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editor: fred miller May 17, 2021 Wire #9/May, 2021


I hope there aren't too many typos cause I got this one out in a hurry. In addition to the sketchy vista park market permit application and council business, there is lotsa of random stuff to stave off boredom.

The anti-democratic forces in the state lege continue to perpetuate the Big Lie about the election. They have enabled the conspiracy believers who are now in full charge of the election audit being paid with taxpayer dollars. These are some goofy mo-fos when you read their actual words. Write some letters, make fun of them, use them for humor, it'll stop you from sinking into paralyzing depression.

Of course not teaching sex education, fining teachers who mention 'controversial' topics about sex, stripping voter rolls, adding onerous requirements to oversight commissions, and lots more are keeping the lege half occupied while a budget is being formed behind closed doors. Flat tax? Sue lets strip cities and counties of hundreds of thousands of dollars; yeah that's the ticket. Il Duce will present a budget one day and vote it the next with no discussion. Transparency is a tv show.

In the last issue I made a few mistakes that alert readers corrected;

It was 201 OK that sold, not 21 as I stated,and the Hitching Post was not sold, the buyers withdrew their offer and cancelled the contract, so as far as I know the Hitching Post is still for sale. fred

REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING Tuesday May 18, 7::00 pm via zoom Background here: Of interest: #2 B: a permit for operation of a farmers market in Vista Park seems sketchy. I submitted a letter to be read at call to the public, see below. #2 C,D: Los Lobos coming to town on Oct 2! #6 Grant to the cemetery committee from the Bisbee Foundation. #7 New pavement for the airport #8 New pool cool deck replacing the old #9 New fuel management system, replacing failed old, to enable vehicles to use bulk gas purchases. #10 resuming in person council meetings #11 exec session to discuss property at 300 Campbell #12 what they will do with the property at 300 Campbell Main Street update AGENDA INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR’S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED, CONSIDERED AND/OR DECIDED UPON AT THIS MEETING: GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds

  1. Approval of the Consent Agenda

  2. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on April 6, 2021.

  3. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on May 4, 2021.

  4. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for Cazador Farmers Market for the use of lower Vista every Saturday from May 22, 2021 through May 21, 2022 from 8:00am to 5:00pm; this includes setup and breakdown.

  5. Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless for Los Lobos Benefit Concert on Saturday, October 2, 2021 from 4:00pm to 10:00pm

  6. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by the Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless for the Los Lobos event to be held at the Historic Warren Ballpark located at 99 Arizona Street, Bisbee, AZ on Saturday, October 2, 2021 from 4:00pm to 11:00pm, Tony Bedolla; Applicant.

NEW BUSINESS 3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-21-04; Designating Keri Bagley as the Chief Fiscal Officer (CFO) for Fiscal Year 2022 for the purpose of submitting the City’s Annual Expenditure Limitation Report to the Arizona Auditor General’s Office. Keri Bagley, Finance Director 4. Discussion and Possible Approval of PSPRS Pension Funding Policy. Keri Bagley, Finance Director 5. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Employee Assistance Plan (EAP) with Alliance Work Partners (AWP) Services Contract for FY22. Joelle Landers, Personnel Director 6. Discussion and Possible Acceptance of a grant from the Bisbee Foundation in the amount of $5,200 for the completion of Phase I of the Evergreen Cemetery Committee Project. Jesus Haro, Public Works Directo 7. Discussion and Possible Approval to sign an opt in letter for the ADOT Airport Surface Treatment Program 2022. Jesus Haro, Public Works Director 8. Discussion and Possible Acceptance of a proposal to remove and replace the cool decking at the City of Bisbee Pool. Jesus Haro, Public Works Director 9. Discussion and Possible Approval to purchase a Fuel Management System to be installed at the Public Works Yard. Jesus Haro, Public Works Director 10. Discussion and Possible Direction to resume in person Council Meetings for Council and Staff. Ken Budge, Mayor 11. Possible Approval of a Motion to go into Executive Session for the Following Matters: 1. AN EXECUTIVE SESSION PURSUANT TO A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(A)(7) DISCUSSIONS OR CONSULTATIONS WITH DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES OF THE PUBLIC BODY IN ORDER TO CONSIDER ITS POSITION AND INSTRUCT ITS REPRESENTATIVES REGARDING THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 300 CAMPBELL STREET, BISBEE.


12. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Assignment of Real Property Purchase Agreement for 300 Campbell St. Bisbee. Joe Estes, City Attorney 13. City Manager's Report:

  • Main Street Update

  • Other Current events (No Discussion)

Good Evening, I am speaking tonight about Item 2B, a permit for a market operation in Vista Park on the consent agenda under General Business. Since a market is a valuable resource for the City and residents, I hope there would be extra scrutiny of the operators and the operation for any proposed operational permit. To that end, I urge you to remove it from the consent agenda for more discussion. The permit application information is sketchy and unclear. Further, I ask you to either table this permit request and ask for more information from the applicant, or at the very least, give conditional approval for a three month trial period with a review at the end of that term. These are my concerns about this application;

  • No one from Bisbee is associated with this request, applicants are from Douglas and the permit was prepared by a commercial firm in Grass Valley, California;

  • This permit, if approved, would grant the use of lower Vista Park for 52 Saturdays from 8 am to 5 pm, effectively blocking the park for any other Saturday day use;

  • The permit itself has four different company names, one is a LLC, another is a proposed non-profit with a different name and a different dba. It is unclear what the actual applicant will use and what company will be the responsible party;

  • Cazador Ranch, (Michael Story, Rana Lemons): Cazador Ranch LLC, (statutory agent Jess James Foster): Casador Farmers Market Green Bisbee Farmers Market is the name to be reserved at the ACC as a non-profit. Cazador Ranch LLC/Jesse James Foster will own the name reservation. This has not yet been approved by the ACC.

  • There is no address on the permit application;

  • The name on the insurance application is Cazador Ranch LLC dba as Vista Park Farmers

  • The insurance application submitted by, Evanston insurance of Illiniois with an agent in Grass Valley, CA,show that three other entities are insured by the company: Bisbee Parks and Recreation/118 Arizona St. (this address not used by the City for at least two years), Silver Creek Church in Douglas that appears to have no structure in their name, and Turquoise Valley Golf Course, which has ceased being a golf course three years ago.)

  • There is no operational plan submitted for the proposed market;

  • There is no indication of who any vendors might be other than the applicant;

  • As written, the permit would allow only fruits and vegetables to be sold, no prepared food, non-food items, or crafts.

  • Cazador ranch, address noted on the reserved name application, is listed as 4161 East College Peak Road, Douglas. This address does not show up on a google map search. It does show on a search and appears to be an abandoned building, perhaps a double-wide, with no occupancy-although photo is undated. Is this the residence of the permit requestors?

Sincerely, Fred Miller

Bisbee Mentions


A public meeting was held, two concepts emerged. Go here to read about plan: Go here to comment:


USING YOUR PHONE FOR LOTSA GOOD STUFF (other than talking or texting)

This is a useful read. The cameras in smartphones have become useful in many ways. This article mentions ways to use your camera including taking pics to store docs like medical and auto insurance cars and drivers license. Or taking short term pics of identifying directions as you travel. There are phone apps for scanning editable documents or small print documents, visualizing how furniture will look in your home, trying on glasses or clothes, translating signs in foreign languages.






How Apple uses your data

This site will tell you how Apple uses your data when you use one of their apps.



The problems of AI based on algorithms has been increasing rapidly; from identifying incorrect racial features to skewed news feeds and everything digital inbetween. One of the ways to see how a particular site is presenting information to you is to use this split screen tool. Go here for an example.

This article and more extensive reporting can be found here: ............... New Thinking and research on bladeless wind power ............... A GOOD FREE PASSWORD MANAGER <><><><><><><><><>


Sometimes I just snag stuff cause it strikes me as interesting...although that may not necessarily be the case for you ....


A new study with 59 participants with major depressive disorder put psilocybin — the active ingredient in psychedelic mushrooms — up against a typical antidepressant, and found that the dose of psilocybin reduced symptoms as well as or better than escitalopram, which is sold as Lexapro. It’s the first randomized study with a drug comparison group to judge psilocybin’s pharmaceutical utility. The participants were split into two treatment groups, one of which got daily antidepressants and two very small doses of psilocybin, and the other of which got placebo pills and two heavy doses of psilocybin. While the experiment wasn’t designed to find which was better, that the mushrooms held their own is a tentatively positive sign for more research into their clinical uses. Erin Brodwin, Stat News ......... THE REPRODUCTIVE CRISIS Smaller penii, less sperm, shrunken scrotum, female infertility; what's going on down there? THE ANOGENITAL DISTANCE AS A MEASURE OF FERTILITY (and other symptoms of declining fertility and rising impotence) The alphabet soup (is there still that on the market?) of chemicals that are causing lower sperm counts and higher female infertility.

.............. ICE CREAM AND THE SWITCH FROM SQUARE TO ROUND CONES ............EVERY QUARTER, A BRAND NEW YOU; 330 billion cells a day goes bah bah A new study published in Nature Medicine takes another shot at the rate of cellular turnover in the human body. Basically, your individual component cells have shorter lifespans than you do as a larger organism. Fat cells last an average of 12 years, a muscle cell lasts 50, blood cells live anywhere from three to 120 days, and the cells lining your gut make it less than a week. On any given day, an estimated 330 billion cells are replaced, so about 1 percent every day. Over the course of 80 to 100 days, about 30 trillion cells will turn over, equivalent to about one “you.” Mark Fischetti and Jen Christiansen, Scientific American

WOODY OR MIA? YOU DECIDE Another sibling weights in with a different view...


I can't remember whether I ran these,

(more evidence of cellular death but perhaps you too are enjoying them again...)

He's so hungry he signed up for yahoo mail just to eat the spam


  • "It is beyond my apprehension." Danny Ozark, baseball team manager

  • "Listen to the blabbing brook." Norm Crosby

  • "This is unparalyzed in the state's history." Gib Lewis, Texas Speaker of the House

  • "She's really tough; she's remorseful." David Moorcroft

  • "Marie Scott... has really plummeted to the top." Alan Weeks

  • "He's going up and down like a metronome." Ron Pickering

  • "He's on 90... 10 away from that mythical figure." Trevor Bailey, cricket commentator

  • "Unless somebody can pull a miracle out of the fire, Somerset are cruising into the semi-final." Fred Trueman

  • "We cannot let terrorists and rogue nations hold this nation hostile or hold our allies hostile." George W. Bush

  • "The police are not here to create disorder, they're here to preserve disorder." Richard Daley, former Chicago mayor

  • "He was a man of great statue." Thomas Menino, Boston mayor

  • "Republicans understand the importance of bondage between a mother and child." Dan Quayle, Vice President

  • "Well, that was a cliff-dweller." Wes Westrum, about a close baseball game

  • "If Gower had stopped that [cricket ball] he would have decapitated his hand." Farokh Engineer

  • "We seem to have unleased a hornet's nest." Valerie Singleton

  • "This series has been swings and pendulums all the way through." Trevor Bailey, cricket commentator

  • "Be sure and put some of those neutrons on it." Mike Smith, ordering a salad at a restaurant

  • "It's got lots of installation." Mike Smith, describing his new coat



  • Eye halve a spelling chequer It came with my pea sea It plainly marques four my revue Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.Eye strike a key and type a word And weight four it two say Weather eye am wrong oar write It shows me strait a weigh. As soon as a mist ache is maid It nose bee fore two long And eye can put the error rite Its rarely ever wrong. Eye have run this poem threw it I am shore your pleased two no Its letter perfect in it's weigh My chequer tolled me sew.



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