editor: fred miller July 30, 2020 #14 July 2020
Occasionally I find my email stash bulging with stuff that is too good (at least to me) to toss. So lotsa stuff here.
If you haven't voted in the AZ primary yet, please do so by August 4. You can see my recommendations at http://bisbeewire.com #12.
I'll likely have a short newletter in a couple of days with the council agenda for next Tuesday. One of the interesting items is body cameras for Bisbee police. More soon...
"Do notget lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble." John Lewis 2018
A local business owner took issue with masks being used as a preventative measure against the trump virus. He didn't think they were effective. We had a frank, cordial email exchange and neither of us were persuaded of the others information sources.
I was sent a few emails, one with 30 citations from scientific sources-some from years ago, along with other pertinent information from 'scientists' purporting to show masks do not work. In response I returned some emails debunking some of the sources. Among the sources sent to me was the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, a small group that claims 5000 doctors as members (out of one million), that is quoted often in conservative and conspiracy circles as a scientific source. They were exposed in this Atlantic article.https://www.theatlantic.com/health/archive/2020/02/aaps-make-health-care-great-again/607015/.
I was also sent a recent video by 'Frontline Doctors', a vid showing some men and women wearing white coats standing on the supreme court steps saying that hydroxychloroquinecured people of covid. This disinformation video received prominently air play for a few hours until it was debunked. Trump of course tweeted about it. One of the doctors featured claimed to cure 350 patients of trump virus. It did not mention that the doctor also believed that alien dna was being used in medical treatments and that the uterine disorder endometriosis is caused by sex with demons that takes place in dreams.(Trump really likes her!) None of the doctors were specialists in immunology, virology, pulmonology, immunobiology, or infectious diseases. instead they were; an Orthopedist, primary care, neurologist/specialist in alzheimer's, pediatrician, 2 ophthalmologists, psychiatrist, health policy researcher, and emergency physician.
I mention this not to scoff at someone's beliefs but because at first listen/read it is sometimes difficult to ascertain what are legitimate scientific sources from wannabees, psuedo-scientists, keyboard jockeys, and impressive sounding organizations and individuals. It pays to do your research because often a few searches will quickly reveal the source is not legitimate or the information is dated and now superseded. One of the ways to do this is, as I mention in more detail below, getting a toolkit to learn to do research from public-accountability.org.
Yes, there is disagreement in the scientific and medical communities about the trump virus. It is an evolving study and recommendations have changed over the past four months. Recent information is flowing onto the net as various studies are done; John Hopkins, Mayo, WHO, CDC, Uof Maryland and many other state health depts, research hospitals, and more, all have recent info about the efficacy of wearing masks.
............. Apropos is this article from Medium summarizing what is now known about the virus as opposed to four months ago. I think it is accessible for unpaid readers. https://elemental.medium.com/9-things-experts-know-about-covid-19-that-they-didnt-know-then-5f22819807c4 <><><><><><><><><><>
30 Main Street (where the hot spicy sauce store is, uphill from where Sloan's moving out from) is also for sale at $449,000.
....... 42-52 Main St building is for sale (not 42-45)
..... The Old Bisbee Brewing Company and Distillery is now serving pizza during all open hours. ....... Curbside Pickup Available at the San Jose Library Annex Fridays, Noon - 5 PM Starting, Friday, July 31, patrons will be able to pick up requested library materials at the San Jose Library Annex. Patrons can place holds on materials anywhere in Cochise County by using the online catalog, or calling the main library at 520-432-4232. The Annex is located at 519 Melody Lane in the Bisbee Unified School District's Administration Building. Please note, that during this time, the physical Annex space will be closed to the public. Patrons can pick up their requested materials from the pickup table, located at the entrance to the building. While picking up your materials, take a tour of the new FireWise Garden located in front of the Annex. The numbers of titles available for digital download has been increased significantly Go here for details: https://ccld.overdrive.com/ ........... Outdoor Exercise in Higgins Park A new 32'x35' outdoor fitness Court with rubberized surface is due for completion in September in the park. Courtesy of Bisbee Vogue, the court will be in addition to the basketball and pickleball courts at the park. ........... Call airb&b about loud parties air b&b has been deluged with problems of houses rented for parties. Scary stories of 200, 400, 700! people partying at an airb&b rental have moved the company to establish a hot line (855 635-7754) as well as remove many properties from hosting on their site. Some in Bisbee were taken off the list, but owner/addresses were not made public. A link to the article is here: https://www.myheraldreview.com/news/bisbee/airbnb-drops-50-properties-in-arizona-including-some-in-bisbee/article_20943346-cc5f-11ea-a3f6-075dd6e6fe4a.html ........... PPP LOANS IN BISBEE AND COCHISE COUNTY Six Bisbee businesses received Paycheck Protection Loans. Copper Queen Hospital ($2-5 mil); Copper Queen Hotel ($350,00-1 mil); Linden Distributors ($350,000-1 mil), Premier Alliances ($350,00-1 mil); Santiagos ($150,00-350,00); Bisbee Grille ($150,00-350,000). A total of 885 jobs were retained. Seventy Four other businesses received loans of $150,000 or less totaling $1,397,491 and retained 385 jobs. (all stats from 7/29 Herald/Review) ........... Cochise College online Cochise College has a range of online classes including basic accounting computer software programs, grant writing, and many others. Go here for online classes : https://registration.xenegrade.com/cochise/ contact (520) 515-5492 or training@cochise.edu.
POLITICS THE SEEDS OF MARTIAL LAW ARE SOWN There are many ongoing efforts to ignore laws by Trump and his administration. Besides the streets of Portland, the most recent example is the census. What is less clear is who is carrying them out and where these ideas come from cause, you know he is an unstable genius. This latest from Popular Information, one of the best newsletters, explains how Trump is justifying his actions with shaky legal theories. It is another example, along with attacks on vote by mail and purging voter rolls, of excluding all but whites to vote. https://popular.info/subscribe
The latest Trump gambit is to ignore the US Census. "Winning by losing If Trump's executive order is unlikely to survive a legal challenge, why is he bothering? First, the 2020 Census is ongoing. By creating a news story that makes clear that the administration is trying to use the 2020 Census to target undocumented immigrants, it may reduce participation in the Census in immigrant communities. Second, the executive order is reportedly part of a broader strategy for Trump to project power, rally his base, and divert attention from his disastrous handling of the coronavirus pandemic. On Sunday, Axios reported that Trump is "privately considering a controversial strategy to act without legal authority to enact new federal policies — starting with immigration." NBC says the executive orders are intended "to boost Americans' confidence in his leadership amid widespread criticism of his handling of the coronavirus pandemic." The strategy was concocted by conservative legal figure John Yoo, who is best known for authoring memos justifying the use of torture during the George W. Bush administration. Yoo wrote the following in the National Review on June 22. Suppose President Donald Trump decided to create a nationwide right to carry guns openly. He could declare that he would not enforce federal firearms laws, and that a new “Trump permit” would free any holder of state and local gun-control restrictions. Even if Trump knew that his scheme lacked legal authority, he could get away with it for the length of his presidency. And, moreover, even if courts declared the permit illegal, his successor would have to keep enforcing the program for another year or two. Yoo said this was the result of the Supreme Court's decision to prohibit Trump from rolling back DACA, which Obama put into place by executive order. Yoo says he has "met virtually with White House officials about the implications of the ruling." Yoo is misreading the Supreme Court's decision. "The DACA majority didn’t bind presidents to every act of a predecessor, just that an action that creates reliance interests can’t be overturned without taking that into consideration," Above The Law explained. But Trump plans to use Yoo's argument as a road map for the months leading up to the presidential election. Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Trump said he would be implementing a new health care plan via executive order within the next two weeks. "[T]he Supreme Court decision on DACA gave me the right," Trump said." &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
THE SITE THAT KEEPS TRACK OF HOW OFTEN TRUMP GOLFS "Trump has visited his clubs once every 4.9 days since his inauguration" https://trumpgolfcount.com/ ...................... TRUMPS MILITIA; THE BORDER PATROL ROBO SQUADS THAT DEALS WITH PROTESTERS https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/27/trump-border-patrol-troops-portland-bortac?utm_term=0092251edb6c698575b80695f1b424f9&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUS&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUS_email ...................... ANATOMY OF A PROTEST/POLICE CONFRONTATION
This series of photos/vid shot in Seattle illustrates how protests are wrongly handled by some police decisions.
https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/06/26/opinion/blm-protests-police-violence.html ............................. URGENT ART! ENOUGH OF TRUMP POSTERS https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2020/jul/27/enough-of-trump-art-campaign-election?utm_term=0092251edb6c698575b80695f1b424f9&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUS&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUS_email ............................ THE SHADOW OF TRUMPS WORDS: cognitive test with Sara Cooper Another funny from Ms. Cooper https://twitter.com/sarahcpr ............................ HILL ARTICLE REVEALS THE AMATEURS RUNNING THE GOVERNMENT https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/06/29/what-fiona-hill-learned-in-the-white-house?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Magazine_Daily_ ............................. PUBLIC RESEARCH INTO CORPORATE DONATIONS
A good source for seeing which corporations are paying what politicians. https://public-accountability.org/
They also have a toolkit that details how to do power structure research. This is invaluable for individuals to feed info to groups, politicians, media, and friends. Find it here. https://littlesis.org/toolkit "Power research focuses on networks – people, organizations, and their various business, political, and personal relationships. It also recognizes that the power structure is not contained within the institutions and individuals that we’re often told have power in a democracy – elected officials, for instance. Instead, we take a broader view, going up the food chain to look at major corporations and billionaires and other organizations and individuals who wield extraordinary amounts of influence and control in our society." ............................. K-POP FANS SHUT DOWN RACIST HASHTAGS "...thousands of K-Pop fans and others—have been steadily defusing racist hashtags by flooding Twitter with “fancams,” https://www.newyorker.com/culture/cultural-comment/k-pop-fans-defuse-racist-hashtags?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=tny&utm_mailing=TNY_Humor_062220&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_medium= ******Not complete without feel good, move your body, classic vid of Psy's Gangnam Style**** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 ............................. RIGHT WING MEDIA CAUSED DEATHS BY SPREADING MISINFORMTION https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2020/06/25/fox-news-hannity-coronavirus-misinformation/?utm_campaign=wp_the_5_minute_fix&utm_medium=email&utm_source=newsletter&wpisrc=nl_fix ............................. BLACK (AND OTHER ACTIVISTS) TARGETED BY GOVERNMENT FOR YEARS https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/jun/26/fbi-black-activism-protestshistory?utm_term=RWRpdG9yaWFsX0d1YXJkaWFuVG9kYXlVUy0yMDA2MjY%3D&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUS_email&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUS .............................
ECONOMIIC GRIM ECONOMIC FORECAST FOR CITIES, COUNTIES AND STATES https://www.governing.com/finance/Here-Comes-the-Hard-Part-States-Cities-Face-Grim-Budget-Picture.html .................. PPP MONEY GOES TO CHARTER SCHOOLS https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona-education/2020/07/06/arizona-charter-private-schools-small-business-federal-loans-paycheck-protection-program/5386843002/?for-guid=4b335c88-f671-11e7-b571-12075aa89388&utm_source=azcentral-Daily%20Briefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily_briefing&utm_term=list_article_thumb .................. ...AND TO 11,000 OTHER AZ BUSINESSES https://www.azcentral.com/story/money/business/economy/2020/07/06/arizona-paycheck-protection-program-loans-database/5387777002/?for-guid=4b335c88-f671-11e7-b571-12075aa89388&utm_source=azcentral-Daily%20Briefing&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=daily_briefing&utm_term=list_article_headline .................. THE FUTURE OF FAIRTRADE Corporate Capture of fairtrade logos and ideas https://www.theguardian.com/business/2019/jul/23/fairtrade-ethical-certification-supermarkets-sainsburys?utm_term=RWRpdG9yaWFsX1RoZUxvbmdSZWFkLTIwMDYyNw%3D%3D&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=longread_email&utm_campaign=TheLongRead .................. AUTOMATED ADS FUEL DISINFORMATION AND CONSPIRACIES https://www.wired.com/story/how-digital-ads-subsidize-worst-web/?bxid=5be9dcc824c17c6adf439b1f&cndid=28400132&esrc=AUTO_PRINT&source=EDT_WIR_NEWSLETTER_0_DAILY_SPECIAL_EDITION_ZZ&utm_brand=wired&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_mailing=WIR_Daily_072920_Special_Omidyar&utm_medium=email&utm_source=nl&utm_term=WIR_Daily_EXCLUDE_PaywallSubs ..................
This wonderful feature-rich map has many details that a viewer can 'layer' in to get a very good look at the totality of water; jurisdiction, source, mines, dams, and much more. Use the blueprint quick start guide first to guide you to the complexity of water in Arizona. https://azwaterblueprint.asu.edu/getting-started
Plastic Problems
The cost of the recycled plastic used to make drink bottles has been increasing significantly compared to the price of making brand new virgin plastic, and that’s a problem for a world trying to use less new plastic. In Europe, the cost of recycled PET was 1.95 times that of new PET as of May 2020, which is significantly larger than the 1.35 times as much it cost in May 2019 and more than twice the 0.93 cents on the dollar it cost in May 2018. In the U.S., the cost has been closer to even, but still elevated with recycled stuff costing 1.22 times as much as the new plastic, up slightly from the 1.07 times as much it was in May 2019. In the U.S., over 100 municipalities halted curbside recycling when the pandemic struck.
In the United States, about 60 percent of at-home toilet paper comes from virgin material, mainly trees logged and clear cut from Canada’s forests that immediately becomes toilet paper. Office buildings — where until a few months ago, lots of Americans spent lots of their day — tended to buy toilet paper that used recycled fibers. The unexpected environmental side effect of the shutdowns of large office buildings has been a surge in the toilet paper that requires clear cut forests and a collapse in the toilet paper that uses recycled fibers. Logging in the Canadian boreal forests emits 26 million metric tons of carbon emissions annually.
Bayer agreed to settle approximately 75 percent of the current litigation around Roundup, a weed killer that attracted approximately 125,000 filed and unfiled claims related to cancer. The company will pay between $8.8 billion and $9.6 billion to resolve current litigation around Roundup — which was introduced by Monsanto, since purchased by Bayer — and will allocate $1.25 billion to address a separate class agreement about possible future litigation. Bayer admits no liability or wrongdoing. Of the three Roundup lawsuits that have gone to trial, all broke in favor of the plaintiffs, with juries finding Roundup was a substantial contributing cause to the plaintiffs’ cancer, though Bayer has appealed those verdicts and will continue to do so separate from this settlement. Bayer continues to sell Roundup and asserts it is safe when used as directed.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. reported global meat production at 339 million tons in 2019, which was a hair down from the 341 million observed in 2018. The group estimates that the 2020 level will come in at 333 million, a plateau after decades of steady, reliable growth: meat production worldwide rose from 70 million tons in 1961 to 236 million tons by 2001. The FAO tracks production of 18 meats — wild game, camel, and guinea fowl among them — but 302 million tons of the 2018 production was just three beasties: pork, chicken, and beef.
IMPROVE YOUR BROWSER PRIVACYSETTINGS https://www.cnet.com/how-to/how-to-improve-browser-privacy-in-chrome-safari-firefox-edge-brave/?ftag=CAD090e536&bhid=24867379272108267615610596432948&mid=12959161&cid=644009257 .............................
Best headphoners https://beginnerguitarhq.com/best-budget-bluetooth-headphones/ ............................. GOOGLE 5 DAY INTRO COURSE FOR ENTRY LEVEL IT TECH https://registration.xe .............................
PERIOD CARE https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/26/new-zealand-supermarket-chain-countdown-becomes-first-to-use-period-label-on-menstrual-products?utm_term=RWRpdG9yaWFsX1RoZVVwc2lkZS0yMDA2MjY%3D&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&utm_campaign=TheUpside&CMP=upside_email <><><><><><><><><> BASKETBALL SNIPPETS https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/20/sports/basketball/nba-bubble-life-twitter.html?campaign_id=32&emc=edit_sp_20200723&instance_id=20566&nl=sports®i_id=55736694&segment_id=34200&te=1&user_id=b6e086957ee2a2364fee94e1c50d4a8b <><><><><><><><><> LET THEM EAT...CAKE? Hyperrealistic cakes in the form of everyday objects. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/14/style/what-is-the-cake-meme.html?campaign_id=20&emc=edit_wg_20200715&instance_id=20339&nl=watching®i_id=55736694&segment_id=33494&te=1&user_id=b6e086957ee2a2364fee94e1c50d4a8b <><><><><><><><><>