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Bisbee Wire/council meetings/propaganda/sports/electronic hygiene


The city hall fire brought out the best in many people . Unfortunately, before the embers had cooled, it has also led to wild speculation, conjecture and lies. I've heard and read everything from someone setting the structure on fire, to the appalling building code violations in the building before the fire, to asking if this was inevitable. Jeesh! There has been no determination as to cause. An investigation is continuing. Anything you hear or are told, please remind the person there is no factual evidence until there is. Do your bit to tamp down the gossiprmongers.

One of the what-if questions asked of potential city managers is what would you do if and emergency like X happened?  Well, we do know what the interim city manager would do if the emergency turned out to be if city hall burned down. And iCM Smith is doing an excellent job. In fact, the Monday work session will be a detailed discussion with the council of the state of the city and the way forward. In the few months iCM Smith has been here, I like the way he does things. He is open, systematic, and realistic while  supportive of city staff. I like the way he has analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of city operations and made suggestions about changing some systems. And he has been transparent with his analysis,We do not need another city manager with a 6 months learning curve. Marsh cost us far more than his pay.

I hope the council will cancel any further interviews and will offer Smith the city manager job. If that was done we will not have to pay $13k for a month extension of his contract with Interim Public Management inc. Likely we will have to pay him more than other city managers. I don't care if we have to pay him over $110k and benefits package. I think he is worth it. Please note that council meetings will be held in the supervisor's hearing room Bldg G at 1415 Melody Lane. County Administrator Ed Gilligan has extended a ton of help to the city and has made space and equipment available for the continuation of city services. It was a very nice helping hand and will be very beneficial during this period. Flam Chen....We continue to raise money to bring the group to Bisbee for NYE. To see some of their shows go here: To date we have raised about $2500. Our goal is $17k.We have not heard back from the few foundations that we have solicited, I will be  checking with them to see if there are any decisions. You can help by sending a chunk of your inheritance to: Central School Project, Drawer H, Bisbee 85603. I've included some electronic security measures at the bottom of this email. It is good practice to make some of those checks part of your normal routines, although they are sometimes a pain.  I, along with many of you, continue to take the seeming magic of easy communication and benevolence of electronic delivery systems for granted. Even with news of huge amounts of personal data stolen, the absolute tracking and storing of our very personal likes and dislikes that goes on when we use facebook and google, we continue with habits developed in a more benign time. fred

............................... COUNCIL AGENDA

go here for background info: Council Work Session Monday October 16 5:30Attn:  Meeting will be at County Board of Supervisors room Bldg G  1415 Melody Lane Council Regular SessionTuesday October 17, 7:00Attn:  Meeting will be at County Board of Supervisors room Bldg G  1415 Melody Lane

<><><><><><><><><><><><>< NEW INCORPORATED BUSINESSES

New business have to publish articles of incorporation in a newspaper of record. I'm going to try and keep track of new Bisbee businesses that incorporate.

Business Name: Tattooed Aristocrats LLC Address of business: 31 Subway Street Members/Managers: Steven Drew Members/Managers: Karalyn Peters +++++++++++ Business Name: Mayes Literacy Therapy LLC Address of business: 426 Garden Ave Members/Managers:Susan Mayes +++++++++++++ Business Name:Lost Games LLC Address of business: 33 Hazzard St. Members/Managers: Evan Cook Members/Managers: Michael Baumbach ++++++++++++++ Business Name:Dire Story Press LLC Address of business: 19 Cochise Dr. Members/Managers: Jessie Dodd ++++++++++++ Business Name: (didn't put a name) Address of business: 27 Subway St. #4 Members/Managers: Kara L. Azzabi

<><><><><><><><>< HOW PROPAGANDA WORKS

THE FIREHOSE OF FALSEHOODThe manner in which Trump uses the media is no accident, although many thought and still think he is a just a buffoon spraying insults, he utilizes successful  propaganda techniques that are working. While he flails away on everything from football to TV shows, and many of us react to his distractions, his government is systematically dismantling many civil, governmental, and environmental  protections. It is imperative to understand how he operates in order to counteract his influence. This article details a RAND report on messaging techniques of Putin's government. There is startling correspondence with how Trump uses the media. ....The researchers described two key features: “high numbers of channels and messages” and “a shameless willingness to disseminate partial truths or outright fictions.”...The article: The original report:

.................................. EVERYTHING ELSE

DRENCHED IN WINE for those interested in all aspects of wine, this may be for you <><><><><><><><><><><><><


(Thanks  CR)



This is a long series of how to protect yourself from various kinds of electronic theft. I urge you to read through just to make some of this part of your daily

consciousness as you open emails or open attachments.

How to spot email fraud

Sense of urgency: Messages often try to ‘bait’ you by stating there is an urgent situation concerning your account and instructing you to take immediate action – such as clicking a link to go to a fake website to ‘update’ or ‘validate’ personal information.

Spelling or grammatical errors: You may see obvious spelling errors that are purposely included to help avoid spam filters and deliver the fraudulent email to your inbox.

Phishing emails:

Appear to come from legitimate businesses such as financial institutions, insurance companies or retailers and often include seemingly authentic logos, links or graphics to make them look legitimate.Are designed to deceive you into providing personal, financial or account information – such as account user names, passwords, credit card information and Social Security numbers.May attempt to deceive you into downloading an attachment or clicking on a link that will download malware onto your computer to illicitly obtain personal and financial information.

How to protect yourself

Before clicking on a link in an email:

Think twice. If you suspect the email might be a phishing attempt, delete it and follow up with the company directly.Roll over the link with your mouse to display the URL. If the URL looks suspicious, do not click on it.

Before you log in to access your accounts:

Check to make sure the URL address of the page begins with “https” instead of just “http.” The “s” indicates it is a secure page.Look for an image of a closed padlock near the URL address in your browser. You can click on the padlock to confirm the identity of the site you are visiting.

When visiting sites in general:

Go to them directly. The safest way to get to any site is to type the URL address into your browser directly. You can then bookmark it for quicker access on future visits.Use the “Remember my User ID” feature (but never from a public or shared computer). This feature lets your computer remember your ID, so when you return to the site from an email to log in, your User ID will automatically display in the log in box. A fake site will not be able to display your User ID...............................

Cybercrime: Ways to prevent identity theft

The three most common types of identity theft are financial, medical and onlineTake precautions to prevent against identity theft and learn to recognize the red flagsIf you have been a victim of identity theft, report it to the authorities

If media reports have you thinking that cybercrime has evolved from isolated outbreaks to epidemic proportions, it can be hard to figure out where the sensationalism ends and the real threat begins. "It's true that attempted security breaches are on the rise," says Scott More, Vice President of Information Security at Ameriprise Financial. "That said, as hackers have become more sophisticated, federal agencies and financial institutions have evolved to stay abreast of their techniques."

Types of identity theft

The three most common types of identity theft are financial, medical and online. Learn how you can prevent them and what to do if they happen to you.

1. Financial identity theft

Most people associate identity theft with this type of crime, which involves the use of personal information to take over financial accounts.

If you notice suspicious activity on a credit card or bank statement

Contact all financial institutions where you hold accounts and place a 90-day fraud alert on your credit reports by contacting all three credit reporting agencies individually (see resources at end of article). This prevents identity thieves from opening new accounts in your name, as most lenders need to review your credit report before approving an account.

Protect your Social Security number

This is one of the most important steps you can take to safeguard your financial holdings — from bank to credit card accounts.Many are not aware that a Social Security number can also be used to gain access to your tax records — and refunds. Filing your tax return early can lessen the chances of someone else accessing your refund, as duplicative returns will raise red flags with the IRS.

2. Medical identity theft

Did you know that your health insurance information can be used by someone else to see a doctor, get prescription drugs or file claims to your insurance provider?

How you can protect yourself against medical identity theft

Be sure to read all medical and insurance statements carefully, and if something looks unfamiliar to you, call your health insurance customer service number to cross-reference your information with theirs.If it appears someone used your information, alert your medical providers immediately. Be prepared to gather supporting documentation to send to all parties involved.Finally, follow up with both insurance and medical providers to make sure all errors have been amended.

1 in 3 Americans were a victim of medical identity theft in 2016.- International Data Corporation

3. Online identity theft

A sharp increase in social media use means greater opportunities than ever before to steal identities or perpetuate fraud online.

Tips to help you protect yourself when using social media

It may seem harmless to post on your profile that you'll be out of town or bought a new car. But in the age of oversharing, seemingly innocent information can be dangerous if it gets into the wrong hands.When it comes to stalking or stealing an identity, use of photo- and video-sharing sites provides deeper insights into you and those you care about, your house and places you like to frequent.Each time you make a social media status update, think about whether it could be used to compromise your privacy or security in any way.Be selective when accepting network invites, and remember that it's not "unfriendly" to decline adding someone you don't know — it's common sense.

Safety checklist

Safety begins at home

While institutions are continuously adapting to the latest cybercrime techniques, the first line of defense is often at home, since identity thieves specialize in hacking personal computers.

1. ✔Watch for phishing

o "The most common technique, known as phishing, could involve receiving an email indicating your account has been compromised, that you need to validate your information or that there's something wrong with an order," More says. "This is a red flag — should you receive such an email, delete it and do not respond.

2. ✔Verify virus alerts

o Another common scam involves a fake "virus alert" with an 800 number to call for help. "Whatever you do, don't call the number," More says. "If you are concerned, contact a known and trusted source, such as an authorized electronics service center."

3. ✔Update your software

o One of the easiest ways to protect yourself from identity theft is to keep your computer technology updated. "Hackers exploit software vulnerabilities of people who haven't kept their software and anti-virus programs current, and those annoying updates are actually plugging security holes that exist within the system," More says. "Set your system to auto-update so you know it will be maintained by a legitimate provider."

4. ✔Beware of phone scams

o Remember that not all identity theft takes place through a computer. Phone calls are an increasingly popular way to gather security information. "Be suspicious when someone calls and asks you for personal or secure information," More says. "If you don't recognize the caller, don't give them any answers."


5.     If you are a victim of cybercrime, file a local police report and contact the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to file an identity theft affidavit. 6.     Federal Trade Commission 7.     Identity Theft Hotline Phone: 1.877.438.4338 (1.877.ID.THEFT) Online: 8.     These actions will create an official FTC Identity Theft Report and can help you access information about other breaches, stop creditors from collecting identity-theft-driven debt and erase false information from credit reports. 9.     Credit bureau fraud alert hotlines 10.  Equifax: 1.888.766.0008 Experian: 1.888.397.3742 TransUnion: 1.800.680.7289


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