rooming house of 25 rooms has been consolidate into 11 suites. There is an existent ballroom, and an extensive patio area with garden available for guests, a bar/coffee shop in the offing.  Bookings are from $105-$165 up. Also available through airb&b.



The up and down house sales roller coaster continues. This year to date; January/6, February/12, March/4, April/15, May/4.

I hope to soon have some contemporary and historical data about inventory, because one of the main components of sales is what is available on the market. Another is interest rates, which this month dipped to right around 7% for a 30 yr. fixed. According to some 'experts' June is the best month to sell a home in Arizona. But Bisbee's housing market often does not mimic the state and national data. We will see.

ask/sold/days on market

Low  114k/114k    4 days

Avg  434,500/432,250    220 days

High $1,200,000     703 days

address/ask/list/sale prices

925 American 130k/114k/114,000

34 Cochise Row   169k/169k/160,000

503 Douglas St.  $255,000

6 S Naco Rd  $1,200,2000



There were 67 building permits worth $570,870 in May, the highest number in many years. Lots of smallish jobs; shed rehabs, electric upgrades, splits installed, concrete works, stair repair, framing of rooms.

Commercial permits were bumped by remodel work at 5 Main, but still totaled $154,000. 

It is unclear what is happening at 29 & 31 Main. The council has been in exec session the last couple of meetings to discuss the legal ramifications of the buildings destroyed by the Valentine's Day fire, but no word has emerged about actions to recover the estimated $250,000+ the city has spent making the area safe for cars and pedestrians, nor any timeline for reopening  the West side of Main St.


TAX SALES (figures are for actual spend two months prior/March)

March is traditionally the busiest month of the year. Yet sales tax figures, with the exception of restaurant/bar, were down from the March/23, and down significantly from March/24 figures . Bed tax brought in $24,744. Restaurant/bar sales were $54,822; retail tax sales were $114,011, and food for home consumption was $46,682. Of interest, and it may be an anomaly, is internet sales were $41,062-about $12-$25k higher than usual.



Minekat LLC

401 Cole Ave

Kevin Kautzk



Lately there have been a ton of articles about how Biden is 'freezing' at events. This newsletter explains how this errenoeous picture and description was spread among the main stream media. It is based on shite. Go here for the article.

"The articles are based on specious social media posts by the Republican National Committee (RNC), which are then repackaged to resemble news reports. The thinly disguised political attacks are then syndicated to dozens of local news websites owned by Sinclair, where they are given the imprimatur of mainstream media brands, including NBC, ABC, and CBS."

(Sinclair media that owns 184 TV stations, spread a WSJ article that was distributed by the corporate parent to each outlet along with a 'must read' note to the news anchors.)



"Investigating the financial transactions of an organisation can reveal details about its connections and funding. Furthermore, if the website or app is engaged in illicit transactions, tracing the payment gateway can help achieve accountability by identifying what sites they are using to earn money.  "  Go here for the article.



California-based Anchored Tiny Homes, which offers a one-stop solution to adding an extra dwelling on a person’s property, is setting up shop in Tucson this month, the Arizona Daily Star’s Gabriela Rico writes. The company has 15 models of assisted dwelling units that range in size from 240-square-foot studios to 1,003-square-foot, two-bedroom homes. Prices range from about $100,000 to $250,000. Tucson agenda. Go here for info. 15 models to choose from $100k and up.



This is the best info for keeping track of what is happening vis a vis the government, courts, and corporations. It is a rundown on corporate behavior and competition and how much biz wants to get rid of Ms. Khan at the FTC.(the WSJ has run more than 100 editorials attacking her!)

Go here for the latest and subscribe.

Last week was a very interesting take on what is causing inflation, they called it economic termites, I call it getting nibbled to death by ducks. Either way it is about how we are being nickled and dimed by corporations that have virtually no public face. For instance many smaller shop mechanics used to be able to diagnose a car from the manual and their experience but now they need a minimum of two systems to be able to diagnose the cars they repairs. Those are subscription services which keep raising their support fees …now a $1,000 a month. Quick books is now a subscription fee...



I've had an increasing number of familiar names asking to be friended on Facebook recently. Their page has been hacked because I already was friends with them.

Here are some tools...

If you suspect that your facebook account has been hacked, these steps may be able to help.

Facebook has only direct contact forms. So a place to start would be one of two places,. Fill out their forms. If they can't help you, they likely will refer you to someone else-all by form, no phone. You can request that they call you, but who knows if they will....

Try these steps

1)  If somebody hacked your Facebook account and you can no longer log in, you can contact Facebook through this link to get your account back. Go to

Include the urls above.


If that doesn't work, try this. Also paste the urls I've put up above.

2) if your account is compromised

Click My Account is Compromised. You'll only see this option if you're signed out of Facebook. If you don't see it, you're likely signed in using another account, which means you still have access to your account.

If you lost access to your Facebook Page:

go here to delete your account


Recover your Facebook account using the Find Your Account page

  1. Go to the Find Your Account page at and follow the instructions. Make sure to use a computer or mobile phone that you have previously used to log into your Facebook account.

  2. Search for the account you want to recover. You can search for your account by name, email address, or phone number.

  3. Follow the on-screen steps to reset the password for your account.

 You can learn more about what to do if you're having trouble finding your account using the Find Your Account page.



Despite the new USDA map upgrade, Bisbee remains in Zones 8a (10°F to 15°F) and 8b (15°F to 20°F)

The USDA recently released a new plant hardiness zone map as an update to its 2012 version, and as you can imagine, much of the country has on average gotten warmer. The new 30-year minimum temperature average was 2.7 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than the previous average. The map classifies the U.S. into zones based on an area’s average annual minimum temperature and is most useful for knowing which perennial outdoor plants will possibly not die in your area if you keep them outside. You can and will definitely still kill your plants even if you plant according to the map, since it does not factor in how wet, dry or volatile your area’s climate is. It also won’t tell you if your plants can actually survive the extreme heat of summer.

..............COCHISE COUNTY................


Crosby and Judd have employed a legal strategy, by different attorneys, of "throwing cowpies at the legal wall to see what sticks." So far, nada.

Canvassing the vote is not a discretionary function,” Judge Geoffrey Fish wrote.

From an article in the Herald Review

"A judge has denied multiple motions filed by Cochise County supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd in their attempt to have felony conspiracy and election interference charges against them dismissed or reconsidered by a new state grand jury.

The four rulings handed down by Judge Geoffrey Fish mean Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes can move forward with prosecuting Crosby and Judd in connection with activities the two engaged in related to the November 2022 General Election.

It also means the two supervisors must appear at Maricopa County Superior Court on June 26 for a pretrial hearing."One of the charges goes to the heart of Crosby's insistence that only he can determine what he can and can't do as a supervisors. ++++++++++++CROSBY AND JUDD EMAILS REVEALED An article in the Guardian based on the records received by American Oversight from Cochise County, has detailed the extensive communication between Supervisors Crosby and Judd and activists before and after the 2022 election.

"This demonstrates what we suspected, which is that there was a lot of influence and coordination from the Arizona state legislature, putting pressure on and supporting counties that were willing to push for these full hand counts in order to further their goals,” Interim Director for American Oversight Chioma Chukwu said.

It is quite clear that verbal support has not translated into financial support for the two supes. Their public funding is anemic.

The records show Judd being more active for 100% hand counts than she has said publicly. And Crosby likes conspiracy websites.

American Oversight sued to get the public records from the county. Read the whole article here

...............THE LEGE................


A budget deal has been finalized and the pathetic economic incompetence of republicans is on full display. With most information withheld until a vote, legislators often didn't seem to know what they were voting for on the various bills that form the budget.

From a $4 billion surplus to a $1.5 billion deficit in two years! The budget deals with the deficit by cutting many programs, taking dough from here and giving it there, and some budgetary sleight of hand.

The main reason for this has been Ducey's flat tax that reduced state revenue by three billion dollars! And that revenue was kept mostly by rich people.

A secondary reason is school vouchers that expanded access to empowerment scholarship and is costing a whopping $724 million. And then last year the gov okayed legislators spending dough on projects in their districts. Pork anyone?

Go here for an analysis by Star columnist Tim Seller.

Go here for a more complete analysis by Melinda Lyer of Citizens Engagement Beyond Voting.



Fourth Estate has an article detailing that some ESA accounts for are being used to stash tax payer money. One has amassed $200k! This program has so little oversight that spending has been detailed for pianos, games, and more.



If there ever was an argument for getting rid of republican legislators, look no further than the folly of putting 13 propositions on the ballot.

According to CEBV "Republicans have now placed an astounding 13 measures on our November ballot, leading to fears that Arizonans will face an unprecedented 3-page ballot. This means longer lines at the polls, the risk of voters returning only one page of their mail-in ballot, poll worker mistakes when handing out a multiple-page ballot, and more paper and higher postage costs — in short, all costs to democracy. "

Go here for their analysis of the budget and descriptions of propositions.

And email the governor to veto  some odious repub bills that are on her desk. You can email the governor’s team at 

...............EVERYTHING ELSE................


Local wag, Jim Mullen, was fortunate to find the guy who could solve all problems. Go here to find out.



The expense program for reps in the House that seems a bit like a slush fund. Go here to find out how much they were reimbursed.



Wyoming has been added to the 11 other states  that have found Bird Flu in dairy cattle. Michigan, Idaho, Texas, New Mexico, South Dakota, Kansas, Colorado, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio and North Carolina.

Bird flu symptoms in cows can range from fever and loss of appetite to changes in manure and thick or discolored milk. The pasteurization process and cooking inactivates the virus in milk and ground beef, keeping the threat to the general public low, although farm workers with direct exposure to livestock are at a higher risk.


Patterns of aerial shots of glaciers

These photos are from a site called Beautiful Public Data. Tracking one of the many effects of global warming. Check out the site, some amazing photos revealing beauty in data. Subscriptions to the newsletter are free.

"As scientists study the effects of global warming, one of the most visible and alarming indicators is the rapid shrinking of glaciers. Government scientists have been documenting the size, shape, and movement of glaciers since the 1950s employing techniques ranging from direct field observations to aerial photography."

............... WORD...............

Neurapathy... You've lost feeling in your extremities and you don't care

Realastic....A flexible view of reality

Typochondriac...A person who is abnormally anxious about their spelling

Goofle...a typo when searching the wrong word in Google

Spinister...A very evil, very old unmarried woman

Momeries...warm and fuzzies of a mom remembering her kids early years

Posthumorous...dead funny obnoxious tourist in Hawaii instrument used to calculate the size of a women's breasts

Mediochre...a 'meh' color of yellow

Vociferrous...Iron voice and knife edge strident bar as a meal


I bought a fake koi fish.  It's a dekoi

Great hide and seek players are hard to find!

Boarding school taught me how to get on an airplane

I got booted from a coffee club for wearing a tea shirt

I could see myself doing a job inspecting mirrors

To make a long story short, I became an editor

I made a chicken salad last night, apparently they prefer grain

I'm cancelling my subscription to your issues

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