Background here:
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
2. Approval of the Consent Agenda
A. Approval of the Appointment of Juanetta Hill to the Bisbee Arts Commission.
B. Approval of the Appointment of Frank Davis to the Design Review Board.
C. Approval of the Appointment of Benjamin Lepley to the Design Review Board.
D. Approval of the Park, Facility, and Right –of-Way Use Permit for the Use of City Park Band Stand for Shakespeare in the Park to be held on Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 3:00pm to 11:00pm, this includes set-up and breakdown.
E. Approval of the Park, Facility, and Right –of-Way Use Permit for the Use of Grassy Park for the Friends of the Bisbee Animal Shelter Animal Resource Fair to be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019 from 8:30am to 6:30pm, this includes set-up and breakdown.
F. Approval of the Park, Facility, and Right –of-Way Use Permit for the Use of City Park, Goar Park and Brewery Gulch for the Blues in Bisbee Music Festival to be held on Friday, September 6, 2019 from 4:00pm to 11:00pm and Saturday, September 7, 2019 from 12:00pm to 10:00pm.
OLD BUSINESS 3. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-19-02, Amending the Appendix of the Zoning Regulations to bring the Zoning Use Matrix into compliance with the text of the Zoning Regulations. Pete Gardner, Planner II NEW BUSINESS 4. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Assignment of Hanger Lease between the City and Fast Fab Erectors, Inc. to Lindsay (Buzz) Hale. Elda Orduno, City Attorney 5. Discussion and Possible Approval of Ordinance O-19-03: An Ordinance of the Mayor and City Council, City of Bisbee, County of Cochise, State of Arizona, Increasing the Wastewater Rates. Keri Bagley, Finance Departmen 6. Discussion and Possible Approval to Enter into the Professional Services Agreement to Retain Stephen J. Pauken as Interim City Manager. Per ARS § 38-431.03(a)(3), the City Council may vote to go into executive session for discussion or consultation for legal advice with its attorney. Leslie Johns, Councilmember Ward I Joni Giacomino, Councilmember Ward II Gabe Lindstrom, Councilmember Ward III 7. City Manager's Report: