Hello again,
Some good news...Duffers Rejoice! The Turquoise Valley Golf Course will remain open. In a complex deal the company holding the note bought the assets of the TVGC, and will operate it. I'll report on details when available.
More good news...In a crucial development about the Bisbee Radio Project...a community meeting was held Thursday night at Central School called to discuss what to do about the organization which will legally be out of business on Sunday. The result of the meeting was a transition plan that is dependent on the current Board-officially resigning on April 1-appointing a new interim Board before their resignations become effective Sunday.
As the meeting progressed the plan emerged through rational discussion among the 70-give or take-people at the meeting. Seven people volunteered to serve on an interim Board. A letter will be written to the current Board asking them to convene a meeting and appoint the seven person interim Board before Sunday. According to by-laws a meeting would have to have a 24 hour notice posted before it could take place to have any decisions be legally binding.
Led by Noah Suby, a long time programmer at the station, this meeting, in contrast to a rowdy meeting Monday, was a thoughtful examination of what it would take to get an emergency transition in place. Suby had asked KXCI Executive Director Cathy Rivers to help with the discussion and her experience with Tucson-based community radio was very helpful. Although unfamiliar with the particulars of the situation, she was able to point out several shortcomings and examples of what should/could be happening at KBRP; transparency about operations, sound financial accounting and reporting, communication with members, possible legal representation, keeping egos to a minimum, Board behavior, and several other pertinent points gleaned from years of experience. She, along with Suby and suggestions from the attendees, elicited the emergency plan.
There was significant discussion about how members of the current Board felt extremely disrespected at last Monday's meeting where there were profanities, disparaging remarks, and nasty slurs shouted at them. And how they might not be receptive to any overture coming from this meeting. However it was stressed by several that the letter would be respectfully asking them to ensure continuity of the Radio Project with gratitude for their service. The slate of the interim Board was to draft the letter and send it to the current Board either last night or today since time is of the essence.
During the discussion it was revealed that initial looks at bank statements disclosed a $20,000 lien against KBRP for non-payment of federal taxes that had never been reported to the current Board; a disclosure that seemed to stun the crowd. That lien has been satisfied, but it is unclear where the dough came from. One of the first things on an interim Board's agenda will be getting an accountant or CPA to piece together the actual financial situation.
KBRP will be out of legal business on Sunday because the entire Board resigned effective April 1 (no joke this!) and there is no succession in place. Because the radio station operates in compliance with FCC rules as well as IRS regs, that's a real problem. If it were the case that there is no longer legal representation in the form of a Board, the organization would have jump through several hoops to reestablish itself.
If you read to the bottom of this you will find an annual publication of one of my favorite poems...in honor of Easter and Poetry month.
................................ COUNCIL AGENDA
Tuesday April 3 5:30 Building G 1415 Melody Lane
Background here:
1. Discussion of the Budget Priorities from Council for Fiscal Year 2018-2019.
David M. Smith, Mayor
Tuesday April 3 7:00 Building G 1415 Melody Lane
Background here:
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence
· Support the Shop Local Initiative Proclamation
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
2. Approval of the ConsentAgenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on February 6, 2018 at 7:00PM.
B. Approval of the Resignation of Robert Cohn foom the Police and Fire Advisory Committee.
C. Approval of the Appointment of Grace Wiggins to the Evergreen Cemetery Committee.
D. Approval of the Appointment of William Crow to the Police and Fire Advisory Committee
E. Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the use of City Park for the 4th Annual Howl & Prowl Vintage Motorcycle Show on Saturday, May 26, 2018 from 12:00pm to 5:00pm.
F. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application Submitted by the Central School Project for an Event to be held at Subway Street, on Saturday, May 19, 2018 from 6:00pm to 10:30pm; Laurie McKenna, Applicant.
3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-18-06 to amend the Zoning Code by inserting Article 7.4.7 which would regulate signs on parked vehicles.
Joe Ward, Liaison to the Planning and Zoning Commission
4. Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff on a Petition received from Nolan Gouget regarding 3 Navajo Trail.
David M. Smith, Mayor
5. Discussion and Possible Approval to Enter into a Real Estate Lease with Freeport Minerals Corporation and the City of Bisbee to Utilize property at Public Works Offices in Lowell, 76 Erie Street.
Andy Haratyk, Public Works Director
6. Discussion and Possible Approval of Notice of Intent to Adopt Ordinance O-18-07; Amending Article 2.5.1 of the City Code Changing the meeting times of the Council.
David M. Smith, Mayor
7. City Manager's Report:
· Other current events (No Discussion)
COUNCIL COMMENTS OR FUTURE AGENDA ITEM SUGGESTIONS: (Council members may suggest topics for future meeting agendas, but Council will not here discuss, deliberate or take any action on these topics.):
A Coney Island of the Mind #6
Lawrence Ferlinghetti
Sometime during eternity
some guys show up
and one of them
who shows up real late
is a kind of carpenter
from some square-type place
like Galilee
and he starts wailing
and claiming he is hep
to who made heaven
and earth
and that the cat
who really laid it on us
is his Dad
And moreover
he adds
It’s all writ down
on some scroll-type parchments
which some henchmen
leave lying around the Dead Sea somewheres
a long time ago
and which you won’t even find
for a couple thousand years or so
0r at least for
nineteen hundred and fort yseven
of them
to be exact
and even then
nobody really believes them
or me
for that matter
You’re hot
they tell him
And they cool him
They stretch him on the tree to cool
And everybody after that
is always making models
of this Tree
with Him hung up
and always crooning His name
and calling Him to come down
and sit in
on their combo
as if he is the king cat
who’s got to blow
or they can’t quite make it
Only he don’t come down
from his Tree
Him just hang there
on His Tree
looking real Petered out
and real cool
and also
according to a roundup
of late world news
from the usual unreliable sources
real dead