A day to give thanks to the millions of workers, past and present, that made Labor Day possible. Through history to the present day, they have created incredible wealth. Their indomitable spirit and perseverance to fight for a better life for their families has been played out in opposition to unrelenting attacks by business executives, politicians, and the rich. That was as true in the past as it is today. The intrinsic value of work and workers' lives stands in stark contrast to this Trumpian period of greed, corruption, incompetence, and ignorance that lay like a stifling blanket on the body politic. But the consistent and true lesson of history is that working people and their allies stand up to mitigate, diminish and overthrow economic and social injustice. The contours of that contemporary struggle is emerging.
For Bisbee government representatives it's over, results are below. However in the county and the state the primary skirmishes are finished and the big battle has begun. These are the deadlines. There is about 5 weeks before voting begins.
November 6, 2018 General Election – State/Countywide October 9, 2018 Last day to register to vote October 10, 2018 Early voting begins October 26, 2018 Last day to request an Early Ballot by mail November 2, 2018 Last day to vote early at Recorder’s Office
This truly is a critical election. If control of the House and the Senate stay in Repugnican hands the vast majority of poor, working, and middle class people-you know the huge majority of us-will have no say in determining policies, taxes, or legislation; our future.
Big money can only be countered by sweat, active participation, and small donations. Even then it's no guarantee. Witness the AZ Supreme Court prohibiting some initiatives, challenged by big corporate interests, from getting on the ballot. (one to raise $600 mil for schools by a tax on wealthy; and one to shine the cleansing light of publicity on dark money political contributions.)
Getting voters to the polls and ballots in the mail is the name of the game and we got to get out and help turn out the vote. If you have the time I hope you volunteer to work for a candidate; to do the phoning, social media, emailing, stuffing, walking, donating, knocking, house meeting, letters to the ed, editorials, and whatever you can to get people to the polls and oppose those candidates that would like to turn our county/state/nation into an authoritarian haven and our treasuries into bank accounts for the rich and greedy.
Regular Council meeting
Tuesday September 4, 7:00 1415 Melody Lane Bldg G
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MAYOR’S PROCLAMATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS: CALL TO THE PUBLIC THE FOLLOWING ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED, CONSIDERED AND/OR DECIDED UPON AT THIS MEETING: GENERAL BUSINESS: 1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds 2. Approval of the Consent Agenda A. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on July 3, 2018 at 7:00PM. B. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on July 17, 2018 at 7:00PM. C. Approval of the Minutes of the Special Session of Mayor and Council held on July 23, 2018 at 5:01PM. D. Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of Mayor and Council held on July 23, 2018 at 5:30PM. E. Approval of the Minutes of the Work Session of Mayor and Council held on July 26, 2018 at 5:01PM. F. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on August 7, 2018 at 7:00PM. G. Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of Mayor and Council held on August 21, 2018 at 7:00PM. H. Approval of the Resignation of Jill Maxwell from the Bisbee Arts Commission. I. Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the Use of City Park for the 30th Annual Festival of Lights on Friday, November 23, 2018 from 10:00AM to 9:00PM with set up and take down from 7:00AM to 10:00PM. J. Approval of the Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the Bisbee Coalition for the Homeless for the 4th Annual Bisbee Mariachi Festival 2018, on Saturday, November 3, 2018. K. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by Bisbee Pride, Inc. for an event to be held at Club Kilimanjaro located at 33 Subway Street, on Saturday, September 22, 2018 from 6:00PM to 1:00AM on Sunday, September 23, 2018; Doreen Edwards, Applicant L. Approval of a Special Event Liquor License Application submitted by the Bisbee Council on the Arts & Humanities DBA Bisbee Mining & Historical Museum for an event to be held at the Bisbee Masonic Lodge, 89 Main Street, on Saturday, October 13, 2018 from 5:30PM to 9:30PM.
NEW BUSINESS 3. Discussion and Possible Authorization for the Mayor to sign a letter to request donation for the 30th Annual Festival of Lights. Dwayne Wallace, Interim Operations Manager 4. Public Hearing and Discussion and Possible Approval of a Special Use Permit 18-01 submitted by Albert Mendez for a 32 square foot offsite advertising sign at 10 Copper Queen Plaza. Paul Esparza, Planning Manager 5. Discussion and Possible Direction to Staff regarding a petition submitted by Donna Pulling concerning Insurance Monies from the City Hall Fire. David M. Smith, Mayor 6. Discussion and Possible Acceptance of the Arizona State Libraries Grant in the Amount of $25,595.00 for the San Jose Literacy Outreach Project for the Copper Queen Library. Alison Williams, Copper Queen Library 7. Discussion and Possible Approval to allow the Bisbee Police Department to purchase 2 VHF F7010T portable keypad radios and 2 VHF P25 F7510T mobile radios from Leavitt Communications, to include chargers, docking system, antennas and warranty using our available State RICO funds in the amount of $5,887.96 (State Contract Pricing). Albert Echave, Police Chief 8. Discussion and Possible Approval of an MOA between Cochise County and the Bisbee Police Department for Management control of the Criminal Justice Information Systems (CJIS) computer operations. Albert Echave, Police Chief 9. Discussion and Possible Approval of Resolution R-18-15; Authorizing the City to Accept a Deed to Camp Naco property. Robert Smith, City Manager 10. City Manager's Report:
I am appreciative that people ran for office as well as people who turned out and voted. It shows an intense interest in our community. Thank you to David Smith, Cynthia Conroy, Frank Davis, Leslie Johns, Doug Dunn, Joni Giacomino, Anna Cline.
Results for Bisbee:
Mayor David Smith was elected with 69% of the vote 1049 to 445
Ward 1 Leslie Johns was elected with 52% of the vote 296 to 269;
Ward 2 Joni Giacomino was elected by 12 votes with 50.8% of the vote 294 to 282
Ward 3 Anna Cline was unopposed
Proposition 417 Home rule passed with 72% of the vote 1114 to 431 truly misguided souls
No matter the intent of the newly elected council members they will have to deal with the same problems of the current council: public safety pensions accounting for 1/5 of the budget, increasing revenue, cutting services, difficulty of economic development, an aging population, a fragmented business community, and lack of consensus and unity on the way forward for Bisbee. These are serious problems. One way the new council could initiate change is below.
Because PSPRS is such a drain on cities' budget and could force Bisbee as well as other cities into bankruptcy, there have to be major changes. A very short outline of the solution that protects pensioners and provides growth while reducing city liability...all new public safety hires should be put into the Arizona State Retirement System creating a tier system for jobs. This would provide a needed new influx of money into ASRS just as retirements loom from an aging governmental workforce. PSPRS fund would continue to exist but no new contributors and would be funded by a stable source of income such a percent hike-in gas taxes or rental car taxes or some such tax (to be determined by actuaries). As current retirees pass away, the fund would need less revenue, and eventually maybe 15-20 years would wither away and cease to exist.
Since the State legislature is the only body that can make changes, there has to be a campaign to convince them to promote the reform. Or a second option is for an initiative in 2020. Since there are several vested interests in the current system; PSPRS management, pension fund investments, police and firefighters unions,and politicians My suggestion is to treat this like the political problem it actually is and recognize that change will only come from intense pressure from citizens.
Our City should hire a political organizer with the goal of unifying cities to protest the current situation and promote the solution outlined above. I would hope that other cities would see the value in rousing taxpayers and help out. A political action committee could be formed with that intent. The political organizer(s) would be charged with going to city council meetings, identify and ask every possible ally to get on board, coordinate a letter writing campaign, utilize social media extensively, organize rallies throughout the state; in short a major political campaign to force legislators to adopt the solution or to put an initiative in front of voters to change the way public safety penisons are handled.
Info about the BLM plan for the SP conservation area. Info and help for writing comments. Bisbee Royal Saturday the 8th @4:30-6:00
A nine minute interview with the director. The doc is opening in NY this week. I suspect Bisbee will be getting a lot of visitors this year just from the peeps seeing the doc.
Oldest operating bar in Arizona gets the nod for one of 7 in the country.
The Bisbee Good Cakes shop has moved from Anna's to 44 Main. They offer traditional, gluten-free and gluten-free vegan cakes. http://bisbeegoodcakes.com
The CeeZeeCee is looking for a place to BE. They would like their own space, commercial or residential, to lease. They would like enough space for meditation, workshops, and discussions. If you know of an appropriate place contact Barry Briggs at 206 853-8775 or barry108@mac.com.
(A lil koan for you) The Buddhist discussion group has moved to Central School Project, lower level. They meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesday. Occasionally they discuss nothing. More often it is a wide ranging inquiry into Zen. More info; Barry Briggs at 206 853-8775 or barry108@mac.com.
Some new classes for those that wanna get their feet and body moving. All classes at St. John annex.
Contact Rita; 366-2092;
Tuesday 6:30-7:30 dance exercise/cardio dance
Wednesday tap dance 9:30-10:30 ( call her fa shoor before going)
Wednesday 5:00-6:00 beginning modern dance
Wednesday 6:00-7:00 intermediate cardio dance
It's never to late to play a tune on your washboard abs. Sonia Allen, a body builder, has a class to get that music started. Mondays-Thursday’s Noon-1 at Room to Move $5/class with monthly incentives for regular attendance and referring friends!
TVGC is open 7 days a week. There is also a food cart open for orders. And the course is looking pretty good. The place is still for sale for $300k according to an ad in the Observer. The owner seems to not have a clue about what he is doing and does not have the kind of deep pockets necessary to bring the course up to par-groan-nor do the consistent marketing that is needed. It is too bad because it is a good draw for Bisbee.