editor: fred miller July 5, 2021 #12/July 2021
Apologies in advance, a long read, the knuckle draggers are done, some interesting economic stuff, and a personal story about Agent Orange that I was involved in.
An interesting thing happened on Sunday/4th, there was one, one!, restaurant open during the day for business. It really is difficult to predict holidays, I get that, but when a holiday falls on a Sunday and the next day is a Monday holiday, I would expect that more places would be open particularly during the day, cause of peeps staying in town for the holiday. I don't know what the answer is, but it is a negative when trying to attract peeps to town and then there are no eats available. It's not a ding on restaurants, it has been and continuous to be, tough, but I wish there were some way a rotating schedule could be conjured up.
The legislature finally died. Fortunately. The longer in session the more damage they did. See the report below.
Regular City Council Meeting Tuesday July 6, 2021 7:00 Due to Covid 19 this meeting will be conducted electronically by Zoom and Facebook. The public can join, listen and view the meeting as follows:
City’s Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/COB118Arizona/). A Facebook account is not necessary.
Zoom by calling in at 1-346-248-7799 or by the following link https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81863404597 the meeting/webinar ID is 818 6340 4597.
The public can submit comments that will be made part of the record and/or read by a staff member to publiccomment@bisbeeaz.gov . Citizens can also be recognized to personally to speak during the meeting only if they sign up ahead of time using the email address above. All comments or requests to speak shall be submitted no later than by noon of the day of the Internet meeting, recognizing the 3-minute time limit. Please indicate a specific Council Agenda item number or request 'Call to the Public' on matters that are not listed on this agenda. The City Council cannot discuss or take legal action on any matter raised unless it is properly noticed for discussion and legal action. At the conclusion of the Call to the Public, individual members of the City Council may respond to criticism made by those who have addressed the City Council, may ask staff to review a matter or may ask that a matter be placed on a future agenda. All City Council meetings are recorded.
Background here: https://www.bisbeeaz.gov/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/_07062021-371
Of Interest:
#1 Accounts Payable is how your money is spent. There has got to be a rational explanation of gas bill, but take a look on page 5.PD spent $19,000+ on gas. Just out of curiosity what PD vehicle takes $514 gas? or $310.? or $222? or $227.? Maybe it is several gas-ups added together?
#2G If you happen to be interested in the planning for theBisbee 1000, this here is the document to check out.
#5 Job for Community Development/Planner $40k-$59k. This new position is for writing, researching, management of grants; update current planning activities; reduce workload now done by other people and monitor germane committees and the housing initiative.
#8 shared use path discussion of final report. The final report is included here along with recommendations of preferred option.
#10 Hmmm low ridership on the bus means that peeps are not taking advantage of free bus passes for seniors. The free program is grant funded and is in jeopardy cause it is not being used. This is a plan to raise the cost of a ticket to $15 to encourage seniors to take advantage of the free pass and not lose the grant. Got that?
#11 City Manager report. He reports on:
Half the dough from the $1.7 mil Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recovery Fund will be coming in soon M&C will be asked to establish guidelines for assistance.
Visitor center to have grand re-opening end of July
City will be advertising for a full time visitor center manager keeping the existing relationship of half time/city, half time/museum person.
Hillcrest working group meeting with intent of drawing up a strategic plan
Bisbee master mobility plan will maybe run on some private property, have to get it sorted since some owners objected.
identification of city's surplus vehicles and then be sold at auction
Main St. drainage update.
INVOCATION: A Moment of Silence
Acknowledgement of Alison Williams, Library Program Coordinator for being included in the Library Journals Movers and Shakers 2021.
Longevity recognition Raul Hidalgo
Longevity recognition Reserve Officer Montgomery
1. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE: Subject to availability of funds
2. Approval of the Consent Agenda
Approval of the Minutes of the Regular Session of the Mayor and Council held on June 15, 2021.
Approval of the Appointment of Dan Callaghan to the Airport Advisory Commission.
Approval of the Appointment of Denise Whisman to the Police and Fire Advisory Committee
Approval of the Resignation of Mike Normand from the Board of Adjustment.
Approval of the Resignation of Marsha Mayer from the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Approval of a Park, Facility and Right of Way Use Permit for the Senior Class 2021 Dance for the use of Main Street between Subway and Post Office to Celebrate Graduating Class of 2021 from the Bisbee High School to be held on Saturday July 17, 2021 from 4:30pm to 11:30pm; with waiver of fees.
Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way use permit for the use of Various Streets, Parking Spaces and Staircases along with Higgins Hill Park for the Bisbee 1000 Stair Climb on Saturday, October 16, 2021, from 5:00AM to 2:00PM
Approval of a Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the use of Lower Vista Park for a Staff Appreciation Day for Chiricahua Community Health Centers, Inc on Saturday, August 14, 2021 from 11:00 am to 3:00 pm.
3. Discussion and Possible Approval of a Permanent Extension of Premises/ Patio Permit application submitted by Electric Brewing, Located at 1326 W Highway AZ-92 #8, Fredrickson Joseph Charles, Applicant.
Ashlee Coronado, City Clerk
4. Personnel Announcements- Steven Gardner retirement from Bisbee Police Department.
Joelle Landers, Personnel Director
5. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Job Classification for Community Development, Planner.
Joelle Landers, Personnel Director
6. Discussion and Possible approval the Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the use of the City Pool for the Boys and Girls Club End of Summer Party on July 22, 2021 from 10:00 am to 2:30 pm with a waiver of fees.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
7. Discussion and Possible Approval of the Park, Facility, and Right-of-Way Use Permit for the use of the City Pool for the Library Summer Reading Program Pool Party on July 23, 2021 from 12:00 pm to 2:00 pm with a waiver of fees.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
8. Presentation, Discussion and Possible Action on the Shared Use Path Feasibility Study.
Stephen Pauken, City Manager
9. Discussion and Possible Approval to sell surplus garbage trucks.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
10. Discussion and Possible Approval to change the rate monthly passes on the Bisbee Bus for Senior and Disabled riders.
Jesus Haro, Public Works Director
11. City Manager's Report:
12. Possible Approval of a motion to go into Executive Session for the following matters:
1. An executive session pursuant to A.R.S.§ 38-431.03(a)(3)(4) for discussion or consultation on the Gouguet matter.
................ 'COPPER QUEEN' THE BISBEE OPERA OPENS IN.... KNOXVILLE TENN? “The Copper Queen” is the story of Julia Lowell, a resident of The Copper Queen Hotel in Bisbee, Arizona, in 1910, who was forced to live in captivity in service to the town’s men. A century later, Addison Moore—a stranger to Bisbee—visits Room 315, the site of Julia’s tragic suicide, where her ghost now famously roams.
The opera won the top prize for Arizona Opera’s commission program, Arizona SPARK. Marble City Opera’s production will be the first staged live performance of the opera and will be directed by the librettist, John de los Santos. “The Copper Queen” will take place on June 2-4, 2022 at the Marble City Opera. Season and individual ticket information will be made available, as well as information on venues by late Summer. https://www.wvlt.tv/2021/06/21/marble-city-opera-announces-2021-22-lineup/
INSTAGRAMMABLE BISBEE Ya shoor, great background for those many shots of yoorself.
BISBEE RECIPIENTS OF PPP DOUGH This is a list of what businesses in Bisbee got how much dough in the two PPP rounds. You can check any US city.
https://projects.propublica.org/coronavirus/bailouts/search?q=85603&fbclid=IwAR050dX3m6sN9trLSbEfCha-2ngyvr_Aau7K1o-fiSCpRAfx0IqjzXK0myY ..............BIRDING in SE Arizona https://www.nytimes.com/2021/06/15/travel/Birding-arizona-sky-islands.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20210618&instance_id=33400&nl=updates-from-the-newsroom®i_id=61005435&segment_id=61141&te=1&user_id=a6554dadaad9c455c1d11820a9266cd5
.............. INTERESTED IN GETTING INTO THE FOOD BIZ? This is a basic course coverning all aspects of beginning a food business. It is good for those interested in starting food trucks, restaurants, cafes, retail. https://localfirstaz.com/restaurant-startup-boot-camp?inf_contact_key=979cf6cef5a6351445277d3c42b60069842e902fbefb79ab9abae13bfcb46658 <><><><><><><><>
THE SHAMEFUL REPUGNICAN LEGISLATORS SLINK OUT THE DOOR This is a useful summary of the damage done
Founding editor: Melinda Merkel Iyer • Distribution partner: Civic Engagement Beyond Voting
After the most grueling session in recent memory, the Legislature has finally adjourned. That alone is wonderful news: it means lawmakers can do no more harm, at least for a little while.
Now that the dust is settling, let’s review the actions of the 55th Legislature, 1st General Session. Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and plan to spend some time with this document, as there’s a lot here to unpack.
First, the good. Yes, believe it or not, lawmakers actually did manage to accomplish a few good things:
The Good
Allowing excused student absences for mental health reasons (SB1097, Bowie, D-18)
Legalizing fentanyl test strips (SB1486, Marsh, D-28)
Banning most suspensions and expulsions of students in grades PreK-4 (HB2123, Udall, R-25)
Banning people from parking their vehicles on private driveways and blocking the sidewalk, a disability accessibility issue (HB2395, Longdon, D-18)
Mandating a sufficient supply of menstrual hygiene products and compassionate care for pregnant inmates (SB1526, Navarrete, D-30)
That list is pretty short. Overall, elected extremists wreaked havoc, both by ramming through controversial long-stalled bills at the last minute, and by negotiating harmful policies (some that had already failed on their own) into the budget behind closed doors:
The Bad
Banning voters who don’t sign their early ballot envelope from fixing the problem after Election Day (SB1003, Ugenti-Rita, R-23)
Declaring any law that "violates the 2nd amendment" to be void in Arizona (HB2111, Biasiucci, R-5)
Subjecting lawmaker recall attempts to overly rigorous “strict compliance” (HB2308, Kavanagh, R-23)
Funding an unregulated “crisis pregnancy” pilot program to push women toward religious groups that offer limited service (HB2404, Udall, R-25)
Creating a “teacher gag rule” to fine public district and charter schools up to $5,000 per "infraction" for discussing “controversial” subjects with their students (SB1532, Udall, R-25)
Eliminating local school district boundaries, destroying the very concept of the neighborhood school and forcing attendance lotteries (SB1685, Boyer, R-20)
Giving parents money for “transportation support grants" to send their kids to choice academies using untested and unregulated private companies, even though charter schools already receive additional funding for transportation and district buses sit in disrepair (SB1683, Boyer, R-20)
Tripling the tax credit amount for 529 vouchers, which are now for K-12 education as well as college, further draining state revenues meant for public schools (SB1135, Livingston, R-22)
Increasing STO vouchers by 35%, furthering our state’s investment in private schools instead of public education (SB1118, Leach, R-11)
Expanding eligibility and goods for ESA vouchers, reducing the qualification period from 100 to 45 days and opening it to the current school year, making it much easier for privatization advocates to recruit children to leave public school (SB1452, Boyer, R-20)
Raising their own per diem pay, giving lawmakers outside Maricopa County a 245% boost for lodging and incidentals (HB2053, Gowan, R-14)
But that’s not even the worst of it. Bills like this are typical of what Arizona has seen in recent years, so all of that could have happened in any other session. Here are some of the jaw-dropping standout measures that made this session so unusual and harmful:
The Ugly
Ending permanent early voting by kicking voters off the list if they fail to use their early ballots (SB1485, Ugenti-Rita, R-23)
Banning abortions due to genetic abnormalities, including those incompatible with life, and granting zygotes the same legal rights as fully fledged humans (SB1457, Barto, R-15)
Draining $300 million a year from public schools by allowing rich individuals to file their state taxes as small businesses (SB1783, Mesnard, R-17)
and, of course, the revenue-slashing $1.3 billion tax cut that’s designed to benefit Arizona’s wealthiest. A jaw-dropping 53% of benefits will go to the 0.3% of Arizonans who make over $1 million a year, while only 1% will go to those who make under $50,000 a year. The state median household income is around $59,000. (Chief architects Toma, R-22 and Mesnard, R-17)
The best summary we’ve seen of this comes from House Minority Leader Reginald Bolding (D-27):
"Arizona is a politically purple state with a $2 billion surplus. We had a once-in-a-generation opportunity to step up in a bipartisan way and make a real difference for a state hit hard by the pandemic and a state that remains plagued by chronically underfunded schools, prolonged drought, inadequate healthcare, a lack of affordable housing and mounting infrastructure needs. The Republican budget squanders that opportunity."
While that is bad... unbelievably, it could have been so much worse. Majority lawmakers also wanted to pass these laws. These aren’t the ones like allowing the Legislature to overturn the results of a presidential election, the ones so third-rail awful that they attracted international media attention and never got a hearing. These are the bills that we actively fought because they actually could have passed:
Ideas That Didn’t Pass
Chain individual income tax rates to state growth so that they can never increase (SB1109, Mesnard, R-17)
Cut the property taxes that fund public schools nearly in half (SB1108, Mesnard, R-17)
Prohibit banning the abusive practice of LGBT “conversion therapy” (SB1325, Gowan R-14 and SB1482, Leach, R-11)
Ban cities from reducing police budgets by any amount or be defunded by the state (SB1333, Gowan, R-14)
Legalize dangerous “multiple tube aerial device” consumer fireworks (SB1334, Gowan, R-14)
Shorten early voting, require the hurdle of a "privacy envelope," and make voters surrender their early ballots in order to vote in person (SB1593, Gowan, R-14)
Slash unemployment benefits unless statewide average unemployment is 9%+ (SB1787, Leach, R-11)
Require initiatives with tax increases to be reapproved by voters every 5 years (SCR1028/Petersen)
Ban nearly all abortions (HB2140, Biasiucci, R-5)
Ban government and banks from "discriminating" against gun companies by refusing to provide services (HB2433, Bolick, R-20)
Bar transgender girls from women's sports (SB1637, Rogers, R-6)
Because of your activism, nothing on that list passed. That is no small feat. This was the most extreme legislature our state has seen in decades — but through persistence and determination, we were able to mitigate the damage.
The 2022 Ballot
Lawmakers also referred several measures to the 2022 ballot. Many of these are changes they would long ago have made on their own, but which our state Constitution bars them from doing without voter approval. In 2022, lawmakers will ask us to:
Weaken the Voter Protection Act by letting lawmakers amend voter-approved measures with a simple majority if a court says they’re illegal or unconstitutional. This could have let lawmakers void Prop 208, as a lower court rejected it — though that decision was later overturned, the ballot measure isn’t that specific. (SCR1034, Leach, R-11)
Limit initiatives in Arizona to a single subject, which would have voided the minimum wage increase initiative and will make it all but impossible to run comprehensive citizen initiatives in the future (HCR2001, Kavanagh, R-23)
Grant in-state college tuition to “Dreamers,” those who attended high school for 2+ years in Arizona and graduated, regardless of immigration status (SCR1044, Boyer, R-20)
Keep in mind, these three measures are a mere fraction of what lawmakers proposed — and they can refer more next year, meaning the 2022 ballot is guaranteed to be a cluttered one.
Next Steps
It is breathtaking just how much the future of Arizona has eroded in just six months. Left unchecked, the damage done this session will devastate this state. So what do we do now — now that our state has been dragged so far down the wrong road that everything we hold dear has been put in danger? Here are three things you can do RIGHT NOW:
Take heart. In the words of CEBV super-volunteer Iain Hamp: “Many of us are running on fumes. If we elect different people next year, a lot of what has been done can be undone. We are in a relay race that is going to define whether Arizona is a place people are going to want to live in, work in, raise families in... so if you are on fumes, please pass the baton and take a breath. We need you later in the race in good shape.”
Change the conversation. Much of what happens next depends on our ability to put these events into terms that our friends, family, neighbors and co-workers can understand. Join CEBV for our upcoming Letters to the Editor Cafe to learn how to successfully advocate for a new way of thinking here in Arizona and get tips on how to get a letter published.
Stay tuned. There will be lawsuits challenging much of what just happened. Bills will be referred to the ballot. You will be able to help with much of this, whether it’s in circulating or notarizing petitions, coordinating volunteers, or donating to help with printing and legal costs. Make sure you’re on our email list, and we’ll pass along opportunities to help as we can.
If you are interested in the long battle against the casual use of pesticides in agriculture, on school grounds, along right of ways,in gardens, forestry and most everywhere, you might be interested in this documentary. It is about the residents of Five Rivers, Oregon who first began documenting the effects of spraying Agent Orange in forests in rural coastal Oregon in the 1980's and their effort to get the herbicide banned. The documentary intersperses the historical explanation in Oregon with the current efforts in Vietnam to get the US to admit their culpability for spraying.
Along with many others, I was deeply involved in this successful fight to get this herbicide off the market. You can see a very brief cameo of me at 56:58 in the film.
A long brief summary of a complicated issue...
When the Vietnam war ran down, there were efforts to find uses for the surplus Agent Orange defoliant, a pesticide made by combining two herbicides, 2,4,5-T and 2,4 D. The Forest Service and BLM, in conjunction with a few scientists at Oregon State University, began test plots and then initiated large scale spraying of clear cuts in coastal Oregon.
{Once acreage has been logged via clear cutting-which is denuding the land of every standing tree within a given boundary, oftentimes 1000 acres or more-various kinds of weeds grow that inhibit the planting of new trees. Herbicides are sprayed via helicopter to kill the weeds. Tree planters come in then and plant small trees of one particular kind-a forestry process known as monoculture.}
Once rains came, the herbicide residue was washed downhill seeping into the ground and draining into the many streams that run through coastal Oregon forests, and then into rivers. Months after spraying of Agent Orange, residents in a couple of coastal areas that get their water from wells, began to to notice livestock miscarrages, deformed fetuses, and human miscarries; Agent Orange was operating as a mutagen. As these things began to be talked about at gatherings, churches, schools, (this is a very rural area with much distance between homes and towns, internet/social media not invented yet, and word traveled slowly) a handful of people began to document what was being reported. The data slowly accumulated.
As did animosity towards them because it was perceive they were threatening to halt logging through their protests.They were not. This small number of people, among them Carol Van Strum who is a focus in the documentary, started a group called Citizens Against Toxic Sprays, (CATS), They did groundbreaking work digging out the problematical science of the herbicide Agent Orange. During this time, as the doc outlines, the Van Strum's house was burned down killing their 4 children. The arsonist was never apprehended.
CATS was joined by our reforestation worker cooperative, Hoedads and together they worked on legislation and lobbying. As that became more time consuming for the Hoedads myself and others initiated and set up the Northwest Coalition for Alternatives to Pesticides (NCAP,) which became a worker-citizen alliance. I was the first director. After a few years we finally persuaded larger environmental groups to take up this issue. (Michael Gregory, who lives in Elfrida, has worked for years on pesticide issues locally and statewide, also participated.)
After years of demonstrations some of which people stood in clear cuts to try and stop spraying, picketed hearings, inveighed against Dow Chemical, provided contrary scientific information to the official shoddy science, and inundated the EPA with factual data, they finally moved to take one of the herbicides, 2, 4, 5-T off the market.(CATS research found that 2, 4, 5-T contained many dioxins, but the most potent was one called TCDD, that caused mutations even at parts per billion exposure.The EPA determined that was the worst of the two, however they allowed 2,4,-D to continue to be marketed.)
The effects of Agent Orange continue to be the subject of intense discussion among veterans who were exposed in Vietnam. They too, have a long fight to get recognition for the illnesses caused by exposure while fighting in Vietnam.
I focus on the part of this struggle that I know. However the Vietnamese woman in the doc recently had a ruling in a French court go against her.
...A little aside; at the hearing in DC for removing the herbicide from the market, the lawyers for Dow were standing in a line, some 6 or 7, and several of us. Before the hearing, we going down the line shaking hands (don't ask), and one of the Dow lawyers was this youngish hotshot who used crushing handshakes, both men and women, really hurtful. He put this squeeze on one of our people John who milked his cows or goats, and John just smiled at him while returning the squeeze, the guys face got white and his knees buckled, John and the rest of us just smiled.
And more about how pesticides industry and the EPA do not protect the public
And the Trump EPA pressured their own scientists to overlook critical data:
LESSONS FROM THE NEW DEAL https://www.route-fifty.com/infrastructure/2021/02/learning-new-deal-next-recovery/172249/ .............. 50 CORPORATIONS PAID NO TAXES ON PROFITS Nike...Just Do It https://itep.org/55-profitable-corporations-zero-corporate-tax/ .............. DO THE REALLY RICH AVOID TAXES? Does the pope poop in the woods? This exposé presents the income these billionaires report to the IRS as well as their asset appreciation, which is called unrealized capital gains. Most economists consider unrealized capital gains to also be a type of income, even though it is not taxed under our current laws. For example, if someone’s net worth was $4 million last year and is $5 million this year, an economist would say that person must have had income of at least $1 million. But if that person’s net worth grew only because their assets appreciated, tax rules do not count that $1 million as income. Tax rules count capital gains as income only if and when the owner of an asset sells it, at which point the appreciation is calculated as the profit from the asset sale, also called a “realized” capital gain. Billionaires like Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos, Michael Bloomberg, and Elon Musk can avoid paying income tax by simply holding on to their assets." https://www.propublica.org/article/the-secret-irs-files-trove-of-never-before-seen-records-reveal-how-the-wealthiest-avoid-income-tax .............. WHY INEQUALITY HAS ACCELERATED; DECLINE OF INVESTMENT, RISE OF PAYING SHAREHOLDERS https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2021/04/02/wall-streets-fixation-quick-profits-wreaking-havoc-real-economy-report-says/ ....... COMPANIES GET $1,000,000 FOR EACH LAID OFF WORKER https://bailoutwatch.org/analysis/fossil-fuel-firms-slashed-nearly-60000-jobs-in-2020 .............. LOW TAXES ARE NOT A BEACON FOR MOVING If only the Repugnicans in the Arizona legislature could read! Economist Michael J. Hicks from Ball State University writes in MarketWatch that the common narrative around people and businesses moving to low-tax states is both a flawed reading of the data and a mistaken understanding of how people make decisions. In short, “Taxes represent one price for living in a particular city or town, but value — not price — is the key decision variable. For the average family, value comes from tangible amenities like safe, livable neighborhoods, high-quality schools and great parks and trails…Both businesses and families are acting upon this information, moving to places with better schools and safe, livable neighborhoods. In the process they are moving to places with much higher taxes, reflecting a hunt for value, not price.” .............. THE HIDDEN FOOD CHAIN USING PRISON LABOR https://thecounter.org/this-under-the-radar-supply-chain-routes-food-from-prisons-to-hospitals-food-banks-and-even-schools/ .............. CHEAPER AUTO RENTAL We've saved hundreds of dollars using Auto Slash. Free, gets you the best rate and will inform you of rates going up or down. Since car renters have a shortage of cars, prices have gone bonkers. Reserve soon as you know you need a car.
Getting a cheap car rental can sometimes seem like a daunting task. Major rental companies issue tons of discount codes through various channels and partners, but how is an ordinary consumer supposed to figure out which ones can really save the most? It turns out that a small handful of membership organizations can make or break whether you get the deepest possible discount. These include Costco, AAA, USAA, AARP and a few others. Want to always get the best rate? Always tell us about all your memberships when you ask AutoSlash for a quote. We will automatically apply all the coupon codes and check to see if we can find a better deal. https://www.autoslash.com/ ........ THE SUCCESS OF WILDLIFE CROSSINGS https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/05/31/climate/wildlife-crossings-animals.html?campaign_id=190&emc=edit_ufn_20210608&instance_id=32505&nl=updates-from-the-newsroom®i_id=55736694&segment_id=60170&te=1&user_id=b6e086957ee2a2364fee94e1c50d4a8b
Aphorism: a pithy observation that contains a general truth
Conscience is the inner voice that warns us somebody may be looking. HL Mencken
Confidence is the feeling you have before you understand the situation. Jean Lockhart
I am always certain about things that are a matter of opinion. C. Brown
It is a very hard undertaking to seek to please everyone. Publilius Cyrus
It’s easier to stay out than get out. M Twain