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Bisbee Wire/Council Work Session/credit info stolen/2017/ignoranus?/September / #31


Please read the info below about the Equifax theft of 143m credit accounts. It is important to take action to protect yourself. The Tucson-based pyrotechnic group Flam Chen's previous New Years Eve performances have elicited wonder, astonishment and big joy for many in Bisbee. We want to bring them back for a couple of workshops for kids, a parade for children, an adults parade, an a  big show at midnight.

We have assembled a small team to do the work to make it happen and Central School Project is the sponsor. Instead of a one shot deal-as has been in the past-we are working in a context of doing this with Flam Chen as an annual event. We especially want to promote a non-alcohol family friendly, arts inspired, event that puts the Wow in Bisbee. In addition to a gift to the residents of Bisbee we think that this can be an major economic boost and can attract many visitors.

So it is a bit more work this year to make it easier next year and we are starting late. This will cost some dough, about $15k. Yours truly is heading up the funding part. In addition to seeking foundation grants we are asking community residents and businesses for the main chunk of dough. We would greatly appreciate it if you could dust off the checkbook, write a check for a tax deductible contribution, anything from $100 on up to $1000, and feel the glow of being a part of a city that puts on great creative events for the entire community.  If you are interested in becoming a sponsor-bigger bread brings prominent placements, contact me through the Wire.

Please make out checks to Central School Project, note Flam Chen, and send to:

Central School ProjectAttention: Laurie Mckenna P.O. Drawer H,  Bisbee, AZ 85603 FMI:  520-432-4866 The plastic bag ban continues in place for the time being. State law prohibited much of the discussion being public so not much information was given out at last council. I suspect that until the AG makes a move on Bisbee, it will continue in place. The Tuesday council work session is an interesting approach to governing the city.  The city manager, with the help of department heads, has been working to identify current and future needs and the task of prioritizing what is needed most within a challenging economic situation. This session will be about doing that. He is also proposing a customer service corp to better address residents needs. Looking at the background info will help understand the discussion. fred <><><><<><><><><><>>< COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY SEPT. 12 5:30


1. Discussion on the status of the City, Current Undertakings, Prioritization and Longer Term Efforts. Robert E. Smith, Interim City Manager Background info here: ............................. ELECTRIC VEHICLE WORKSHOP Tuesday Sept 12 9-11 at City Hall. Economics and how-tos of electric vehicles. ........................ TWO SHADY DELL ARTICLES



From the Bisbee Visitor Center...

Bi-national United for Peace Concert

Free symphony performed by the Federal Police of Mexico Orchestra

In order to show our support and respect for the surrounding areas of Mexico, the cities of Bisbee and Douglas are proud to partner with the Federal Police of Mexico, Consulate of Mexico, Cochise College, and Bi-national Art Institute of Bisbee to bring the Bi-national United for Peace concert.

This free community event on September 21st will be held at 7:00pm at the Bisbee High School Auditorium located at 325 School Terrace Road, Bisbee, AZ 85603. The Federal Police of Mexico Orchestra will be performing a two hour symphony to promote peace and unity throughout the community. Prior to this event there will be a Mariachi Flash Mob taking place at 5:00 pm on Main Street.

Through efforts from the U.S. cities as well Mexico State and cities, we are working to promote a concert that will help border relations and encourage the future communication and efforts within the megaregion. Come join us for a community event involving free music and flash mobs while taking a stance for peace and unity among the two nations.

................................ PLAYING WITH BALLS GETS YOU FIT Stephanie Peavey, personal trainer and all around wonderful person, has begun a pilates-inspired exercise class using physioballs. Three bucks on Thursday evenings gets you a 45 minute workout at Room to Move in Warren and an opportunity to get that strong bod back that is lurking within. BYOB. For more info contact her at; 227-4627 or



"In rural Cochise County and other agricultural areas, subsidence rates have jumped two to five times since the early to mid-1990s. In the Willcox area, the rate of ground collapse has tripled since the mid-1990s, ADWR officials say."

"In the past year, the ground under Willcox dropped between 5 and 6 inches, or 14 centimeters. That compared to 3.5 centimeters or about an inch and a half in the mid-’90s, said Conway."


YOUR CREDIT INFORMATION WAS LIKELY STOLEN...IT IS SERIOUS-DON'T SCREW AROUND, FREEZE YOUR ACCOUNTS This is serious stuff and you should not put off action. Criminals stole 137 Million files from Equifax credit reporting company. The files included social security numbers, addresses other personal info and names and addresses of mortgage, bank, card and any other credit companies you have dealt with. The three main credit collectors are used extensively by companies to check your credit ratings and history before opening accounts in your name.

I put freezes on my account at the three main companies; Equifax, Experian, Transunion. Went on their websites (noted in the article) It took about 5 minutes for each. It ticked me off that I had to pay them $5 to put a freeze on my information that they collect without my consent... Running dog capitalists pigs! As the article suggests, credit fraud alerts are insufficient and are a hook to get you to pay for the alerts after a year has expired. Freezes are better because nobody can open an account in your name without consent. If you call the companies early in the morning or late at night, it is faster.This article explain what to do:



In light of the Equifax theft, there will be an increase in using your information to try and get at your financial goodies. Take precautions when using email and your phone-particularly androids. as noted below in an edited article from Paypal about scams...

If something looks too good to be true, it usually is.  Never click an attachment or link in an email if you do not know the sender. Go to that website to see if it's a true issue.

Always be suspicious. Phishing emails try to freak you out with warnings of stolen information or worse, and then offer an easy fix if you just "click here." (Or the opposite: "You've won a prize! Click here to claim it!") When in doubt, don't click. Instead, open your browser, go to the company's website, then sign in normally to see if there are any signs of strange activity. If you're concerned, change your password.

Check for bad spelling and grammar. Most of the missives that come from outside the US are riddled with spelling mistakes and bad grammar. As noted earlier, big companies hire professionals to make sure their emails contain perfect prose. If you're looking at one that doesn't, it's almost certainly a fake.

Beef up your browser. An accidental click of a phishing link doesn't have to spell disaster. McAfee SiteAdvisor and Web of Trust are free browser add-ons that will warn you if the site you're about to visit is suspected of malicious activity. They're like traffic cops that stop you before you turn down a dangerous street.

Use your phone. If you're checking email on your phone, it might actually be harder to spot a phishing attempt. You can't "mouse over" a questionable link, and the smaller screen makes you less likely to spot obvious gaffes. Although many phone browsers (and operating systems) are immune from harmful sites and downloads, it's still good to exercise caution when dealing with suspicious links. (Obviously you still shouldn't complete a form that asks for your password or other personal info.) Android users in particular should be aware of the potential risks.

Most of all, rely on common sense. You can't win a contest you didn't enter. Your bank won't contact you using an email address you never registered. Microsoft did not "remotely detect a virus on your PC." Know the warning signs, think before you click, and never, ever give out your password or financial info unless you're properly signed into your account.

If an email is suspicious, I mouse over the "From" name and it shows who is actually sending the email. I've gotten emails from friends with the messages to "check out this great web site". Their names were in the "From" but when I moused over, it wasn't their email addresses. I also mouse over the http and can see to where it actually links. I then send the email to the "Junk" folder and then empty the Trash. If it's a phoney PayPal email, I have the "Phishing" address to forward to PayPal.Please forward Paypal phishing emails to



.............................................. PRETTY PLACES TO PEE AND POOPJust a thought for Bisbee...Andy?


HOW TO LIVESTREAM NFL FOOTBALL GAMES WITHOUT CABLE If you get Amazon Prime...they will stream 10 Thursday night games beginning Week 4, September 28. Here are more possibilities.


EYES ON THE US Very cool kid looking over the border into the US. An possible art project for Gretchen's kids at Studio Mariposa in Naco?



Best pick...Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an ass.  (check some bisbee facebook posts for examples)

These are the 2003 winners of the The Washington Post's Style where they asked readers to take any word from the dictionary, alter it by adding, subtracting, or changing one letter, and supply a new definition.

1. Intaxication: Euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with.

2. Reintarnation: Coming back to life as a hillbilly.

3. Bozone (n.): The substance surrounding stupid people that stops bright ideas from penetrating. The bozone layer, unfortunately, shows little sign of breaking down in the near future.

4. Foreploy: Any misrepresentation about yourself for the purpose of getting laid.

5. Cashtration (n.): The act of buying a house, which renders the subject financially impotent for an indefinite period.

6. Giraffiti: Vandalism spray painted very, very high.

7. Sarchasm: The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the person who doesn't get it.

8. Inoculatte: To take coffee intravenously when you are running late.

9. Hipatitis: Terminal coolness.

10. Osteopornosis: A degenerate disease (this one got extra credit).

11. Karmageddon: It's like, when everybody is sending off all these really bad vibes, right? And then, like, the Earth explodes and it's like, a serious bummer.

12. Decafalon (n.): The grueling event of getting through the day consuming only things that are good for you.

13. Glibido: All talk and no action.

14 Dopeler effect: The tendency of stupid ideas to seem smarter when they come at you rapidly.

15. Arachnoleptic fit (n.): The frantic dance performed just after you've accidentally walked through a spider web.

16. Beelzebug (n.): Satan in the form of a mosquito that gets into your bedroom at three in the morning and cannot be cast out.

17. Caterpallor (n.): The color you turn after finding half a grub in the fruit you're eating.



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